Summary of our market study

In France, the VOD market reached €2 billion in 2023.

The market was €185 million in 2011.

The global video-on-demand (VOD) market has grown significantly, with the rise of subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) services. By 2020, the market was valued at 36.3 billion euros, with subscriptions accounting for the lion's share.

Illegal streaming remains a problem, with only 43% of consumers of streaming services using exclusively legal sources.

Television is the predominant medium for VOD consumption, used by 87.6% of the French public.

The main players on the French market are Netflix, Amazon Video and Canal Play. Internet service providers play a central role as distributors, controlling over 40% of market share in 2017.

38% of respondents consider price to be the primary criterion for choosing a platform.

VOD platform content is diversifying, with many platforms investing in original productions.

Demand dynamics in the French video-on-demand market

The French video-on-demand (VOD) market is enjoying solid growth, fueled by the enthusiasm of young consumers.

Three distinct offerings define video-on-demand services: limited-access rentals, permanent purchases and unlimited access by subscription, known as SVOD.

Online film and video consumption is on the rise among the French population. Internet access in French households supports this trend, with an increase from 61% in 2008 to 86% in 2018. The under-40s account for almost a third of this segment subscribing to services offering an unlimited range of series and films. Only 7% and 14% of those over 40 have similar subscriptions.

The VOD offer, which rose from 6,000 to 7,000 films in 2011 to over 10,000 in 2017. At the same time, overall legal online film and video consumption has risen substantially, from around 30% to 50% of the population between 2012 and 2018.

The main competitors in the video-on-demand arena

  • .Netflix
  • Amazon Video
  • Google Play
  • Apple's ITunes
  • Filmo TV
  • Vidéo Futur
  • Canal Play
  • MyTF1 VOD & TFOU Max
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of video on demand

The video-on-demand(VOD) market is made up of offers enabling viewers to watch a film at home without having to rent or buy a DVD. In most cases, it's a digital offering via the Internet.

In reality, video on demand refers to three types of offer:

  • Access to a film/series for a limited time (rental).
  • Definitive acquisition of the rights to view a film/series (purchase).
  • A subscription for unlimited access to films/series in the catalog (subscription). This third offer is called SVOD (from subscription video on demand) and refers to players such as Netflix.

In the VOD market, players are all striving to offer the widest possible choice of films and series. The trend is to adapt the model from simple video-on-demand to SVOD subscriptions, offering an unlimited catalog and choice of films and series to be viewed at any time during the subscription period. Players on the French market are gearing up to compete with international players with their eye on the market, such as Netflix and Amazon Video.

Nationality of films available on video-on-demand in France

France, year, units

Consult the study for figures and sources on the SVOD market in France

1.2 Strong growth in the global market

According to IDATE DigiWorldthe global video-on-demand market was worth ** billion euros in **** and will be worth **.* billion euros in ****. The global market is driven by subscription at nearly ** billion euros in ****, followed by digital rental and sales.

Video-on-demand market value by segment Worldwide, ****-****, in € billions Source: ****

1.3 The video-on-demand market in France is growing

According to the Center National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animéethe overall video-on-demand market in France has grown rapidly in recent years. It rose from *** million euros in **** to *** million euros in ****. Even so, the economic weight of video-on-demand in France remains limited compared with the weight of linear ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Overall consumption of films and videos online on the rise in France

According to iFOPthe overall consumption of films and videos legally in France increased between **** and ****, rising from **% of French people in **** to **% in ****.

Overall consumption of online videos and films France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

2.2 The French are spending more and more on film and video-on-demand services

According to IVFconsumer spending on video-on-demand in France rose sharply between **** and ****, from **.* million euros to ***.* million euros. By ****, this spending had fallen slightly to ***.* million euros.

Consumer spending on VOD France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****

However, the increase in French consumer spending on films on demand in France ...

2.3 Demand for video-on-demand is very high among the under-40s

The video-on-demand market in France is driven by the under-**s segment. According to CREDOCwhile almost **% of people under ** have a subscription allowing them to watch series and films on an unlimited basis in France, only **% of **-** year-olds and *% of over-**s have one.

Proportion of individuals with a subscription ...

2.4 More and more French people are equipped with Internet access at home, which is driving the emergence of video-on-demand platforms

According to a survey conducted by CREDOCthe rate of home Internet access in France has risen from **% in **** to **% in **** (***).

Rate of home Internet access France, ****-****, in Source: ****

2.5 The share of illegal streaming in France is high, hindering the development of VOD platforms in France

According to the SNEPonly **% of consumers of streaming services are exclusively legal in France. There is therefore a significant shortfall for the remaining **% of consumers who use illegal streaming to watch films and series. France is also poorly positioned compared to the UK and Sweden in Europe.

Share of exclusively legal ...

2.6 France's favorite VOD companies

The graph below is based on OpinionWay's survey of French people's favorite brands in March ****. These are respondents' answers to the question "Do you like this or that VOD company?" for each brand, with the percentage corresponding to the proportion of respondents who answered "yes".

Netflix is the French people's favorite ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Most video-on-demand consumption is via television

According to the Center National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée**.*% of French people say they watch video-on-demand films and series on television, compared with only **% on their computer and **% on their cell phone.

Breakdown of paid video-on-demand consumption France, ****, in Source: ****

This trend is being used by TV ...

3.2 Players in the French video-on-demand market

In France, some sixty players share the video-on-demand market, * times more than in **** according to the Center National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée:

Box operators generally offer VOD: this is the case for Orange, SFR, Free and Bouygues. In addition, other players linked to television or the Internet ...

3.3 Distribution of VoD platforms: the key role of ISPs

According to the Center National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animéetelevision is the primary mode of consumption for video on demand, internet service providers are among the leading distributors of VoD platforms, with a **% share of the distribution market in ****. ISPs market these offerings via "triple and quadruple play ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Price is decisive in the purchasing decision

Price is a major component of the video-on-demand market in France: according to a survey conducted by the CNCsurvey, **% of French people believe that what would encourage them to use pay-per-view video-on-demand services more regularly would be "to lower the price of the films and series available ". This is the most ...

4.2 Replay services dominate

According to european Audiovisual Observatoryin ****, the video-on-demand offer in France was dominated by TV Replay services with *** platforms, followed by film, sports and children's services.

Number of legal video-on-demand services France, ****, in units Source: ****

For video rental, films (***), while TV programs represent less than *% of sales.

Breakdown of value sales by ...

4.3 Content diversification benefits platforms

Platforms are no longer content to provide users with content produced by other companies, but are themselves investing in the production of original creations. This allows them to free themselves from national legislation on broadcasting rights, and to offer exclusive content that will encourage users to choose their platform. On the ...

4.4 News

The growth of the SVOD market is attracting new entrants aiming, ultimately, to dethrone Netflix. In fact, from November ****, Apple and Disney will launch their respective platforms on the US market at very attractive prices (***).

The SVOD platform market is thus increasingly competitive. The explosion in costs seems to indicate that ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Current regulations

In France, the legal framework is a cornerstone of the market, since companies have to wait a certain number of months after the release of a film before adding it to the video-on-demand catalog: ** months for a paid offer and ** for a free offer. This period should be reduced to ** months ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

6.2 SVOD company website traffic in France

Web traffic of the other main SVOD sites in France France, ****-****, in thousands of visits Source: ****

  • Netflix
  • Prime Vido (Amazon)
  • Google Play
  • Filmo TV
  • VideoFutur
  • Canal Plus Groupe (MyCanal)
  • France Télévision
  • Orange Groupe
  • SFR (SFR Play)
  • Free (Iliad)
  • TF1 Groupe
  • Apple TV
  • M6 Groupe

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Nationality of films available on video on demand in France
  • Video-on-demand market value by segment
  • SVOD market
  • Number of films on active VOD offer
  • Global consumption of online videos and films
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With five million fiber subscribers, Free responds to criticism from the regulator - 18/07/2023
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Prime Vido (Amazon)
Google Play
Filmo TV
Canal Plus Groupe (MyCanal)
France Télévision
Orange Groupe
SFR (SFR Play)
Free (Iliad)
TF1 Groupe
Apple TV

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