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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and scope of the study
The word "mattress" derives from the Arabic term maṭraḥqui and literally refers to the action of throwing a cushion on the ground, a common European practice during the Crusades. The invention of the mattress is attributed to Persian culture, which filled goatskins with water for lying down over 3,500 years ago.
The mattress market is a sub-segment of the bedding market , which canitself be considered a segment of the furniture market. A mattress is defined as a "canvas cover" filled with "soft material" and "covering the entire surface of the bed base". There is a close link between the mattress market, the slat base market and the bedding market in general. In addition, the materials used in mattress production can include single foam, latexfoam, latex, memory foam, or evenhigh resilience foam and may or may not include springs.
The global market is growing as a result of increased attention to well-being and sleep quality. This trend is true all over the world, but Asia in particular is expected to see the strongest growth in the coming years, as the population continues to grow in tandem with rising GDP per capita. The size of the global market is expected to reach $54.75 billion in 2024. Between 2024 and 2032, it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.59% from $54.75 billion to US$91.23 billion [Fortune Business Insights]
In France, consumers are also placing increasing importance on sleep, and increasingly see it as an essential factor contributing to high energy levels, happiness and 2023, an IPSOS survey revealed that for 41% of French people, the primary factor in sleep quality is the quality of their bedding. As a result, the mattress market is adapting, and technological developments are giving rise to new products such as connected mattresses and eco-mattresses.
In terms of distribution, large-scale, traditional sales channels account for over 80% of sales. E-commerce accounts for around 10%.
1.2 Positive momentum on the global market
The global mattress market is expanding; between **** and ****, it is expected to grow at a CAGR of *.**% from US$**.** billion to US$**.** billion. [***]
Several reasons contribute to this increase, among them increased spending on product innovation, which in turn increases the mattress offer and also contributes to more affordable designs. This ...
1.3 Bedding revenues up slightly in France
Size of mattress market according to INSEE Nomenclature
French mattress manufacturing market size, NAF **.**Z France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
NAF code **.** refers to the manufacture of mattresses, including various types such as sprung, foam and latex. Analysis of market sales figures shows significant fluctuations over the years, peaking ...
1.4 International trade, France, an importer of mattresses
This section analyzes France's mattress trade. Pneumatic mattresses are included in the analysis, and the UN Comtrade codes used are "****** - Mattresses; of rubber or plastics; whether or not covered" and "****** - Mattresses; of materials other than rubber or plastics, whether or not covered".
Mattress trade France, ****-****, in millions of ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Consumer preferences
The low turnover of bedding in France is limiting the development of the mattress market. According to Le Parisien , it is recommended to change mattresses every ten years due to wear and tear. Some professionals even recommend changing it every * years, but the French only change it every ** years on average. ...
2.2 Quality and price are key features of mattresses
According to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive in ****, sleep is now clearly recognized by the French as a health issue. Indeed, **% of French people believe that a good night's sleep is essential for good health. This was followed by not smoking and regular physical activity. The same survey showed that ...
2.3 Mattress types requested
Mattresses are a fairly stable product, with few innovations or significant changes. In recent years, the majority of mattresses produced have been foam or latex (***).However, although the traditional innerspring mattress is still very popular with the French population, more and more consumers sensitive to environmental and health issues are turning ...
2.4 Specific consumers
The private sector, particularly the hotel industry
The number of new hotels per year can have an impact on bedding purchases on the market. The number of hotels in France has remained relatively stable between **** and ****, fluctuating between **,*** and **,*** hotels.
Tourist hotel accommodation capacity France, ****-****, in thousands and as % of ...
2.5 Brand study
A survey carried out by OpinionWay in **** reveals the favorite mattress brands of the French. The three most popular brands are Dunlopillo (***).
French people's favorite mattress brands France, ****, in Source: ****
The division of "likes" by age shows a heterogeneous appreciation of the favorite Dunlopillo brand by category. It can also be ...
3 Market structure
3.1 The rise of pure players
Historically dominated by the major French and international furniture distributors (***) manage to maintain their position abroad.
The fierce competition that characterizes today's market has been fuelled in particular by players able to drastically reduce their costs by cutting out intermediaries and offering a simplified, clear and high-quality product range. A prime ...
3.2 Production
stages in mattress production
Someoexplains the main stages in mattress production. The process differs according to the raw material used (***), but certain stages apply to all types of mattress:
Cutting of sheets and fabrics: foam sheets or springs are cut to the size of the mattress, as are the various upholstery ...
3.3 Supermarkets dominate furniture distribution
We can analyze distribution channels in thefurniture sector, which includes bedding and mattresses.
Breakdown of mattress sales by distribution channel France, ****, in Source: LSA Supermarkets dominate, with **.*% of sales made through this channel. In second place are specialists and finally traditional outlets. In addition, consumers aged between ** and ** are the most ...
3.4 Market player analysis
With supermarkets and specialist retailers accounting for more than **% of sales, we devote this section to an overview of the players operating in these distribution channels.
Main bed furniture retailers in the mass market France, ****, in number of outlets and revenues (***) Source: Panorama Trade Dimensions Below is an overview of the ...
3.5 The mattress market: a source of innovation and renewal
A new bedding range: the bio range, made in France
According to an article in Les Echos, organic bedding and made-in-France products are increasingly in demand among French consumers. In fact, by ****, **% of French people will be reorienting their consumption towards national, local or short-distance production, and **% of French people say ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Price analysis: a wide range of prices
The price of a mattress depends on its quality, manufacturing method and brand. According to maison-travaux , an innerspring mattress costs between *** and *,*** euros on average. A foam mattress costs between *** and *** euros. A latex mattress costs between €*** and over €*,***.
Source: ****
4.2 A multitude of different products
When it comes to mattress materials, there are five main elements, listed below:
Polyether mattress: Recommended as an additional mattress, as polyether is not very durable and offers poor ventilation. High-resilience foam mattresses: These are made of highly elastic, resilient cold foam (***) with good ventilation. Latex mattresses: Made from synthetic or ...
4.3 What kind of offer?
For a new entrant, a distributor or a manufacturer wishing to reposition itself on the market, the elements cited throughout this study must be taken into account.
Offer diversity and complexity
The reason why this study hardly touches on the question of mattress size is that it is not a major ...
4.4 Supply trends
In general, mattresses are stable products with few innovations. The material is the only thing that makes a real difference between mattresses. However, in recent years, as technology has evolved, so has the range of mattresses on offer.
Connected mattresses have made their appearance. Le Journal du Net reports on new ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Current regulations
Due to the proximity of mattresses to the human body and the high exposure time of humans to their mattresses, strict health standards apply.
For example, mattress processing conditions are governed by European Parliament Regulation No. ***/**** . In particular, this regulation aims to reduce human exposure to diseases, micro-organisms and other parasites ...
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Cofel Groupe (Pikolin Group)
- Adova Group
- Hilding Anders
- Ikea France
- Conforama France
- BUT International
- La maison de la literie
- Litrimarché
- Tediber
- Eve Sleep
- Casper
- Hypnia
- La compagnie du Lit (Finadorm)
- Recyc-Matelas Europe
- Ardelaine
- Bdreams
- Bultex (Groupe Cofel)
- Cosme Literie
- De Laine en rêves
- Matelas No Stress
- Matelas FDM
- Le Matelas vert
- Le roi du matelas
- Les Ateliers Le Briand
- Nation Literie
- Literie Michel
- Maliterie
- Literie Duvivier (Matfa Groupe)
- Literie Bonnet
- Literie du Comtat
- Thiriez Literie
- Matfa Groupe (Literie Duvivier et Onrev)
- Mello
- Berfa group
- Riva Groupe
- Cimes Home
- Eleven Group
- Materassi E Doghe Italie
- Zenpur Sleep
- La Redoute AMPM
- Pikolin Groupo
- Retour Matras
- Percko
List of charts presented in this market study
- Size of the global mattress market
- Size of the French bedding market
- Size of the French mattress manufacturing market, NAF 31.03
- Breakdown of furniture market sales
- Furniture market size
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the mattress market | France
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