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1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Lemonade is a non-alcoholic drink that is made by combining sugar, lemon juice and water. This drink is thought to have been invented in France in the 16th century.

There are several types of lemonade:

-Pink lemonade, which is sweeter

-Yellow lemonade, more sour

Globally, the lemonade market has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years due in part to consumers' continuing quest for a healthier lifestyle. Natural lemonade is in fact un important source of vitamin C.

The size of the lemonade market has been estimated at $13.03 billion in 2021.

In Italy, too, the lemonade market is growing due to its beneficial properties for the body but not only. For Italians, lemonade is also synonymous with getting together with friends, in fact it can be consumed either alone or accompanied by alcoholic beverages.

Another factor in the growth of the lemonade market in Italy is definitely the presence of substantial lemon cultivations especially in the South of the country. In particular, it is necessary to mention the IGP lemons of Syracuse, one of Italy's gastronomic excellences, which are also used by Coca Cola for the production of its lemon-flavored soft drinks. In 2020 Fanta created a lemon-flavored soft drink that uses precisely this type of lemon and is becoming increasingly popular, not only in Italy but also in the rest of the world.

One trend, therefore, that is increasingly easy to find in this type of market is the search for quality. Italian lemons, used to produce lemonade, are of a very good quality and combined with the beneficial properties of lemons make Italian lemonade an absolutely desirable product for today's consumers.

1.2 Global Market

The size of the lemonade market has been estimated at $**.** billion in ****, and total sales are expected to grow by *.* percent between **** and ****, reaching nearly $**.** billion.

Global lemonade market World, ****-****, in millions of dollars Source: ****

North America holds the largest market share at **.* percent in ****. The result is increased public ...

1.3 Italian Market

The production and sale of soft drinks in Italy employs **,*** Italians full-time in activities related to the production, processing and marketing of the sector's products. Those involved in the supply chain generate an added value of *.* billion euros and contribute  with *.* billion euros to the Italian state coffers in taxes and ...

1.4 Impact covid

The soft drinks sector has been hit hard by the Covid-** emergency, and the introduction of the Sugar Tax scheduled for January *, ****, which we will discuss in Section *, is likely to cause new and heavy effects on the market with obvious repercussions on the economic and employment values expressed by the ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand trend: Lemonade as a source of health and quality

Lemonade is believed to have multiple health benefits, such as being rich in vitamin C. Natural lemonade can provide nutritional benefits without compromising taste. In recent years, people's preference for proper health and well-being has led to an increase in demand for lemonade.

Consumer demand for organic lemonade is rapidly increasing. ...

2.2 Seasonality of demand

Google Trends allows us to analyze interest over time for the word "lemonade." The graph above represents the proportion of searches for a given keyword in a specific region and for a specific time period, compared to when the use of that keyword was highest (***). Thus, a value of ** means that ...

2.3 Analysis of soft drink spending in Italy

A good indicator of demand for any product is average consumer spending on that product. In fact, excluding goods that satisfy essential needs, consumers who spend more on a certain product, in this case soft drinks, are more likely to spend more on it in the future as well and thus ...

2.4 Geographical distribution of demand

Also using Google Trends, we analyzed the interest in the word lemonade in the various Italian regions during the period **/*/**** - **/*/****. These analyses show that the region with the highest interest in lemonade is Campania. This is followed by Sardinia and Basilicata. In general, it can be seen that there is ...

3 Market structure

3.1 The main market players

The most important players in the market for industrially produced lemonade in Italy are: San Pellegrino, Coca Cola, and Lemonsoda.

Sanpellegrino S.p.A. is an Italian company that produces mineral water and soft drinks, founded in **** in San Pellegrino Terme, where the production facilities are located. San Pellegrino has been ...

3.2 Soft drink market structure

The Italian market, as represented by the Bevitalia ****-**** yearbook, is a market in which about ** companies operate, as we will see in the next section, but with a high concentration: the top * (***). The remaining ** percent is made up of smaller producers, which often stand out for their lively distribution in ...

3.3 Geographical distribution of lemon production

Lemon cultivation in Italy is concentrated in the South (***). Campania is the second largest Region, with about *,*** hectares representing just under *% of the national total

Source: ****

Along with the Italian product, lemons imported from Spain, Argentina, Turkey, South Africa, Uruguay are also sold in Italy. The market picture is also quite ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Types of lemonade

There are several types of lemonade:

-Pink lemonade,sweeter (***) for coloring.

-Yellow lemonade,more tart ( Lemonade is made only with water, lemon and sugar, while pink lemonade uses them as a base but may also include red dye or something like strawberry, raspberry or cranberry juice.

In addition, the market can ...

4.2 Price analysis

Below we provide a price analysis of some of the major lemonade brands in Italy.

To analyze the price of non-alcoholic beverages in Italy and its evolution over time, we must start by looking at the CPI, which measures average changes in the prices of goods and services purchased by ...

4.3 Supply trends

Syracuse IGP Lemon in new sugar-free Fanta Lemonade New production line already underway for the Sibeg plant, which bottles and distributes Coca Cola brand soft drinks.

In fact, the multinational company is launching Fanta Lemonade on the market without added sugar with *** percent PGI Syracuse lemon juice. Thus increases the amount ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulation

Regarding the production of soft drinks, Presidential Decree No. *** of May **, **** lists the substances that may be used.

If a new substance other than those listed in Presidential Decree No. ***/**** is to be used in the production of soft drinks, Article **, third paragraph, of the aforementioned decree, as amended by Presidential ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • San Pellegrino
  • San Benedetto
  • Coca-Cola Italia
  • Carrefour Italia
  • Esselunga s.p.a
  • Coop
  • Lemonsoda

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

San Pellegrino
San Benedetto
Coca-Cola Italia
Carrefour Italia
Esselunga s.p.a

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