Summary of our market study

The global landscaping market was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many companies initially suspending or slowing down their operations. Despite this setback, demand for landscaping services shifted towards customization, eco-friendly options and improved outdoor comfort thanks to features such as heated terraces and advanced lighting systems. The French market, in particular, saw sales grow by more than 13% to almost 5.9 billion euros. However, the pandemic caused an estimated 40% drop in sales for the first half of 2020 compared with the second half of 2019. Investments in the sector increased, indicating a focus on recovery and environmental responsibility, with a 30% rise in investments, totaling 415 million euros.

Public demand for urban green spaces continues to grow, not least because of benefits such as pollution reduction and social cohesion, even though 8 out of 10 French people feel that cities lack greenery. In terms of market structure, the landscaping sector is characterized by a large number of small businesses, 64.5% of which are independent entities with no employees, while companies with more than 5 employees account for over half of total market sales. The profession requires a certain level of training, with around 85% of graduates and an apprenticeship rate of 11% among employees.

Despite the challenges, the outlook for the industry remains optimistic, with continued growth driven by an increased appreciation of outdoor living spaces and environmental considerations.

Growing demand reflects a thriving French landscaping market

The French landscaping market experienced dynamic growth, celebrating an increase in demand in its various segments. With an impressive growth rate that more than doubled the world average, the market rose from 5.25 to 5.4 billion euros to around 5.9 billion euros. This represents a jump in sales of over 13%, mainly divided between public contracts, private contracts and major private contracts. Households make up a significant proportion of this booming market, with almost 63% of private households in France owning a garden, 58% of which are private and 5% shared. This inclusion is further extended by the provision of gardens or terraces to around 70% of households, suggesting a potential audience of 15 to 20 million households for garden-related furnishing and landscaping services.

The vitality of the market is also reflected in the variety of requests. More than eight out of ten people surveyed said they called on professional services for gardening work at least once a year. Tree and hedge maintenance is the most frequently outsourced landscaping job. What's more, despite the seasonal nature of the sector, with spring being the season when sales are highest, consumer interest remains sustained throughout the year.

An analysis of consumer trends in 2020-2021 depicts changing preferences, with custom additions, water features, heated terraces and the stylish integration of sustainable outdoor furniture such as teak, metal and glass high on wish lists. While the Covid-19 pandemic undeniably caused disruption, bringing business to a temporary halt for around 71% of landscaping companies, recovery is on the horizon.

It is encouraging to note that investment has not fallen off, with companies spending 415 million euros on developing the sector, representing a 30% increase on last year's figures

that's 30% more than in 2016 and represents around 7% of their cumulative sales. In essence, the French landscaping market reveals a dynamic ecosystem enriched by environmental awareness, an expanding customer base and a resilient response to economic challenges. With a significant proportion of the population engaged in garden culture, and a demonstrated willingness on the part of homeowners to invest in the upkeep and improvement of their outdoor spaces, the market is poised to maintain its upward trajectory in the years ahead.

Key players in the landscaping and gardening supplies market

The landscaping and gardening supplies market is characterized by a dynamic mix of companies specializing in various aspects of the beautification and maintenance of outdoor spaces. Among these players, a few stand out for their specialization and market penetration.

  • Sauvaje (Greendeco) is a name associated with sophisticated landscaping solutions. Positioned as a company that responds to bespoke landscaping needs, Greendeco has helped bring to life outdoor spaces that resonate with harmony and elegance, harmoniously blending nature and artistic design.
  • Daniel Moquet has made its mark on the market with a solid approach to landscaping driveways and outdoor spaces. The company's signature is based on the creation of functional and aesthetic surfaces that link the different areas of a garden or outdoor landscape, adding coherence to the overall landscape design.
  • Le Blanc Paysage-Piscine offers dual expertise in landscaping and pool installation, occupying a niche segment of the market. By focusing on the integration of water features into gardens, Le Blanc Paysage-Piscine has established itself as a benchmark for those seeking to add the tranquility of water features to their outdoor spaces.
  • Lantana Paysage is a dynamic entity with a holistic approach to landscaping. Its portfolio includes a variety of services and large-scale projects that demonstrate its landscaping skills, with a particular emphasis on sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices.
  • Maillard Paysage is renowned for its attentive approach to creating and maintaining green spaces that reflect the unique preferences of its customers. From private gardens to corporate outdoor spaces, Maillard Paysage demonstrates versatility and dedication to landscape beauty and functionality.
  • Ginkgo Green Spaces focuses on introducing a piece of nature into urban spaces. They specialize in creating refreshing green zones that enhance the ecological value and visual appeal of urban spaces, contributing to the overall improvement of metropolitan living environments.
  • Meanwhile, the garden furniture and supplies segment is dominated by heavyweights such as Jardiland, Truffaut and Leroy Mer lin, each of which offers a comprehensive range of products for the gardening and outdoor furnishings market. Their extensive networks and customer-focused services have made them leaders in supplying the essentials for gardening enthusiasts and landscaping professionals.
  • Villaverde completes this list by merging the offerings of a typical garden center with the versatility of a larger retailer, offering customers a one-stop experience for all their gardening and outdoor needs.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Landscaping is the harmonious organization of an outdoor space through the creation or maintenance of green spaces. It also takes into account the sanitary requalification of soils and spaces, integrating ecological and sustainable development issues into the project.

Landscaping is thus divided into :

  • New work (earthworks, planting, turfing, paving, installation of benches, fountains, etc.), which accounted for 56% of the sector's sales in 2021,
  • Maintenance work (mowing, pruning, trimming, etc.).

In addition, three types of customer use landscaping services:

  • Private individuals (49% of total sales),
  • Private companies and condominium managers,
  • Public authorities .

The landscaping business is particularly influenced by the dynamics of the building construction market, which is often accompanied by the design of green spaces.the market is also highly competitive, with the number of companies in the sector almost doubling in the last 10 years, prompting players to organize themselves.

On the other hand, growing concern for theenvironment and biodiversity , and the success of environmentalists in the 2020 municipal elections, should stimulate demand from local authorities.

The global market is growing by around 4.2% a year [Industry Reports], while France is set to see growth of over 7% between 2021 and 2022. The market's rise is due not only to the increasing purchasing power of the French, but also to new regional and city-wide development projects.

The coronavirus crisis of 2020 hit the sector hard, bringing it almost to a standstill during the initial containment period, but it is slowly recovering from this crisis. It's a sector with great potential for expansion in view of environmental reforms, particularly in cities, but also because the French are particularly keen to enjoy their outdoor space. What's more, it has been shown that a house with a landscaped exterior gains in value, so for private individuals, landscaping their exterior can be seen as a long-term investment .

1.2 The global landscaping market

The landscaping industry has estimated annual sales of $***.* billion in ****, with a CAGR of *.**% over the ****-**** forecast period [***].

Global landscaping market trends World, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

According to the State of the Industry report, the younger generation will be driving the market in ****. Indeed, it's millenials who ...

1.3 The growing French market

According to INSEE, the landscaping sector, which includes the creation and maintenance of gardens and green spaces, was worth *.*** billion euros in ****, and is estimated to be worth **.*** billion euros in ****.

Although companies in the sector are struggling to cope with the rising cost of materials and energy prices, landscaping is ...

1.4 The effect of Covid-19 on the landscape market

The Covid crisis

The Covid crisis has halted the sector's growth of recent years. Indeed, **% of companies have ceased or slowed down their activity. Only **% were able to maintain normal activity. **% of companies said they had ceased operations at the start of the crisis to protect their employees in the absence ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Typology of demand

In France, **% of people have their own garden, with an average surface area of *** m*, a higher figure than in Germany or the Netherlands. But this figure is very stable overall, having reached **% in ****. *% of French people say they have a shared garden, and **% have no access to any private or ...

2.2 Trends in consumer demand

Generally speaking, the French are increasingly turning to landscape professionals. An analysis of Google searches over the last ** years shows very steady growth in the number of searches for the terms paysagiste and jardinier.

evolution of google searches for "paysagiste" and "jardinier France, ****-****, in % of highest number of searches Source: ...

2.3 A market marked by seasonal demand

The landscaping sector is seasonal, with companies generating sales of around *.* billion euros in the spring, representing over **% of annual sales. [***]

Share of annual garden sales by month France, ****, % of annual sales Source: ****

Indeed, the seasonality of interest in garden and garden furniture is observable every year, with searches all the ...

2.4 Public demand driven by urban development projects

The landscape sector supports cities in their renewal projects. Many urban development projects are accompanied by green spaces, such as green roofs, or urban agriculture and shared vegetable gardens.

The benefits of green public spaces are numerous: countering air pollution, bringing planning stakeholders together, developing diversified project financing, involving the private ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Landscaping market value chain

A possible value chain for the landscaping market is :

Design and planning: This stage includes landscape architects, garden designers and professionals responsible for landscape design and planning. They work closely with customers to understand their needs, develop plans and drawings, and design attractive, functional landscaped spaces. Plant and materials supply: Nurserymen, ...

3.2 Organization of the landscaping sector

Private customers account for the lion's share of landscapers' sales, with a market share of almost **%.

Breakdown of landscaping sales France, ****, in Source: ****

However, these figures are an average. In the graph below, we can see that the larger the company, the fewer its assignments will be addressed to individual customers. ...

3.3 Successful investments after a difficult period

Despite the health crisis and confinements in ****, a majority of business leaders maintained their investments and even increased them in ****. Indeed, in ****, **% of companies in the sector had invested a total of *** million euros, compared with **% in ****, for a total of *** million euros. On average, these companies invested around *.*% of their ...

3.4 A young sector but major hiring difficulties

As a labor-intensive sector, landscaping is a major employer. The sector is particularly good at integrating young workers, with **% of employees on apprenticeship contracts in ****, compared with the national average of *.*%. Although there is a slight ageing of the workforce, the profession remains very young, with **% of employees under the age ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Price per furnishing service

The offer generally falls into several categories or typologies, depending on the services offered. Here are the main types of company we encounter:

Landscaping companies: These are companies specializing in the design, construction and maintenance of landscaped areas. They offer services such as garden creation, tree and plant planting, irrigation system ...

4.2 A sector closely linked to the real estate market

Having a garden, and especially a landscaped garden, adds value to a home on the real estate market. There's no consensus about the contribution of landscaping to the overall value of a property, but it's thought to be between **% and **%. [***]

On the one hand, it can improve the aesthetics of the ...

4.3 New market trends

Feminization of the sector :

The feminization rate of the profession is increasing and now reaches **% of employees. In ****, there were *,*** female employees in landscape companies, compared with *,*** in ****, representing an increase in female headcount of almost **% in * years! This increase is particularly noticeable in management positions: the proportion of female managers ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

Sector specifics

Landscaping is situated between two sectors (***), and its players have often been the victims of a lack of awareness of their specific characteristics. As a result, they are often left out of agricultural and rural aid schemes, and on the margins of support plans for building and public works. ...

5.2 The different laws

Le Code de l'urbanisme: This code defines the rules governing town planning in France, including those relating to landscaping. It sets out the general principles of land-use planning, building regulations, density standards and building height regulations.

Plan Local d'Urbanisme (***): This is a town-planning document drawn up by local authorities to regulate ...

5.3 Convention collective nationale des entreprises du paysage

Employees of landscaping companies are governed by the Convention Collective Nationale des Entreprises du Paysage, identifiable by the number ****. Here's a more detailed summary of its main points.

The agreement applies specifically to companies specializing in the creation, development and maintenance of parks and gardens, as well as to landscapers. With ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Market segmentation

Typically, development projects involve many different types of players: agronomists, ecologists, hydrologists, foresters, architects, town planners, but also farmers, business leaders, developers, etc

  • Daniel Moquet
  • Leroy Merlin France (Adeo)
  • Truffaut
  • VillaVerde
  • Gamm Vert (Teract Groupe)
  • Jardiland (Groupe Teract)
  • Silvera Design
  • Idverde

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Growth in the landscaping market
  • Overall sales in the landscaping sector
  • Sales by customer
  • France's favorite garden materials
  • Trends in google searches for "landscaper" and "gardener
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Latest news

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  • The company distributes around 500 design brands.
  • The company targets not only the home market, but also the corporate market.
  • Silvera began expanding internationally in 2017 in London.
  • Since 2018, it has also been expanding in France, starting with Marseille, which will see the opening of its second showroom in November.
  • Silvera plans to open 16 showrooms by the end of the year.
  • The company employs 220 people.
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Volkswagen overtakes Leroy Merlin in the ranking of foreign companies in Russia. - 03/10/2023
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Leroy Merlin bets on the energy renovation market - 10/07/2023
  • The energy renovation market was estimated to be worth 30 billion euros in 2019, half of it for private individuals.
  • Leroy Merlin aims to become a leader in this market.
  • Energy renovation accounts for only 4% of Leroy Merlin's sales, but it is the fastest-growing sector.
  • 70,000 renovation projects were carried out last year, and 90,000 will be completed this year.
  • The average customer shopping basket is €40,000.
  • In two out of three cases, Leroy Merlin acts as project manager.
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  • Leroy Merlin: 37.4% market share in France and €10.8 billion in sales
  • French market size €34 billion
  • Market share of different players in France :
    • Adeo: Leroy Lerlin 37.4%, Weldom 4.2%, Bricoman 3%
    • Kingfisher: Castorama 13.3%, Brico Dépot 12.8
    • Bricomarché Baktor, BRICO Cash 14.1
    • Mr Bricolage, Briconautes 8.5
Daniel Moquet plans to double its production of concrete slabs - 21/01/2023
  • New production line for concrete slabs in Saône-et-Loire, France
  • Manufacture of concrete and reconstituted stone elements
  • Investment of €1.5 million to double production of concrete slabs
  • The Daniel Moquet Group comprises 3 franchise networks Cumulative sales for these three networks will reach 285 million euros by 2022
Jardiland: turnkey garden maintenance services - 13/10/2022
  • 176 stores in France, including around 100 in 2021
  • sales of almost 800 million euros (including VAT)
  • 36 stores offer services: garden furniture assembly, tree and shrub planting, plant repotting, lawn mowing, hedge trimming, vegetable garden design, barbecue set-up, greenhouse installation, turfing, etc

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Daniel Moquet
Leroy Merlin France (Adeo)
Gamm Vert (Teract Groupe)
Jardiland (Groupe Teract)
Silvera Design

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