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1 Synthèse du marché

1.1 Introduction

The term chicken generally refers to the male and female of the Gallus gallus species raised for food. The poultry market in Italy plays a key role in the country's agribusiness industry and is an essential component in the diet of Italians. Over the years, demand for chicken meat has grown steadily, thanks to its nutritional profile, value for money, and versatility in preparing dishes.

Chicken is one of the most popular foods in the world. The United States is the country with the highest consumption. However, chicken meat consumption has increased in almost every nation. The global market is expected to reach a value of $429.11 billion by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.45 percent.

Italy belongs to the leading poultry producers in Europe, accounting for 9 percent of the total by 2022. Chicken production has recently become a popular topic in Italy thanks to investigative journalism, with reports that have exposed hygienic and sanitary conditions judged to be substandard and alleged mistreatment of animals.

In the future, this market will have to adapt to growing consumer concerns about animal welfare and sustainability.

1.2 The global market

As said earlier, chicken is one of the most popular foods in the world. The United States is the country with the highest consumption. However, chicken meat consumption has increased in almost all nations and regions, with consumers attracted by the low prices, the product's consistency and versatility, and the higher ...

1.3 The Italian market

Italy is among the leading poultry producers in Europe, with * percent of the total in ****. Only Poland, Spain, Germany, and France produce more.

Main chicken producers in Europe EU, ****, % European Commission

In ****, Italian poultry meat production decreased slightly to *,***,*** tons (***). Chicken meat production remained almost stable, while turkey meat production decreased ...

1.4 Export-Import

Data on Italian meat trade between **** and **** show an increasing trend for both imports and exports. In ****, meat imports amounted to $***.* million, while exports were $***.* million. In ****, imports increased to $***.* million, while exports grew significantly to $***.* million. The coverage ratio, which indicates the ratio of exports to imports, was constantly greater ...

1.5 The effect of covid

The poultry sector has been affected by the COVID-** pandemic, but the effects vary greatly from one area to another. Each country differs in the progression of the disease. In a study conducted in England and Spain, producers indicated a recent increase in demand for products, with **.* percent mentioning that the ...

2 Analyse de la demande

2.1 The question

The ISMEA (***) report indicates that there is a stable demand in Italy for chicken, which is the most widely consumed white meat in the country. In addition, demand for chicken products - such as minced meat and precooked products - is also growing steadily.

In ****, more than ** percent of the Italian ...

2.2 Demand drivers

The main drivers of demand for chicken are:

Healthier image compared to other meats, ease of preparation, and absence of religious constraints related to consumption. [***] Age of consumers: Chicken meat consumption decreases with advancing age. Consumption at least a few times a week is highest for children aged **-** and lowest ...

2.3 Geographical distribution of demand

Data on the regional consumption of white meat suggest a fairly homogeneous popularity of this type of meat throughout the country, except for Trentino Alto Adige, which shows a significantly lower consumption than other regions. The highest figure is for Tuscany.

These data show the percentage of people who consume white ...

2.4 The organic chicken

Free-range organic chicken is a form of chicken meat production that follows strict standards for animal health and welfare, as well as for the quality of meat produced. In this type of farming, chickens are free to move around and behave naturally, such as scratching the ground and laying eggs. They ...

3 Structure du marché

3.1 The market structure

Poultry farms are concentrated in the North, where about ** percent of the ** million broilers surveyed are raised. In the top three regions alone, nearly two-thirds of the national stock is raised.

Breakdown of head and broiler farms Italy, ****, % ismeamercati

Istat does not provide up-to-date data on market structure; however, Ismea data ...

3.2 The value chain

3.3 Distribution

Distribution of chicken meat is mainly through three channels.

Retail: Modern Distribution: refers to the more modern and structured sales channels, such as supermarkets, hypermarkets, and discount stores. Traditional Distribution: refers to the more traditional sales channels, such as independent grocery stores, butchers, and local markets. Calane Ho.Re.Ca.: covers ...

3.4 Slaughtering and processing

Over the past two years, broilers less than * kg have shown monthly fluctuations with an overall trend to remain stable, increasing *.* percent over the period. In contrast, broilers greater than * kg have shown more consistent growth over time, despite some fluctuations, registering an overall increase of **.* percent.

Number of broilers slaughtered Italy, ...

4 Analyse de l'offre

4.1 The offer

The term chicken is a generic term to refer to the male and female of the Gallus gallus species raised for food. Chicken according to age and weight can be defined as: pullet, hen, cockerel, free-range rooster, or capon:

chicken: * kg to *.* kg, suitable for all cooking. pullet: from *.* kg to ...

4.2 The prices

The previously explained increase in raw material costs, combined with the inflation that is affecting Italy, has led poultry prices to rise in recent years. As of February ****, this value has increased by **.*% compared to ****. The graph shows the monthly trend over the past * years.

Consumer price index trend for poultry Italy, ...

5 Règlementation

5.1 The regulation

At the European level, the most important laws for the market are [***]:

eU animal health and food safety regulations. Commission Regulation (***) No. ***/****: stipulates that imported poultry meat bearing certain optional indications must be accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country of origin attesting to compliance with ...

6 Positionnement des acteurs

6.1 Segmentation

Among active companies in the poultry breeding sector, pure breeders and feed producers have to be distinguished. Among the breeders, the Veronesi group alone makes up more than ** percent of the industry's turnover, whereas the other companies all have a turnover of less than €*** million per year.

Breeders Name Turnover (***) SOCIETA' ...

  • O.R.A. Società agricola S.r.l.
  • Società agricola Fileni S.r.l.
  • Società agricola Prealpina S.r.l.
  • Società cooperativa agricola Ripro-Coop (Amadori)

List of charts presented in this market study

  • World poultry market
  • Poultry production
  • Major chicken producers in Europe
  • Breakdown of agricultural turnover
  • Export - import of poultry (HS code: 0207)
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

O.R.A. Società agricola S.r.l.
Società agricola Fileni S.r.l.
Società agricola Prealpina S.r.l.
Società cooperativa agricola Ripro-Coop (Amadori)

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The poultry market | Italy

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