Summary of our market study

The French fitness market reached 2.8 billion euros in 2023.

The global market is valued at over 91 billion dollars, and the European market at 28 billion euros .

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitization of the coaching offer, with a growing emphasis on virtual sports coaching. This sub-segment includes various media such as videos, smartphone apps, live sessions on social media and digital platforms, with companies such as Freeletics and FizzUp leading the market.

Virtual sports coaching market trends in France

The French sports economy is valued at around 78 billion euros.

The French fitness market is growing at an estimated annual rate of 3%, reaching an estimated value of 2.8 billion euros. Nearly 58% of French people choose to practice "free" sports outside the traditional club setting.

Between 35% and 40% of the French population take part in fitness activities, defending the "sport-santé" ideology. This emerging ideology is particularly prevalent among people in their thirties, at a time in their lives when the importance of maintaining "health capital" is becoming increasingly apparent.

Every year, the French spend an average of 250 to 270 euros on sport.

Almost 57% of the population consider sport to be expensive, and are turning to affordable virtual coaching solutions.

As the digital space is enriched by a range of exercise apps and platforms, companies such as Freeletics and Strava are making their presence felt, auguring an imminent rise in the use of these digital tools for exercises ranging from performance tracking to personalized fitness regimes. Rates for online sessions can fluctuate, with an average price hovering around 45 to 50 euros per hour, depending on the sport, expertise and equipment required.

Virtual sports coaching is therefore on the cusp of significant innovation, underpinned by a confluence of digital penetration, a national penchant for virtual sports coaching, and a desire to improve people's quality of life.

Players in online sports coaching

TrainMe and ABC Sports Coaching have carved out a place for themselves in the virtual coaching segment as platforms for connecting customers and professionals. These companies are at the forefront, leveraging sophisticated algorithms to facilitate sessions perfectly tailored to the individual needs and goals of users seeking both fitness and skill development in a variety of sports.

FizzUp stands out for its comprehensive offering that combines the three elements of exercise programs, diet planning and mental well-being. The app not only guides users through personalized training programs, but also integrates nutritional advice and meditation practices to ensure an overall health transformation.

Freeletics has earned its place as the benchmark fitness app, thanks to advanced AI algorithms that create personalized training plans. The app promises a unique journey for each user, adapting to their progress and encouraging them to consistently commit to their personal fitness goals.

Basic Fit and Neoness, traditional fitness center chains, have expanded their offer to include digital coaching solutions. Complementing their indoor services, these establishments offer mobile apps that enable members to maintain their training regimen anywhere, anytime, enhancing the experience and value for the customer.

Leveraging the reach of platforms such as YouTube and Instagram, fitness influencers such as Sissy Mua and Tibo InShape provide accessible workout content to the masses.

Decathlon has launched its own coaching app, Decathlon Coach, which offers a range of training resources to help users stay motivated and track their performance.

Superprof has positioned itself as a marketplace for various subjects, including sports coaching, where independent coaches can offer personalized live training sessions online.

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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Market definition and presentation

Coaching is a form of support designed to help a client achieve a goal. Coaches can be found in different fields, such as personal development, professional development or sport. In the latter case, the coach generally works in a gym or at home, whether salaried or self-employed.

Online sports coaching is a segment of the more global sports coaching market. Customers use digital tools to program their training, monitor their workouts and measure the progress of their performance: video sites, mobile applications, platforms to put them in touch with a coach, videoconferencing lessons, etc.

The sector is booming: the global market for sports coaching platforms could triple in size by 2031. While it's difficult to estimate the exact size of the French market, the increase in the number of companies belonging to the "coaching and sports teachers" segment within the sports sector, and the growth of the fitness market, which has picked up again following the Covid-19 crisis, are positive signs for online sports coaching.

The democratization of technological tools in sports practice is another key factor in the sector's development: applications and connected objects are now part of the daily lives of many athletes, who are looking for better support and monitoring of their activity.

The market is highly fragmented, with many different types of players involved: specialists who have developed dedicated tools, independent coaches present on platforms, influencers and videographers sharing their content online, etc. The big names in sport (equipment manufacturers, retail chains, gyms) are also present, as are tech companies. This abundant competition does not prevent new start-ups from trying their luck on the market. Each is trying to stand out from the crowd by focusing on differentiating elements: business models (free, freemium, subscription), content that goes beyond sport (health, lifestyle, cooking recipes, etc.), specific offers for businesses, etc.), specific offers for businesses, etc.

1.2 The global market

estimated at $***.* million in ****, the global market for sports coaching platforms could more than triple in size by ****, reaching $*.*** billion. This would represent a CAGR (***) of **.*% over this period.

Sales forecasts for the sports coaching platforms market World, ****-****, in millions of dollars Source: ****

This increase is linked to a sustained dynamic around physical activity and sport, increasingly identified as a factor in good health and well-being. At the same time, the progression of available digital tools and functionalities (***) is improving the offer and appealing to a wider audience. Finally, the Covid-** crisis, which drove a large number of consumers to digital tools during periods of confinement, also played its part in the democratization of online coaching.

While North America is currently the market's dominant region, Asia-Pacific could overtake it in the coming years. The sector benefits from a growing customer base in this region due to rising living standards, the rapid adoption of digital technologies, and public policies favoring the practice of sport. [***]

1.3 The French market

There are few precise economic indicators for the French sports coaching market, and even fewer for its online equivalent. However, it is possible to give an idea of the weight and dynamics of the sector based on other data.

In ****, the French sports industry will generate sales worth ** billion euros. Sports coaches and instructors accounted for * billion euros in sales, or *.*% of the total.

Economic weight of different segments of the sports industry France, ****, in billions of euros Source: ****

***,*** companies were involved in the industry. Over **% belong to the coaching and sports instructors segment, i.e. more than **,*** companies. This activity is therefore largely responsible for the increase in the number of companies involved in the sports sector: +**% between **** and ****. These figures also show that the coaching segment is highly fragmented, with a majority of micro and very small companies.

Number of companies active in the various segments of the sports sector France, **** Source: ****

The fitness market is also proving buoyant, another encouraging sign for sports coaching platforms and apps. At the end of ****, it was worth *.** billion euros in France. It is expected to grow by *% a year between now and ****, thanks in particular to the French people's desire ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 The French are increasingly sporty

in ****, **% of French people had taken part in at least one physical activity or sport in the past year, up * points on ****. Despite a slight drop compared to ****, slightly more French people are taking part in sport.

Proportion of French people who have taken part in a physical activity or sport in the last ** months France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

Of these participants, **% say they maintain this activity throughout the year, **% only from time to time, *% only at certain times of the year, and *% only during the vacations.

The majority of exercisers are therefore keeping up their commitment over time, and on an increasingly regular basis: **% of sportsmen and women take part in their main activity * times a week or more, up from **% in ****. This is a positive development for the coaching sector, since the more involved a practitioner is, the more likely he or she is to seek support and advice.

Frequency of practice of the main activity of French athletes France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

On the other hand, the number of regular and occasional sports enthusiasts has fallen among younger people between **** and ****, despite the fact that this population is the most familiar with digital technologies and, potentially, online sports ...

2.2 Mostly solitary athletes, but looking for support

Nearlyone in two French people practiced their sport alone in ****, a stable proportion compared to ****.

Proportion of French people practicing their sport alone or with others France, ****, in % Source: ****

These results support the sports most practiced by the French in ****, which do not require the presence of more than one person: running, fitness, swimming and cycling top the list.

Sports most practiced by the French France, ****, % of total Source: ****

This predominantly solitary practice does not mean that it takes place "outside the structure": the proportion of French people using apps and tutorials, or following influencers or courses, increased by * points between **** and ****, although it remains at a moderate level. Conversely, completely autonomous practice, without apps or courses, fell by * points between **** and ****, a sign that more and more athletes are seeking support, despite their solitary practice.

Proportion of French people who use online applications or courses when practicing sport France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

The rate of coaching (***) had increased by * points between **** and ****, before falling by * points in ****, to **%. The majority of athletes using this type of service do so regularly or all the time.

Responses to the question "Have you been coached by a sports trainer or educator (***) in the ...

2.3 Increasingly familiar with digital tools in their sporting activities

Sports training and fitness were cited by the French as the most widespread reasons for using apps to improve health and well-being in ****. They come out on top for all age groups, with the exception of Gen Z, who place apps for staying connected with family and friends above all others (***). Overall, more than a quarter of French people are already using apps as part of their sporting activities.

Proportion of French people using applications dedicated to sports training and fitness, by age group France, ****, in % Source: ****

The democratization of technology in sports practice is a positive trend for online sports coaching, which also requires the use of apps, connected objects, etc. **% of French people regularly used digital measuring instruments for physical activity in ****, including **% all the time, up * points on ****.

Proportion of French people using digital physical activity measuring devices France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

2.4 The French are vigilant about spending on sports

The annual budget of a French household for sport is *** euros, rising to *** euros for those who practice a sport. Among these costs are subscriptions: **% of French people pay a subscription to a gym - which may offer online coaching - and *% to an app. The proportion subscribing free of charge to an app is a little higher, at **%. [***]

Proportion of French people subscribing to a sports hall, facility or application France, ****, in Source: ****

Overall, just over a quarter of the population is accustomed to paying a subscription fee for their sports activities, and could therefore repeat the maneuver for a sports coaching service. However, the market needs to be wary of the current economic climate, which is forcing consumers to be more careful with their spending. Sport could suffer as a result: in ****, **% of French people felt that taking part in sport was too expensive, and **% admitted that they had already given up taking part in a sporting activity because of the cost. [***]

3 Market structure

3.1 A fragmented market with a variety of players

The online sports coaching market is vast and complex, both because of the difficulty of precisely determining its scope and because of the multiplicity and diversity of the offerings on offer. A large number of different players are working side by side:

mobile applications and specialized pure-players have emerged to deliver sports coaching programs and advice, to which can be added related content (***). traditional gyms can offer their members online coaching programs, via a website or app. sporting goods retailers are likely to adopt a similar approach for their customers. manufacturers of electronic devices and Tech players combine their devices (***) for measuring physical activity with applications for coaching, data analysis, etc. online coaches and influencers use social networks and networking platforms to roll out their programs and win new customers.

3.2 Online sports coaching specialists

Applications dedicated to online sports coaching

There are a great many applications specializing in online sports coaching. They can be distinguished by several criteria:

they can be generalist, offering comprehensive training programs to keep in shape, or focus on a specific sport. they adopt a variety of business models: free, freemium (***), pay-as-you-go or subscription-based. some diversify by offering not only physical exercise, but also nutritional follow-up, meditation sessions, etc.

These differences enable them to stand out from the offerings of other companies, at a time when the sector is proving to be highly competitive.

The table below gives several examples of applications or sites dedicated to sports coaching.

Tools and services initiated by influencers

For sports-focused video makers and bloggers, entering the online sports coaching market can be a logical next step. They benefit from high visibility on networks and already have a community ready to buy their programs and products. To appeal to the widest possible audience, and to avoid alienating any part of their subscriber base, they often opt for a generalist positioning and a freemium model, giving a preview of the content on offer. The sale of courses and other programs to follow can be accompanied by merchandising ...

3.3 Traditional players investing in online sports coaching

Traditional sports players

For gyms, equipment manufacturers and other sporting goods retailers, online sports coaching represents a relevant new market segment. By positioning themselves in this segment, these players seek to strengthen the link with their customers and the feeling of belonging to a community, while keeping them within their brand ecosystem. The aim is also to develop their services, and thus diversify their business away from product sales.

To gain a foothold in the sector, these companies launch their own applications or platforms. Some decide tospeed up the process by buying out an existing player:

In ****, Adidas bought Austrian start-up Runtastic, then valued at *** million euros. Four years later, the eponymous app became Adidas Running. [***] In ****, Asics completed its acquisition of US app Runkeeper and added its name to the start-up's main product.[***] In ****, Decathlon took control of French start-up TrainMe, which offers sports coaching for companies and coach connections for individuals. [***]

Strategic differences can be observed in certain areas. Some groups rely on the complementary nature of several applications, such as Nike (***). conversely, Adidas decided in spring **** to focus on a single app by announcing the end of Adidas Training, whose content was switched to Adidas Running, the sole ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Online sports coaching rates and services

Online sports coaching can include a variety of services:

individual or series exercises ; pre-established training programs ; live or recorded video lessons; remote relationship with a dedicated coach; performance monitoring over time, via data collection and analysis; etc.

Developments in the sector are tending to diversify this offer, and it is no longer unusual for new services to integrate tools and applications:

comparing performance with friends or other members of the community ; customization of training programs, possibly via artificial intelligence, according to specific needs ; nutritional programs ; meditation sessions or other wellness-related activities ; etc.

Prices will thus vary according to the number of functions available, and therefore according to the expectations of the user, who may fork out different sums depending on his or her needs (***). The more personalized the program and the more thorough the follow-up, the higher the price. Services also push their customers to make a long-term commitment, by promoting more attractive prices when subscribing for one, three or even a lifetime.

conversely, many applications remain free, but generally offer fewer or less advanced functions. The most expensive service remains that offered by platforms that put you in touch with qualified coaches, where the price of an online session starts ...

4.2 An increasingly wide range of products and services, no longer limited to physical training

Online sports coaching is becoming less and less about physical exercise and strength training programs. Providers are expanding their offerings to include nutrition, sleep and stress reduction, marking a shift towards the more global issue of well-being. Apple Fitness+, for example, offers meditation sessions, while Fitbit provides "suggestions for improving your daily lifestyle" in relation to sleep and mindfulness. [***] At Freeletics, nutrition is the subject of a subscription offer in its own right.

The social aspect is also becoming increasingly important: it's no longer just about training, but also about sharing your performance with friends or the community, comparing your results, setting yourself challenges, and so on. Nike Run Club and Strava make this a major marketing argument, with the latter sometimes defined as the "social network for athletes". [***] The number of users will increase sixfold between **** and ****.

growth in the number of Strava users World, ****-****, in millions Source: ****

The sale of physical products represents another avenue of diversification for online sports coaching players. While some major sports brands, such as Nike, Adidas and Decathlon, see coaching services as a way of attracting the public to their catalogs, other players are following the opposite path by having coaching as their ...

4.3 Gamification, an important retention lever

Gamification is increasingly making inroads into the world of online sports coaching. By incorporating game mechanics into their services, industry players can more easily attract and retain customers, thereby improving their retention rate, particularly for free applications. The success of gamification lies not only in its social aspect (***), but also in the "challenge" aspect, increasingly associated with sport. In France, the theme was mentioned by **% of respondents in ****, ten points more than in ****.

Themes most associated with sport France, ****, % of respondents Source: ****

Several tools rely on gamification mechanisms to motivate their audience:

Strava offers rankings, challenges and a "likes" system to reward performances shared by others. "By combining gamification and social interaction, Strava turns every sports outing into a shared challenge, while maintaining engagement through play," says the Coder platform. Zwift includes a system of experience to be earned, in order to unlock new equipment for one's avatar (***). Real-time competitions and regular challenges are also included. Fitbit allows users to earn badges based on their performance, while also offering challenges and head-to-head battles with friends. "These gamification elements encourage a regular exercise routine while creating a sense of accomplishment," analyzes Codeur. Nike Run Club and Adidas Running also rely on similar ...

4.4 New avenues opened up by young French players

While the online sports coaching market already appears almost saturated, some start-ups are trying to make their mark by offering something a little different. The French sector is home to several such start-ups:

Sport Heroes, via its United Heroes app, is aimed at companies, via a subscription system, to encourage employees to take up sport. "We deploy the app with a dedicated account for the company, whose employees can come and join the various challenges on offer," explains Paul-Émile Saab, company director. The application has attracted major groups such as Castorama, Orange and Maif. [***] The BtoB model represents a promising avenue, at a time when more and more companies are seeking to promote well-being in the workplace. Biscoto relies on gamification to offer a sports challenge application for friends. Every day, you can follow challenges and share your progress. Exo is also betting on gamification, but with more concrete rewards for its users. By scanning a QR Code present in partner rooms when they go to work out, customers accumulate points that can then be used to access gifts from partner brands in the sports sector: sportswear and equipment, drinks, protein bars, etc. "On the heels of a €* million fund-raising ...

5 Regulations

5. Regulations

Diploma requirements

In France, the profession of sports coach, as a paid activity involving the supervision of a sporting activity, requires accreditation and a state diploma.

It is also forbidden to be paid to supervise a sporting activity with the status ofauto-entrepreneur without a diploma. Failure to comply with the law can result in a fine of **,*** euros and a year's imprisonment. Article L.***-* of the French Sports Code sets out the current legislation in detail.

In order to provide certified sports lessons, coaches must hold one of the following diplomas:

Brevet Professionnel d'Éducation de la Jeunesse, de l'Éducation Populaire et du Sport (***) ; Diplôme d'État Supérieur de la Jeunesse, de l'Éducation Populaire et du Sport (***) ; DEUST Métiers de la Forme ; Bachelor's or Master's degree in STAPS.

The various training courses leading to these diplomas and certifications are accessible without any diploma requirements. In other words, it is perfectly possible to enroll in these training programs without having a baccalaureate or any other equivalent diploma for foreigners.

In practice, it is still possible to become a sports coach without a diploma, provided you are self-employed and systematically inform your clients.

If clients are unaware ...

6 Positioning the players

6. Segmentation

  • ABC Coach Sportif
  • FizzUp
  • Freeletics
  • Tibo Inshape - D2AM
  • Adidas
  • 8fit
  • Peloton Interactive
  • Strava
  • Trainsweateat
  • Superprof
  • Decathlon Groupe
  • Asics
  • Basic-Fit
  • Google
  • Apple
  • Zwift
  • Garmin
  • Sport Heroes
  • Nike
  • CoachClub

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