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1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Tailor-made travel consists of the provision by travel agencies and specialized operators of customized services and products in terms of transportation, accommodation and experiences, to travelers and tourists based on their individual characteristics, behaviors, preferences and needs.

The global market for tailor-made travel has been estimated at312 billion dollars in 2023and is expected to reach527.8 billion in 2030, with aCAGRof7,8%.

The tailor-made travel market in Italy had excellent growth prospects before the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, since Italy has always been one of the most popular tourist destinations worldwide and since Italians are a fairly travel-prone people.

Despite the long period of stalemate due to the pandemic, there are numerous opportunities for recovery. First and foremost, it should be acknowledged that the population's increased propensity to use the Internet has led to a strong shift by many industry players toward the use of digitally oriented business models: an increasing number of agencies and operators in fact prefer to operate exclusively online(OTA-online travel agency). While the increasing use of the Internet has had positive implications for this market, there is also no shortage of negative consequences such as the fact that travelers are increasingly able to build their own tailor-made trips without turning to specialized operators who are forced to expand their range of services in order to be more attractive.

Also very important is the positive impact of social media on this market. The latter, in fact, have become a kind of "travel agency," thanks to an increasing number of influencers ("travel bloggers") who propose sought-after destinations, dispense travel tips and showcase breathtaking experiences. This phenomenon makes the possibilities for personalization increasingly varied and numerous, with the result that travelers are increasingly seeking special destinations and unique experiences.

1.2 The global market

The customized travel market represents a strongly growing economic segment. Globally, this market was valued at $*** billion in **** and is expected to reach $***.* billion in ****, with a CAGR of *.*%. The expansion of the tailor-made travel market is attributed to the growing demand for distinctive and personalized travel experiences.

Global bespoke travel ...

1.3 General overview of the local market

The size of the Italian travel agency and tour operator market has changed significantly in recent years, particularly influenced by closures related to the Covid-** pandemic and the start of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine.

Prior to the onset of the pandemic, **** was considered the most crucial year in the growth ...

1.4 The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on tourism

In **** , tourism accounted for ** percent of global GDP, worth nearly $* trillion, so that the sector was almost three times larger than agriculture. However, the value chain of tourism suppliers and intermediaries (***) that make up much of the sector. Governments have generally played a limited role in the sector, with partial oversight ...

1.5 The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the tourism industry

Russia's military offensive in Ukraine, in addition to being a global issue from the standpoint of loss of life, has resulted in the emergence of negative risks for international tourism; by exacerbating already high oil prices and transportation costs, it has increased uncertainty, causing travel to Eastern Europe to be disrupted. ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand characteristics

Consumer demand for travel agencies is strongly influenced by the summer period and the approaching holidays, a period when people take time off from work and vacation from places of knowledge. For these reasons, an overview of online search interest for the keyword "travel agency" is proposed. The values below represent ...

2.2 Factors influencing demand

There are a variety of motivations that can drive an individual to take a trip, and these are a key driver of the growth or decline in demand to travel agencies and tour operators. In ****, about ** million inviduals took a vacation trip; **.* million Italians , on the other hand, took a long ...

2.3 Geographical distribution of demand

The geographic distribution broken down by interest by online search for the keyword "travel agency" is shown below; the values shown, are calculated on a scale of * to ***, where *** indicates the location with the highest frequency of searches as a proportion of total searches for that location, and the value ** indicates ...

2.4 New demand trends

Globally, the strong recovery after the previously mentioned pandemic period is being confirmed; in this sense, travel agencies present a preponderant role, dominating ** percent of bookings globally. It is predominantly tourists who rely on agencies to explore different cultures, learn about local history and culture, and discover hidden and less-traveled destinations. ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market structure and dynamics

The travel agency sector has tended to be very stable. As reported below, there was steady growth until **** , with an increase since **** of **.* percent. Subsequently, due to the effects caused by the pandemic and restrictions, the sector went through a downturn, experiencing a decline in the number of active enterprises by ...

3.2 Value Chain

The value chain in the travel agency market can be divided into several main stages:

research and development: includes the identification of new tourism destinations, travel trends and innovative services. Agencies export and evaluate new market opportunities. resource acquisition and management: covers the negotiation and purchase of services from suppliers such ...

3.3 Distribution chain of tourism services

Travel agents play a central role in the distribution of tourism services;

Wholesalers: wholesalers operate upstream in the distribution chain of tourism services. Specifically, they purchase large quantities of tourism products, such as travel packages from tour operators, and resell them to retailing agencies. This modus operandi allows the retailing agencies ...

3.4 Main actors

In Italy, some notable companies for both continental and intercontinental travel are included among the top travel agencies and tour operators for ****.

Islands Travel: specializes in travel to Italian and Mediterranean islands, offering experiences in smaller islands such as Lipari and Vulcano, as well as Sicily and Sardinia; OTA travel: has ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Type of Offering

Travel and tourism agencies are businesses that perform different activities:

travelarrangements : choosing the destination, attempting to provide the best advice to the consumer; intermediation: agencies perform the task of intermediation between consumers and the main facilities where reservations are to be made; booking and selling tickets: for travel and stays.

The ...

4.2 Prices

Travel agency prices are highly changeable depending on the type of service offered. Some travel agencies deal only with booking, others with complete travel packages. Where reservations are made in advance, some agencies may offer discounts. In general, a very wide price range is expected, ranging from €*** to even more than ...

4.3 New supply trends: travel bloggers

Travel bloggers represent increasingly influential players in the tourism industry and online consumer community. Thanks to their ability to offer advice and stories, they combine their firsthand experiences with knowledge of different cultures, offering virtual guides and transporting their followers to the places they have experienced, inspiring them to explore the ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Rules and regulations

Italy has a very thriving regulation of travel agencies, governed by various laws and legislative decrees, which have evolved over time;

Framework Law ***/****: With this legislation, specific provisions for travel agencies and tour operators were ncluded, helping to define the regulatory framework of the sector. Although it was repealed by Law ...

5.2 Travel agency and tour operator bonuses

Following the economic effects that occurred due to the Covid-** pandemic, the Italian Ministry of Tourism has initiated financial livelihood measures designed to compensate for losses incurred during the emergency. The deadline for submitting applications has been extended into ****. The bonus is accessible for businesses registered under Ateco codes **.*, **.** or **.**.

Defined ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

Activities of travel agencies

Tour operator activities

  • Idee Per Viaggiare
  • Gattinoni Travel Network
  • Italcamel
  • BCD Travel
  • Alpitour
  • 6Tour
  • Musement

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Idee Per Viaggiare
Gattinoni Travel Network
BCD Travel

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the tailor-made travel market | Italy

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