Summary of our market study

The French poultry market is estimated at between 1.9 and 2 million tons of poultry

The European Union produced 13.4 tons of poultry in 2020. France is one of the main consumers, with 1.88 million tonnes in 2020, just behind the UK and Germany.

The impact of COVID-19 has led to a 0.1% increase in French poultry consumption in 2020, with chicken and turkey purchases up by 11.1% and 2.8% respectively.

In recent years, the French market has favored white meats, particularly poultry, with poultry consumption rising from an average of 23.5 kg per person to around 27.5 kg per person in 2020.

The French market offers a wide range of products, from processed and cut poultry to whole birds. Processed and cut-up poultry is the most popular. Whole poultry, which was the consumer favorite in the 90s, is now in decline.

The French market is moving towards high-end poultry (red label and organic), with sales of red label chicken rising by 10% and organic chicken by 6% in 2021, but organic poultry consumption still represents a small share of the market.

France is one of the world's leading producers of free-range poultry, and organic chicken production doubled between 2009 and 2019.

The poultry sector is faced with rising raw material costs.

A few major groups dominate the industry. French poultry farming has seen a steady number of slaughterings over the past decade. Supermarkets and hypermarkets are the main distribution channels.

French poultry production fell by 1.6% in 2020, and the country has become a net importer. The balance of trade is in deficit by €300-350 million. Imports come largely from neighboring European countries, Belgium, Poland, the Netherlands and Germany.

The industry is tightly regulated, prioritizing animal welfare with directives and laws such as the Egalim law aimed at balancing the forces between market players.

Key players in the French poultry market

  • Eureden, a cooperative with a strong focus on sustainable farming practices and vertical integration.
  • LDC, known for its extensive presence, operates in several segments, including breeding, slaughtering and processing, enabling it to have a significant impact on national and international poultry markets.
  • Terrena, another livestock giant, takes a cooperative approach to the global agriculture and food industry.
  • Nutrea, a Eureden subsidiary specializing in animal and poultry feed
  • La Coopérative du Gouessant, specialized in the production of animal feed.
  • Poultry products are mainly distributed by major food retailers

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  • Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition & scope of the study

The poultry market is the market for the breeding of poultry, a domestic bird, belonging to the gallinaceous or palmipeds, which is raised for its meat or eggs. The term refers to all backyard birds, which are the subject of poultry farming. The present study will focus on industrial and local poultry farming and its distribution

The poultry market in France is dominated by a few major groups These include the LDC group and the Duc group (acquired by the Plukon group in 2017), which also dominate the European market. The main marketing channels for poultry in France are supermarkets and hypermarkets, restaurants and specialized channels. In 2019, almost 3/4 of French poultry production is concentrated in the Grand Ouest region, which demonstrates a certain geographical dependence of the market.

The poultry market is very important in France: France is the third largest poultry producing country in the European Union . Poultry consumption in France has increased over the last ten years to reach the 1.88 MTEC mark (Million Tons Carcass Equivalent) in 2020

The economic landscape has darkened in recent months for the major poultry producers in France. These economic difficulties can be explained mainly by the surge in raw material prices, which has resulted in higher production costs. To protect their interests, supermarkets and hypermarkets have been unwilling to meet the needs of industrialists for price increases.

Even if organic is on the rise, the organic poultry meat segment in France remains a niche market. Organic meat accounts for between 0.5% and 4% of the market in France, with a turnover of 800 million euros in 2019. One of the major obstacles to the growth of this sector is the price of organic meat, which is 10 to 30% higher than that of non-organic products.

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Share of poultry producing countries in Europe
  • Poultry consumption of a European
  • Segmentation of the poultry consumption market
  • Evolution of the price composition of a standard whole chicken in supermarkets
  • Annual composition of the annual retail price of poultry in supermarkets
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Latest news

LDC passes the €6 billion mark in sales - 30/05/2024
  • Sales: up 6% to 6.5 billion euros.
  • - Net income: strong growth to 304.4 million euros.
  • - Poultry consumption since 2000: up 36%.
  • - Poultry Division France :
    • - Sales: 4.4 billion euros.
    • - Growth: 5.9% overall, and 2.3% on a like-for-like basis.
  • - Catering division :
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    • - Growth: 10.2%. - Volume: up 1.1%.
Why chicken king LDC is betting big on the delicatessen department - 30/05/2024
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  • Poultry consumption continues to grow in France, up 3.4% last year.
  • Leader in the poultry sector with 40% market share and sales of 4.4 billion in 2023
LDC ready to acquire caterer Pierre Martinet - 29/05/2024

Pierre Martinet

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  • - Number of employees: 700
  • - Number of sites: 5
  • - Markets: France, international with notable development in Spain
  • - Activities: Delicatessen salads, seafood salads, delicatessen products, savoury pastries
  • - Brands: La Belle Henriette (acquired in 2010), Maison Randy (acquired in 1997)

- LDC :

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  • - Number of sites: 102
  • - Number of employees: 25,000 Sectors: Poultry (Le Gaulois, Maître Coq, Loué, Doux), fresh and frozen delicatessen (Marie, Traditions d'Asie), in negotiations to acquire Pierre Martinet

- Self-service (LS) catering market:

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  • -lDC in negotiations with the industrial division of Les Mousquetaires for the takeover of Délices de Saint-Léonard (specialized in the manufacture of fresh and frozen pizzas, quiches, crêpes and tarts), announced for October 2023
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Auchan faces another "difficult" year in 2023 - 22/02/2024
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  • - Previous year's profit: 33 million euros
  • - Auchan's position in the French retail sector: 5th
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  • - Share of hypermarkets in Auchan's store base: 21%
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Auchan: New Beginnings - 06/12/2023
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  • Failed attempt by the Mulliez family to take over Carrefour in October 2021.
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  • Auchan and Intermarché have been trying to share nearly 300 hypers and supermarkets that Casino is due to sell.
Loué poultry conquers the Polish market - 23/11/2023
  • LDC, France's leading poultry company
  • Acquisition of Poland's leading turkey producer, Indykpol, with Rolmex, a real estate investor, poultry exporter and wine distributor.
  • Poland is Europe's biggest turkey and chicken producer, exporting half of its poultry to the European Union
  • This operation will take LDC's total international business to over €1 billion by 2024, with total sales of over €6 billion.
  • The French company will then own 16 plants in Poland, with sales of 700 million euros
  • Indykpol achieved sales of 228 million euros in 2022, over 60% of which in the domestic market.
  • Poland
  • The aim is to establish the LDC model with poultry born, raised and processed locally, and to develop consumption with well-known brands such as Indykpol.
  • LDC set up in Poland twenty years ago
  • The devastating effects of bird flu are a thing of the recent past, and the vaccination of ducks has given new hope to the industry.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Auchan groupe
Les Mousquetaires Groupement
LDC Groupe
Eureden Group - d’Aucy
Nutréa Nutrition Animale NNA
Carrefour Groupe
Terrena (Coopérative)
Galliance (Terrena Groupe)
Octopus Biosefty
Boehringer Ingelheim
Fermiers du Sud Ouest (Maisadour)
Maître Coq (LDC Groupe)

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