
The global electricity market has seen structural growth in both volume and value since 2020, driven by the global demand for electricity, population growth, construction sector dynamism, and development of emerging countries. Electricity capacity, production, and consumption all increased during this period, with power generation revenues hitting $1,614 billion in 2021, reflecting an average annual growth rate of 4.7%. The market is projected to reach $2,462 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.8%, and could further expand to $3,982 billion by 2031 with a CAGR of 10.1%. The Asia-Pacific region comprised the largest market share at 42%, while Western Europe held a 23% share. Major companies in the sector are primarily European and American, with the top seven revenue-earning utilities hailing from Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and the United States.

Electricity Market Dynamics in France: Trends and Insights

The French electricity market is undergoing significant change, influenced by competitive forces, regulatory shifts, and evolving consumer preferences. The opening to competition in 2007 allowed alternative suppliers to challenge the incumbents like EDF, leading to a more dynamic market landscape. With the continuous growth in demand, the French electricity market has maintained a stable volume with over 500 billion kilowatt-hours produced in 2021, with consumption trailing slightly behind at approximately 450 billion kilowatt-hours. Despite overall electricity consumption showing signs of stagnancy, market sales are on the upward trajectory, mostly attributed to the increasing electricity prices, partly as a result of the country's commitment to energy transition towards greener and more efficient technologies.

France's electricity market has not only thrived in volume but also in value, estimated to be between €100 and €110 billion by 2021. The residential sector is responsible for nearly 40% of electricity consumption, indicative of its pivotal role in the marketplace. Households prioritize heating, cooling, and information technology in their electricity use. However, cost remains a dominant factor influencing consumer choice, with a significant percentage of the population expressing concerns over rising electricity prices and declaring a willingness to adopt energy-saving measures. Business and professional usage, including SMEs and the tertiary sector, account for a larger share of electricity demand compared to major industries. Yet, it's noteworthy that certain industrial activities, such as metallurgy, food, and chemical industries, are among the top consumers in their segment.

This evolving market is characterized by varying customer preferences, such as a growing trend towards offers with fixed commitment periods and demand for energy monitoring equipment. Despite the efforts to liberalize the market, incumbent suppliers still retain a large market share; however, the number of households supplied by alternative suppliers is gradually increasing. On the distribution and transmission front, monopolistic entities manage the networks with RTE handling the transmission and Enedis in charge of distribution. Despite a decline in activity due to the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly impacting industrial electricity demand, the transition to renewable energy sources continues to reshape the French electricity landscape, with the share of renewables in the energy mix increasing significantly.

In conclusion, France’s electricity market is characterized by sustained market value growth, stable consumption volumes, a shift towards renewable energy sources, and an increasing consumer preference for competitive pricing and innovative offerings. With these factors at play, the market maintains a prominent position in the energy sector, marked by both stability and adaptability.

Navigating the Currents of France's Evolving Electricity Landscape

As France's electricity market continues to evolve amidst the undercurrents of competition, regulation, and innovation, several key players have emerged, each playing a pivotal role within different segments of the market. Understanding the major companies involved provides insight into how the electrical energy sector in France operates and the services it delivers to customers across the nation. Here's a closer look at the primary market participants:

  • EDF (Électricité de France) EDF stands as a colossus in the French electricity market, once holding a virtual monopoly before the market's deregulation. Even with liberalization, EDF retains a substantial presence across multiple areas of the electricity value chain. From generation to supply, EDF remains a dominant force, operating a fleet of nuclear, hydroelectric, and renewable energy plants, and it still caters to a significant customer base with regulated tariffs. EDF's subsidiaries, RTE and Enedis, manage the country's transmission and distribution networks, respectively, each holding monopoly positions within their segments.
  • Entreprises Locales de Distribution (ELD) Operating alongside giants like EDF, the ELDs maintain a localized presence, servicing specific territories within France. These local distribution companies, while comparatively smaller, are significant in that they offer refined, customer-centric services to their communities and present a remnant of the pre-liberalized market structure.
  •  Engie As one of the world's leading energy providers, Engie has made its mark in the French market as both a generator and supplier of electricity. Boasting a global footprint, Engie has diversified its offerings in France to include a mix of nuclear, renewable, and fossil energy sources. Through its market offers, Engie provides an alternative to the traditionally regulated tariffs and emphasizes green energy options for environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Total Direct Énergie As the leading alternative supplier, Total Direct Énergie, comes forth as a formidable challenger in the market, focusing on residential and business sectors with competitive market offers. Their acquisition by Total has amplified their strength, allowing them to leverage a broader energy portfolio and compete aggressively for market share by promising innovation and customer-focused services.
  • Alpiq and Uniper These suppliers might not have the same historical root or market might as EDF or Engie, but they carve out their niche by offering specialized services and market offers that are tailored to meet the needs of large and medium-sized consumers. Their strategies often target more specific and sometimes sophisticated client bases within the French market.
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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 07/10/2022
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1 Market overview

1.1 Definitions

Electricity is a form of energy that can be produced in a variety of ways, and is used to power electrical appliances and devices. The electricity market is organized around four main areas: generation, supply, transmission and distribution.

On July 1, 2007, the French electricity and natural gas markets were fully opened up to competition. This enabled new players to enter the market and compete with incumbent leaders such as EDF, which held a virtual monopoly on its own (some local public companies were nevertheless authorized to continue operating as Entreprises Locales de Distribution (ELD)).

To enable free competition, it was necessary to separate the activities. As EDF was involved from generation to supply of electricity, it was necessary to separate the different activities in order to open up certain parts to competition. From this, 4 activities emerged:

  • generation: the power plants that produce electricity
  • transmission : the transport of the electricity produced, high voltage
  • distribution: the second part of transport, from low voltage to the distribution of this electricity to the various points of use
  • sale or supply : the wholesale purchase of electricity, followed by resale at the various points of consumption

In France, electricity transmission still operates as a monopoly and is handled by RTE (Commission de Régulation de l'Energie), an EDF subsidiary. Electricity distribution is also close to a monopoly, as it is mainly handled by Enedis, another EDF subsidiary, but also by other local distribution companies.

Electricity generation and supply, on the other hand, are open to competition. Several companies are involved in both activities, including EDF, Direct Energie and Engie.

Sales in the French electricity market are on the rise, even though electricity consumption is stagnating. Electricity production reached 531 billion kilowatt-hours in 2021. This situation is mainly due to rising electricity prices. While opening up to competition was supposed to bring prices down, rising costs and limited access to raw materials have led to higher tariffs.

This rise in prices has been reinforced by the development of green energies and more efficient, environmentally-friendly offerings. Indeed, the energy transition has become the central issue for the sector, and represents a potential for future growth.

Liste des graphiques

  • Capacité, production et consommation mondiales d'électricité
  • Marché mondial de la production d'électricité
  • Évolution de la demande mondiale d'électricité par région
  • Top 10 des plus grandes compagnies d'électricité sur la base des revenus de 2021
  • Répartition de la production d'électricité française par source d'énergie
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Dernières actualités

Engie lance production de biométhane néerlandais - 16/04/2024

**Objectif d'Engie pour 2030**: atteindre une capacité de production de biométhane de 10 TWh.

**Capacité actuelle de production d'Engie**: plus de 1 TWh

**Capacité des nouvelles unités aux Pays-Bas**:- **Hardenberg**: 90 GWh, avec possibilité d'extension à 140 GWh. - **Alkmaar**: 47 GWh, avec potentiel de doubler sa capacité.

**Investissement d'Engie d'ici à 2030**: 3 milliards d'euros dans le biogaz

**Prix du biométhane**: - Aux Pays-Bas: entre 90 et 105 euros le MWh. - En France: autour de 110 euros le MWh.
**Répartition de la capacité d'Engie par pays**: - Pays-Bas: 137 GWh. - Royaume-Uni: 217 GWh. - France: environ 0,7 TWh.

Engie New Ventures mise sur Upstream Tech, start-up spécialiste de la gestion de l'eau - 16/12/2023
  • Date de création d'ENGIE New Ventures (ENV) : 2014
  • Montant total des investissements réalisés par ENV : Plus de 250 millions d'euros
  • Domaines d'investissement d'ENV à partir de 2020 : Biogaz, hydrogène, énergies renouvelables et décarbonation
  • Date de création d'Upstream Tech : 2016
  • Siège d'Upstream Tech : Massachusetts, USA
  • Nombre d'employés d'Upstream Tech : Une trentaine de salariés
  • Puissance du parc hydroélectrique d'ENGIE dans le monde : 18 gigawatts, équivalent à 18 réacteurs nucléaires.
Installer 11.000 bornes de recharge en France en deux ans - 18/06/2023
  • Marque de mobilité électrique Engie Vianeo
  • 12 000 points de charge électrique prévus en France d'ici 2025
  • 1 000 points de charge déjà déployés
  • 800 de charge rapide et ultrarapide sur les réseaux autoroutiers APRR, SANEF, Vinci Autoroutes, et stations autoroutières ESSO (Certas Energy France)
  • Présence dans 35 parkings Indigo de 20 villes, Eurométropole de Strasbourg, Communauté d'Agglomération d'Epinal, Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence, parkings d'hôtels B & B Hotels et  sites Norauto
  • 4 500 points de charge prévus en charge rapide et ultrarapide (moins de 20 minutes de recharge) 
  • Électricité d'origine renouvelable (hydraulique, éolien et solaire)
  • Objectif national français de 400 000 bornes de recharge d'ici 2030
Panneaux solaires : Enel se dote d'une gigafactory pour s'émanciper de la Chine - 07/02/2023
  • Investissement de 600 millions €
  • multiplier par 15 la capacité de production annuelle de son usine de panneaux photovoltaïques à Catane, en Sicile
  • L'usine italienne dépassera à ce moment-là celle du groupe suisse Meyer Burger située à Freiberg, dans l'est de l'Allemagne, d'une capacité annuelle de 400 mégawatts - devant être portée à terme à 1 gigawatt
  • Sa filiale Enel Green Power a porté sa capacité d'énergies renouvelables dans le monde à 59 gigawatts en 2022
Arkema signe avec Engie un gros contrat d'achat de biométhane - 20/01/2023
  • Achat de 300 gigawattheures d'énergie par an au cours de 10 ans
  • Ce contrat, présenté comme l'un des plus importants contrats privés de biométhane en Europe à ce jour
  • Ce gaz bas-carbone est issu de 17 sites de méthanisation notamment agricole, répartis en France et dont le géant de l'énergie achète la production pour la revendre
  • La France compte 500 méthaniseurs raccordés au réseau de distribution du gaz
  • Ce secteur produit 2% de la consommation gazière nationale et est en pleine progression
L'énergie, l'endettement et Enel sont les nouvelles Rome. - 23/11/2022
  • Le groupe va céder une partie de son expansion géographique pour 21 milliards

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