Summary of our market study

The global ophthalmology market is experiencing significant growth, driven by an aging population and the increasing prevalence of vision disorders and pathologies. In 2022, it is estimated to be worth $63.4 billion, with annual growth of 5.5% expected between 2022 and 2027. In France, demand for eye care services continues to grow, resulting in consumption of medical optics reaching 7.159 billion euros in 2021, a significant increase of 15.8% on 2020.

Despite this, the market is facing an expected 20% reduction in the number of practicing ophthalmologists by 2030, exacerbated by the fact that over 50% of current practitioners are over 55. Technological advances continue in the sector, with developments in refractive surgery and retinal prostheses. In addition, the French government has implemented healthcare reforms such as "ma santé 2022" and "100% Santé", which aim to transform the healthcare system and decentralize tasks to lighten the workload of specialists. The market also shows dynamic international trade, with imports of ophthalmic instruments and devices rising by 14% and exports by 29% between 2021 and 2022, and France's coverage rate almost reaching parity at 98% by 2022.

Evolving trends in the ophthalmology sector

The ophthalmology market in France is currently facing significant challenges and opportunities, shaped by demographic transitions, technological innovations and evolving healthcare policies. As the population ages, demand for eye care is increasing due to the prevalence of age-related eye diseases such as cataracts, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. Global awareness indices suggest that over two billion people worldwide may have sight problems, at least half of which could be prevented or still need to be treated.

In the French context, around 40-50% of the young population suffers from vision problems, but this rises to an alarming rate of around 95% among people aged 65 and over. An interesting observation is the significant variation in the number of consultations according to geographical location in France, with regions such as the PACA region recording an average of 3.7 visits per year and Corsica reaching an average of 4.3 visits.

What's more, the solidarity-based nature of the country's healthcare system, which covers around 70% of eye care costs, supports a robust consumer market for medical optics, which translates into billions of euros a year. Despite this, ophthalmology services are facing supply tension, with the number of practicing ophthalmologists set to fall, a worrying trend that can be attributed primarily to an ageing workforce and an inability to anticipate the need for more professionals.

As a result, the average waiting time for an appointment with an ophthalmologist in France is 80 days, underlining the extent of the imbalance between supply and demand. The market for ophthalmic devices and instruments has experienced periods of stagnation and decline in recent years, signalling an opportunity for innovation and revitalization for the sector as a whole. France's international trade in ophthalmic instruments and devices has progressed, with notable growth observed in both imports and exports.

Healthcare reforms have paved the way for a transformation in service provision, with significant implications for market players. Legislation has introduced the possibility of delegating certain ophthalmic tasks to orthoptists, which could streamline services and relieve ophthalmologists. In addition, digital transformation initiatives and the "100% Health" reform, which promotes access to certain eyewear at no extra cost, represent important steps towards meeting the needs of the population while reshaping the operational terrain for ophthalmic professionals and manufacturers.

key market players in the ophthalmology sector

The ophthalmology market is made up of several key entities, from equipment manufacturers to healthcare providers, each playing a distinct role in the provision of eye care services and products.

Ophthalmic equipment manufacturers :

  • Nidek: Renowned for manufacturing ophthalmic equipment, Nidek stands out for its innovative solutions in eye diagnosis and correction. Its product portfolio includes advanced devices for refractive error analysis, eye examination and surgical applications. Nidek's commitment to cutting-edge technology and user-friendly design has reinforced its status as a reliable partner for ophthalmic professionals.
  • Karl Zeiss Meditec: With a rich history rooted in optical innovation, Carl Zeiss Meditec is synonymous with quality and precision. It offers a range of ophthalmic products, including diagnostic imaging systems, laser treatment systems and surgical instruments. Its contributions in this field have had a significant impact on the way eye health is assessed and managed worldwide.
  • US Ophthalmic: A key global player, US Ophthalmic supplies a wide range of ophthalmic equipment. Its contribution to the market encompasses a complete range, facilitating different aspects of eye care, from basic optometry to complex surgical procedures.
  • OPKO Health: Specializing in diagnostics and pharmaceuticals, OPKO Health has a strong presence in the ophthalmology sector. It is involved in the development and distribution of new ophthalmic drugs and technologies designed to treat common and rare eye diseases, demonstrating its commitment to improving patient outcomes.

Ophthalmic service providers:

  • Saint Paul Eye Center: As a healthcare provider, Saint Paul Eye Center exemplifies excellence in patient care through the provision of comprehensive ophthalmic services. Its focus on personalized treatment and patient education ensures a high level of care for people with eye conditions.

Hospitals with specialized ophthalmology units:

  • Hôpital de la Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild: This hospital is renowned for its specialized ophthalmology unit. With its state-of-the-art facilities and specialist staff, the hospital provides first-class care for a range of eye conditions, and continues to contribute to advances in ophthalmic research and practice.
  • Hôpital Quinze-Vingts: Another leading name in specialized eye care, Hôpital Quinze-Vingts boasts a highly qualified team dedicated to the care of a wide range of visual impairments.
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  • Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine concerned with the study of the eye and its components from an anatomical, physiological and pathological point of view.

In France, like all medical disciplines, ophthalmology is a highly regulated profession. The main challenge facing the profession is the ageing of its specialists, whose numbers could fall by 20% by 2030. In 2022, there will be 5,794 practicing ophthalmologists in France. At the same time, the French population's need for ophthalmic care is increasing as a result of an aging population and a lifestyle conducive to the development of vision disorders (myopia, etc.).

Specialists already working with opticians are being forced to delegate some of their tasks to orthoptists, who are becoming major players in the sector. This diversification will not be enough to meet the current and future needs of the French.

However, the sector remains attractive to manufacturers of ophthalmic devices and instruments, as the French government continues to subsidize innovations that improve treatment of chronic diseases (AMD, etc.), while trying to limit the cost of treatment.this is reflected in the development of telemedicine, particularly for ophthalmologists, for whom appointment times are the longest of all specialists.

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Number of visually impaired people
  • Evolution of the number of people with visual impairment
  • Expanding the market for ophthalmic devices and instruments
  • Medical optics consumption
  • Structure of optical spending
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Latest news

Théa laboratory expands to La Rochelle - 25/07/2023
  • The Théa laboratory is building a new plant to produce ophthalmic cataract inserts.
  • The plant will meet a 20% to 30% increase in demand.
  • Sales of the ophthalmic insert are increasing, as it is used in around 60% of cataract operations.
  • The Théa laboratory has been present in the United States for three years, achieving sales of $40 million thanks to the purchase of a Swiss company. Between 2021 and 2022, Théa's sales in the U.S. have increased by 140 million euros.
  • Théa has 35 subsidiaries and offices in Europe, North and South America, North Africa and the Middle East, employing over 1,600 people.
  • Théa products are available in 75 countries.
  • In 2022, Théa recorded sales of 865 million euros.
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Zeiss invests 33 million euros in the extension of its Périgny plant - 03/02/2023
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  • 2,000 m2 of office space in the new building
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Nidek France
US Ophthalmic
OPKO Health
Centre Ophtalmologique Saint Paul
Carl Zeiss Group
Unither Groupe
Hôpital des Quinze-Vingts
Hôpital fondation Adolphe de Rothschild
Horus Pharma
Thea Laboratoires groupe
Carl Zeiss Méditec

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