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1 Synthèse du marché

1.1 Introduction

The pig farming market in Italy is a major sector within the national livestock industry, consisting of the production and marketing of pigs for food purposes.

There are various types of pig farming, a first distinction is between breeding and fattening farms, the latter can in turn be distinguished into intensive, on straw and free range[Unina]:

  • Breeding
  • Fattening
    • Intensive
    • On straw
    • Outdoor

Pig farming has a long history of interaction with humans, as evidenced by fossil records found in various parts of the world. In Italy, ls pig farming has assumed a significant role in agricultural practices, with the tradition of pig farming in Emilia dating back to the late Middle Ages.[Gransuinoitaliano].

Today, There are about 27, 000 pig farms in Italy, but if we include family farms the number rises to 115 ,000. The largest number of facilities is concentrated mainly in Campania, but intensive-type production is concentrated in Lombardy, where half of all pigs in the country are raised. Lombardy is followed, again in number of facilities, by Piedmont,Emilia Romagna and Veneto. These animals in Italy are often used for the production of products exported all over the world, such as PDO hams, salami and other sausages.[Beinganimals]

The global market size of the pig breeding industry was $30.6 billion in 2022, and decreased 2.2 percent from 2021.[Ibisworld]

This study focuses specifically on the pig farming market in Italy. For detailed information on related markets, such as the cured meat industry, please refer to the specific studies available in the Businesscoot catalog.



1.2 The global and European market

Between **** and ****, world pig production increased from ***.* million tons to ***.* million tons marking a growth of *.*%. In particular, after the slump recorded in **** (***).

Pig production World, ****-****, in million tons Assica China presents the highest figure on pig herd size: ***.* million pigs are raised in China in ****. It is followed by ...

1.3 The Italian market

Between **** and ****, the size of pig herds in Italy appears to be declining. During the period under consideration the number of pigs fell from *.** million to *.** million, marking a contraction of *.* percent. While between **** and **** the figure registers a growth (***) between **** and **** this registers a valo of *.*%. Swine herd size Italy, ...

1.4 Import - Export

In Italy, between **** and ****, about ** percent of pork consumption was met by imports. In fact, Italy's self-supply rate (***) fluctuated between **.* percent in **** and **.* percent in **** over the period, with a gradual decline in recent years. Pork self-supply rate Italy, ****-****, % IsmeaMarkets The analysis of trade flows in and out of Italy ...

1.5 The consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in February **** resulted in, among other things, a general increase in price indexes. The sectors related to pork production and pork consumption are not exempt from this increase.

As for the consumer price index for pork, between January **** and October **** this increased by ** points. Over ...

2 Analyse de la demande

2.1 Demand in Italy

In ****, pork gathers **% of Italians' total meat consumption. Poultry meat appears to be the most consumed (***) thanks mainly to the weight covered by chicken meat consumption. With **% of the total consumption, beef meat is the second most consumed by Italians. Percentage breakdown on meat consumption by type Italy, ****, % IsmeaMarkets Between **** and ...

2.2 Demand drivers

In order to analyze the drivers of pork demand in Italy, the age and gender of consumers are considered.


Pork consumption in Italy appears to be strongly correlated with the age of consumers. As shown in the graph below, a reduction in pork consumption can be seen as the age ...

2.3 Geographical distribution of demand

To analyze the geographical distribution of demand, a map was created with the percentage of people aged * years or older who consume pork at least once a week in each Italian macro-region.

The South presents the highest value: more than half of the population (***) consumes pork weekly. This is followed by ...

3 Structure du marché

3.1 The market structure

To analyze the market structure of pig farming, the number of farms, the number of livestock and the geographical distribution of livestock are considered.

Between **** and ****, the number of pig farms in Italy decreased. During the period under consideration, the number of farms decreased from **,*** to **,***, marking a contraction of **.* percent. ...

3.2 The value chain

3.3 The main actors

A list of the main businesses specializing in pig farming is offered below:

Pro Sus Pig Producers Cooperative: founded in ****, is an Italian company specializing in pork production. The company aims to provide the highest quality and service to its customers, which include processing industries, large retailers and end consumers. ProSus ...

3.4 Transformation

Considering the animal slaughtering sector, excluding poultry, between **** and **** the total number of farms decreased from *,*** to *,*** marking a decrease of *.* percent. After declining between **** and **** (***) in the following years, the sector shows signs of recovery, marking a +*.*% between **** and ****.

Non-poultry meat and slaughter product production enterprises (***) Italy, ****-****, in ...

4 Analyse de l'offre

4.1 Type of the offer

As has been the case with other animal species, pigs have also experienced a decline in the number of Italian breeds in favor of more productive foreign breeds. There has been a replacement over the years of the many native breeds and populations, such as the Cinta Senese and Casertana, with ...

4.2 The prices

The analysis of prices related to pig farming is broken down by each stage of the supply chain: orgini, wholesale, retail.

Prices at origin

In ****, prices at origin for pigs weighing between **-*** kg and ***-*** kg reached *.** euros per kg and *.** euros per kg, respectively. Compared with January ****, prices increased ...

4.3 New supply trends: precision breeding

Precision Livestock Farming (***) is the application of industrial process engineering principles and techniques to livestock farming, with the ultimate goal of monitoring, modeling and managing animal production.the animal is then seen as a "product," and algorithms collected by specific sensors translate responses measured directly on the animal or in its ...

5 Règlementation

5.1 The legislation

The market for raising and slaughtering pigs, as well as for other animal species, is regulated by European and national laws and regulations. Some of the main laws and regulations in Italy are:


Council Directive ****/***/EC: establishes minimum standards for the protection of pigs. Council Directive ****/**/EC: on the identification ...

6 Positionnement des acteurs

6.1 Segmentation

  • Cooperativa Produttori Suini Pro Sus
  • Cooperativa Produttori Suini Pro Sus
  • Azienda Agricola Filiera Uno s.r.l
  • Granterre s.p.a
  • Fratelli Beretta s.p.a
  • Martini Alimentare s.r.l
  • O.P.A.S Società Cooperativa Agricola

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Cooperativa Produttori Suini Pro Sus
Azienda Agricola Filiera Uno s.r.l
Granterre s.p.a
Fratelli Beretta s.p.a
Martini Alimentare s.r.l
O.P.A.S Società Cooperativa Agricola

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The pig farming market | Italy

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