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1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Car dealerships are market participants who are engaged in the purchase and resale of automobiles and motor vehicles, as well as their individual components, with the aim of making a profit. Car dealers typically generate income from the following activities:

  • Sale of new vehicles: the dealer purchases vehicles from manufacturers and sells them to end customers, such as businesses or individuals
  • Used vehicle sales: the dealer purchases used vehicles from individuals or rental companies and resells them on the market
  • Mobility services: today, dealers are beginning to provide customers with a range of traditional sales products, including long-term and short-term rentals. In most cases they purchase cars from rental companies, and the 11 Corporate Analysis of the car dealership provides for these services (Rent to Rent Business). At the end of the rental period, the vehicles are offered for sale
  • Service and spare parts: this business includes the maintenance of cars in the workshop. In addition, the dealer has spare parts in stock that he can also sell to other dealers: in particular, some parts are original OEM and unaffiliated dealers can only get them from an affiliated dealer. Therefore, the price of original parts is increased by the dealers who resell them
  • Financial service: starting in the 1970s, car dealers began to cooperate with banks or automakers to offer loans to end customers for car purchases. This opened up a new source of income for dealers to have a specific line of credit from OEMs that dealers use to order new cars based on consumer and manufacturer requests

In 2022 the global automotive market reached a total value of 2.81 trillion dollars and is expected to grow at a compound annual rate (CAGR) of 4.42 percent during the period 2022-2030. As for the market of automobiles and light vehicles, in 2022 the global market is estimated at 1.74 trillion dollars. During the period 2022-2030, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6 percent, under which the market could reach a total value of 3.0 trillion dollars.

This study focuses on the specific car dealer market in Italy, analyzing consumer trends, competitive dynamics, and growth prospects for the industry. For information on related markets, such as electric cars, see the specific studies available in the Businesscoot catalog.

1.2 The global market

in ****, the global automotive market reached a total value of $*.** trillion. A compound annual growth rate (***) of *.**% is projected for the period ****-**** under which the world market could reach a total value of $*.** trillion at the end of the period

Automotive Market World, ****-****, in trillions of dollars Zionamarketresearch

The ...

1.3 The Italian market

Between **** and ****, the total turnover of enterprises devoted to the manufacture of motor vehicles appears to be declining. During the period, total turnover decreased from **.** billion euros to **.** billion euros, thus registering a contraction of **.* percent. The decline appears to be constant between **** and **** (***) while between **** and **** there is a recovery ...

1.4 Import - Export

In order to analyze Italy's trade flows with regard to the automotive sector, HS code **** "Motor vehicles and other motor vehicles designed for the transportation of persons" is taken into consideration.

By analyzing trade flows in the period ****-****, it is possible to highlight the positioning of Italy as a net ...

1.5 The consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in February **** led to a general increase in price indexes, among other things. Relative to the automotive sector, between January **** and December ****, the consumer price index for car purchases increased by **.* points to ***.* points. This means that over a period of ** months, average prices for ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand in Italy

To analyze the demand for cars in Italy, the number of registrations, the types of cars registered, the average household expenditure on purchase and the number of cars owned by households are taken into account.

Between **** and ****, the total number of cars registered annually in Italy is shrinking. During the period ...

2.2 Demand drivers

In order to analyze the drivers of automobile demand in Italy, the average monthly expenditure according to professional position, the periodicity with which Italians change their cars, and the main reasons expressed regarding the new purchase are considered.

Considering the average monthly expenditure on transportation purchases, it is possible to identify ...

2.3 Geographical distribution of demand

In order to visualize the geographic distribution of automobile demand in Italy, two maps were created with the distribution in each Italian macro-region of registrations and average monthly household expenditure on automobile purchases.

Starting with registrations, more than ** percent of total registrations made in **** are concentrated in the North of the ...

2.4 New demand trends

Online car sales is a relatively recent phenomenon that is gaining more and more popularity. With the advent of the Internet and digital technologies, buying cars through online platforms has become a convenient option for both sellers and buyers. One of the greatest advantages of selling cars online is convenience. Buyers ...

3 Market structure

3.1 The market structure

to determine the structure of the car dealer market in Italy, enterprises under Ateco Code **.** "Trade in passenger cars and light motor vehicles" are analyzed. In particular, the number of active enterprises, the number of employees in enterprises and the legal form of activities are highlighted.

Number of enterprises

Between **** and ...

3.2 The value chain

The stage related to the choice of financing or leasing formula is crucial because it concerns the facilitation of vehicle purchase by customers, making the process accessible and financially manageable. An in-depth discussion related to this stage is offered below:

Detailed aspects of financing

Types of loans: car purchase loans can ...

3.3 The main actors


Volkswagen Group Italia s.p.a: is the Italian subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group and has as its main purpose the importation of Volkswagen, Audi, SEAT, CUPRA, Škoda and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles cars, spare parts and accessories, the marketing and servicing of the products of the brands represented, while ensuring ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Type of the offer

The dealer is nothing more than a dealer with the task of reselling in his own name and for his own account goods produced by the industry that produced them and from which he acquired them (***) who dictates his own sales rules, for example through a special offer that other dealers ...

4.2 The prices

for the analysis of prices related to automobiles, consumer price indexes for new and used car purchases powered by gasoline, diesel, and electric or hybrid cars are analyzed.

For diesel-powered cars, between January **** and November ****, the consumer price index for new cars shows a growth of **.* points. This means that in ...

4.3 New supply trends: Amazon's entry into the car market

Amazon is entering the online car sales market, starting with a major partnership with Hyundai. Starting in the second half of ****, it will be possible to buy Hyundai vehicles on Amazon's website in the United States, followed by other brands later that year. This move represents a significant step in the ...

5 Regulations

5.1 The legislation

Listed below are some of the main legislative issues pertaining to the activities of car dealers in Italy:

Regulation (***) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to categories of vertical agreements and concerted practices in the motor vehicle sector. Presidential Decree No. ** of February **, ****: regulation implementing Directive ****/**/EC ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Volkswagen Group Italia s.p.a
  • Groupe PSA Italia s.p.a
  • Mercedes Benz Italia s.p.a
  • Reanault Italia s.p.a
  • Eurocar Italia s.r.l
  • Carpoint s.p.a
  • Fratelli Giacomel s.p.a

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Volkswagen Group Italia s.p.a
Groupe PSA Italia s.p.a
Mercedes Benz Italia s.p.a
Reanault Italia s.p.a
Eurocar Italia s.r.l
Carpoint s.p.a
Fratelli Giacomel s.p.a

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