
The furniture storage market, as defined beyond the traditional offer that restricts access while items are in storage, has evolved to include self-storage options that offer greater flexibility with guaranteed self-service access to stored items. Originally aimed primarily at people needing extra space or in the process of moving house, the market now caters for a wider range of consumers and a wider variety of items to be stored. The trend is to diversify service formulas, moving away from conventional models to meet demand for more accessible and versatile storage solutions.

The French market was valued at over 250 million euros, and has significant growth potential. However, no specific numerical data is provided directly from 2020 onwards.

**Dynamics of the French furniture storage market** (in French)

The French furniture storage market is changing rapidly, driven by the diverse needs of its consumers. Characterized mainly by its rental services for spaces dedicated to the storage of furniture and miscellaneous objects, the market is experiencing a trend towards flexibility and convenience. Traditionally, the market catered to the needs of private individuals who required long-term storage solutions without being able to access their belongings during the storage period. However, the landscape is changing with the emergence of self-storage models that offer consumers the ability to access, add or remove items on a self-service basis.

These developments are indicative of a changing market structure, aimed at meeting the varied needs of a broader customer base. The service options offered in this sector have become increasingly versatile, ranging from conventional storage solutions to more accessible self-storage formats. This shift is in line with the increasing demand for storage among different consumer segments, including, but not limited to, people who need extra space during transitional periods such as moving house.

What's more, the market is no longer focused solely on furniture. Changing trends suggest a growing need to store a wide range of objects, which is driving the market towards comprehensive solutions for storing different types of object. This flexibility in storage services not only reflects the dynamic needs of customers, but also indicates that the market is sensitive to contemporary lifestyles and space constraints. With the growing diversity of consumer profiles and the widening range of objects requiring storage, the market is poised for robust growth in the years ahead. These indicators reflect a market that is expanding not only in size, but also in the scope and sophistication of the services offered to meet customer demand.

Key players shaping the landscape of the French furniture storage market

The French furniture storage market, which operates within a business model defined by the storage of customers' belongings for varying lengths of time, features a range of service offerings characterized by traditional storage facilities and modern self-storage solutions. Below, we describe the main players orchestrating this dynamic market segment, carving out a place for themselves with distinct service propositions tailored to a diverse and fast-growing customer base.

Pioneers of traditional storage: the classic custodians of memories

  • Rooted in the conventional concept of furniture storage, traditional storage companies have long established themselves as the guardians of their customers' possessions, providing them with secure, inaccessible storage spaces. They cater to customers who need long-term storage solutions without the need for regular access to their belongings. These service providers have strengthened their position in the market by meeting the needs of individuals during transitory life episodes such as moves or renovations, where temporary storage becomes essential.

Self-storage innovators: champions of flexibility

  • Born of a growing desire for autonomy and accessibility in storage, self-storage companies have revolutionized the market with their customer-centric approach. These market players have introduced versatile rental spaces, ranging from small lockers to larger units, while offering customers the freedom to interact with their belongings on demand. Their offers are particularly attractive to those looking for an extension of their personal space, giving them the opportunity to manage their belongings on a self-service basis.

The Chambre Interprofessionnelle du Self-Storage: Setting the standards

  • A key player in market self-regulation and quality assurance, the Chambre Interprofessionnelle du Self-Storage has played a decisive role in promoting best practice and guaranteeing service quality. By upholding industry standards, this body supports the smooth operation of self-storage facilities, boosting consumer confidence and encouraging market growth.

Customer-centric operators: Tailor-made, holistic services

  • In response to a diverse customer base with varied storage needs, some market players have gone beyond furniture storage, offering solutions for a whole range of items. They have refined their service models to include tailored offerings that meet the storage requirements of different customers, whether for personal effects, collectibles or commercial inventory, reflecting current market trends and consumer expectations.

Thanks to the combined presence of these players, the French furniture storage market is on an upward trajectory. Each player brings its own value proposition, responding to customers' intersecting needs, from conventional storage to flexible, accessible storage environments. This constellation of market players continues to drive the sector towards robust future growth and diversification. According to the latest figures, the market is worth over €1 billion

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  • Number of pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
  • Last update : 04/11/2023
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Summary and extracts

1 Market summary

1.1 Introduction and definition of the furniture storage market

A storage facility is a specialized room in which furniture and movable objects can be temporarily stored according to the larousse dictionary

This definition suggests the intervention of an intermediary who provides the client with a "specialized room"

The furniture storage market therefore concerns, on the supply side, the following specialists in the rental of spaces dedicated to the storage of furniture or movable objects for a duration which varies greatly, from a few days to several months. These spaces also vary widely in size, from simple lockers to small warehouses

A distinction is generally made between the traditional furniture storage offer, which does not allow access to goods during the storage period, and solutions of self-storage which give the possibility to add or remove goods in the storage space made available

The service formulas Finally, they are more and more diverse: beyond traditional storage without access to furniture, self-storage is developing more and more, providing more flexibility in storage thanks to a guarantee of access to self-service furniture (source Interprofessional chamber of self-storage ).

On the demand side, it historically concerns individuals who do not have the space to store all their furniture at home or who are moving.

The demand therefore concerns increasingly diverse audiences and objects that are sometimes very different from furniture. Thus, we will also discuss in this study solutions for storing other types of objects than furniture in accordance with current market developments.

In France, the market represented more than 250 million euros in 2016, with strong growth potential in the coming years


1.2 Le marché mondial du garde-meubles

La taille du marché mondial du garde-meubles

Le marché mondial du "self-stockage" a atteint une valeur de **,** milliards de dollars US en ****. Pour l'avenir, le marché devrait atteindre une valeur de **,** milliards de dollars US en ****, avec un TCAC (***) de *,**% entre **** et ****. [***] 

Taille du marché mondial du garde-meubles Monde, ****-****, en ...

1.3 Estimation du marché français

Estimation de la taille du marché Français selon la nomenclature de l'INSEE

Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé le code NAF **.**Z "Services de déménagements". Cependant, la série est arrêtée depuis Décembre **** et nous ne disposons pas du chiffre d'affaires HT en **** pour calculer ...

1.4 Le marché français face à ses concurrents européens en 2021

Le rapport de la FEDESSA **** publié par le cabinet JLL nous donne matière à comparer le marché français des garde-meubles face à ses voisins européens. Mais avant cela, il est intéressant de revenir sur quelques chiffres clés de cette édition. 

En Europe en ****, on estime un nombre total ...

1.5 La crise du Covid et le marché des garde-meubles

La pandémie de COVID-** et le verrouillage qui s'en est suivi ont eu pour conséquence un arrêt brutal de la croissance économique mondiale à partir de mars ****. [***]

Si l'on considère la performance des FPI européennes au cours des * et ** derniers mois, il est clair que l'optimisme est ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Garde-meuble, self-stockage ou costockage ?

2.2 Demande et facteurs déterminants

Une majorité de particuliers en demande de stockage

Si le service de garde-meubles étend de plus en plus son offre aux entreprises (***), la majeure partie de la clientèle reste constituée de particuliers en Europe ; ils représentent en effet **% de l’espace consacré à cette activité.

Ils sont plus nombreux ...

2.3 Une évolution des canaux de distribution poussée par la demande

Les clients des espaces de self-stockage ou de garde-meubles passent par différents canaux pour réserver un box. Entre **** et ****, les sites internet ont confirmé leur supériorité sur les autres moyens de réservation, représentant **% des demandes en ****. Ceci s’explique par l’apparition de sites complètement ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Organisation et dynamique du marché

Le nombre d'établissements et de salariés au sein du secteur

On peut alors observer sur le schéma ci-dessous que le marché connaît une augmentation de son nombre de salariés ainsi que du nombre d'enteprises. Ainsi, passe de ** *** employés en **** pour **** entreprises à ** *** employés en **** pour ...

3.2 Des challengers orientés vers le développement de l’offre en province et de l’offre low-cost

Les entreprises concurrentes du trio de tête diversifient géographiquement leur offre eninvestissant les territoires de province, et notamment dans les villes de plus de *** *** habitants, plutôt que de chercher à s’imposer dans les zones déjà occupées par les leaders du marché. LocaKase, déjà implanté dans ...

3.3 Distribution

La flexibilité étant la clé du succès des nouveaux garde-meubles en self-stockage, les entreprises tentent de donner le plus de liberté d’accès possible et d’informations à leurs clients. 

Cela passe par la digitalisation du service permettant au client d’avoir des informations en temps réel et un ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Des tarifs indexés à de multiples facteurs

Tarifs proposés en Europe

Selon Fedessa, le prix moyen de location annuelle au mètre carré est de ***,** euros en Europe en ****, en augmentation de *% par rapport à ****. [***]

Outre les critères de taille et de localisation impactant sans surprise le prix de l’espace de stockage, l’une des particularités ...

4.2 Une offre qui se renouvelle pour répondre aux nouveaux besoins de la demande

L’apparition de nouveaux garde-meubles

Les garde-meubles classiques sont des grands espaces de stockage, surveillés et gardés, notamment proposés par les professionnels du déménagement. 

Ces derniers proposent traditionnellement des caisses en bois de * à ** m* scellées [***], mais des contrats sur-mesure peuvent être signés pour des ...

4.3 Une offre de plus en plus sensible à son impact écologique

Les centres de stockage se sensibilisent aux mesures de protection de l’environnement et une majorité d’entre eux (***) favorisent des éclairages LED, ampoules à basse consommation pour éclairer leurs centres.

Cependant il reste une vaste marge d’amélioration au niveau des mesures plus coûteuses à mettre en œuvre telles que ...

5 Rules and regulations

5.1 Nomenclature et classification statistique INSEE

Cette étude repose sur des retraitements statistiques issus de l'INSEE selon les codes NAF et APE principalement. 

Les nomenclatures d'activités et de produits ont été élaborées principalement en vue de faciliter l'organisation de l'information économique et sociale. Leur finalité est donc essentiellement statistique et d'ailleurs les critères d'ordre ...

5.2 Règlementation européenne sur les espaces de self-stockage

La mise en place d’un contrat

L'activité de garde meuble repose la rédaction d'un contrat de location entre l'entreprise et le client. 

La rédaction du contrat diffère selon que le client est un particulier ou un professionnel.  Un certain nombre de documents sont à fournir en premier lieu ...

6 Positioning of the actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Shurgard Self-Storage
  • Une Pièce En Plus (Safestore Group)
  • Homebox (Groupe Rousselet)
  • Locakase
  • Mondial Box
  • Les gentlemen du déménagement -Franchiseur.
  • Les déménageurs Bretons
  • Coisne Self Stockage Carrebox
  • DMAX

List of charts

  • Taille du marché mondial des garde-meubles
  • Quelles sont vos attentes concernant les taux d'occupations et vos résultats sur les 12 prochains mois ?
  • Evolution de l'indice de chiffre d'affaires des entreprises enregistrées au code NAF 4942Z
  • E-commerce sales
  • Clientèle de location de box individuels
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Latest news

Company removals: DMAX acquires competitor PRESTA'France - 14/09/2023
  • The DMAX group has sales of 32 million euros.
  • DMAX takes over Presta'France, which has sales of 17 million euros.
  • Prior to the acquisition, DMAX had 15 establishments spread across Ile-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Hauts-de-France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Normandie and Occitanie.
  • Presta'France comprises 27 sites.
  • The total number of employees after the acquisition is 520, compared with 420 before the takeover.
  • InnovaFonds acquired a minority stake in DMAX at the end of 2022
Removals : DMax opens up its capital to cover the entire country - 14/11/2022
  • 16 sites in France
  • 400 employees
  • Sales of 30 million euros by 2021
  • innovaFonds , which manages over 350 million euros in assets, takes a minority stake in the company, alongside BNP Paribas Développement

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Shurgard Self-Storage
Une Pièce En Plus (Safestore Group)
Homebox (Groupe Rousselet)
Mondial Box
Les gentlemen du déménagement -Franchiseur.
Les déménageurs Bretons
Coisne Self Stockage Carrebox

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