Summary of our market study

The French market for psychiatric clinics is estimated at between 7 and 8 billion euros.

Since 2020, the market for psychiatric clinics has seen significant trends and developments. The sector is experiencing a degree of concentration, with acquisitions and mergers such as the acquisition of two clinics by the C2S Group, and increased interest from investment funds, such as the acquisition of Inicea by Antin Infrastructure Partners.

Despite varying densities of psychiatric beds across Europe - France being one of the leaders - there has been a steady decline in the number of beds in France (-13.9%). At the same time, full-time hospitalization dominates the activity of private clinics, accounting for over 77% of the market.

Demand remains strong, with an increase in services for young patients and an expansion in part-time hospitalization. Notably, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated mental health problems, particularly among students, with reports of a significant number, 11.4%, harboring suicidal thoughts.

Tariff adjustments were implemented to alleviate financial pressures on the sector, with the first increase in rates for procedures and stays after years of reductions, indicating a willingness to support and revitalize the sector.

dynamics of supply and demand in the French psychiatric clinic market

Demand for psychiatric clinics in France showed perceptible growth, despite the decline in the number of available beds. The market saw a significant rise in activity, recording an increase of around 16.71%.

If we consider the sum of full-time and part-time interventions, the market is estimated at between 7 and 8 billion euros.

France is one of Europe's leaders in terms of bed capacity. The number of psychiatric beds in France stood at 82.69 beds per 100,000 inhabitants. Some countries have far fewer beds available per inhabitant.

In France, some 425,000 people received inpatient psychiatric care, and a further 2.1 million patients underwent outpatient treatment options. Younger patients make up a significant proportion of those requiring psychiatric support, and 65% of this group are male.

Key players in the private psychiatric clinic market.

  • Ramsay Santé is one of the leading groups in this sector, with the acquisition of Générale de Santé's Mèdipsy psychiatric clinics. The group claims a 17% share of the private hospitalization market.
  • Inicea, which was absorbed by Antin Infrastructure Partners, gained momentum by taking over Korian's psychiatric business.
  • Groupe C2S has also distinguished itself by enriching its hospital network through strategic purchases, such as the acquisition of the Saint-Vincent and Saint-Pierre clinics. It continues to expand its influence, particularly in the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region.
  • The SinouéGroup is an entity focused on meeting regional needs. Identifying gaps in supply, such as in the Eure département, it has inaugurated a clinic in Vernon.
  • Orpea, best known for its role in caring for the elderly, is present on the market through its subsidiary Clinea.
  • CLINIQUES BERGMANES made an impressive entry with the acquisition of six clinics.
  • LA CHERY medical and health group makes acquisitions in the sector.
  • The merger of the PASTEUR and BERGOUIGNAN clinics demonstrates the flexibility and adaptability of market players.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of the market

There are different types of clinics: clinics specializing in surgery, follow-up care and rehabilitation centers, and psychiatric clinics. The latter are grouped together within the UNCPSY (Cliniques Psychiatriques de France)

The market for psychiatric clinics includes all psychiatric care units with private status These clinics, previously called "health centres", have an average of 60 to 80 beds, outside the public hospital psychiatric sector. The clinics represent a liberal alternative to hospitalizations within public structures

The European market shows very unequal situations between different countries in terms of the number of beds per capita, but also in the approaches and methods of care of patients

France is the second country in Europe in terms of capacity to receive psychiatric patients In France, there is a concentration of private actors A gradual decline in the number of beds (despite sustained demand) and a gradual reduction of public allocations .

The market is 90% made up of full-time adult hospitalizations, with children's hospitalizations accounting for just over 4% of hospitalizations. Between 2010 and 2018, clinic activity grew by around 16.71%.

However, according to our estimates, the market is growing and is worth several billion euros. Psychiatric clinics tend to expand their services to younger patients and the offers of part-time hospitalizations are  in growth

The Covid crisis has also impacted the mental health of the French, especially students, of whom, according to a survey, 11.4 per cent of them had suicidal thoughts, which indicates a very alarming situation

1.2 Very unequal reception capacities in Europe

The observation of the number of psychiatric hospital beds in European countries shows a higher number of beds for two countries: France and Germany . However, these data must be qualified. On the one hand, because patient care is highly dependent on the type of social security system in force in a ...

1.3 The French market: decrease in available supply and market estimate

There are no precise data on the turnover of the private psychiatric clinic sector in France. However, it can be approximated using the volume of activity (***) and the average cost . It is thus possible to estimate its evolution over the period ****-****

First, the chart below highlights the number of psychiatric ...

1.4 Psychiatric impact of Covid-19

Many cases of psychotic disorders are appearing in **** so that the situation in France is alarming at the end of the health crisis

We hear a lot about the cases of depression caused by the crisis and the isolation of individuals, but in reality all sectors of psychiatry are affected. Whether ...

2 Analysis of the demand

2.1 The profile of patients hospitalized in psychiatry

Source: ****

Observation of the characteristics of patients followed in psychiatric institutions reveals several structural differences:

In children and adolescents The proportion of men is higher **% of the total number of patients treated in hospital and **% of those treated as outpatients in this category The share of partial hospitalization is higher than ...

2.2 The type of treatment depends on the individual being treated

Source: ****

There are significant differences in the type of disease depending on the gender of the individual

For hospitalization, among men, the three most frequent pathologies are

schizophrenia and delusional disorders (***) mood disorders (***) mental and behavioural disorders related to the use of psychoactive substances (***)

For women, there are:

mood disorders (***) schizophrenia ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Three types of players coexist in a market where full-time hospitalization clearly dominates

Distribution of the number of beds or places by type of actor France, ****, in % Source: ****

The following figures are for general psychiatry:

With nearly two-thirds of the market In terms of capacity, public establishments remain in the majority (***)

Private for-profit institutions represent only **% of capacity while private non-profit institutions (***) have an ...

3.2 A concentration of the private psychiatric clinic market

A dynamic of concentration of hospital players

A concentration movement can be observed in the private psychiatric clinic market The acquisition by Inicea of Korian's psychiatric activity in **** as well as the purchase the acquisition of the ** Médipsy psychiatric clinics from Générale de Santé by Ramsay Santé in ...

3.3 Unequal distribution of density and hospital places

Number of Psychiatrists by Region

France, ****, in number of units

Source: ****

Source: ****

Observation of the density of psychiatrists, but also of psychiatric hospital beds in metropolitan France reveals strong regional disparities.

It is partly to fight against this territorial divide that the Ministry of Health has announced a increase in the ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Costs in 2017 and structural trends

The unit of measurement used to assess the cost of care provided is the costs for work units (***) which is calculated from national data for public and private not-for-profit institutions.

These data show the unit costs of care activities and support functions in the following categories:

Cost per day of clinical ...

4.2 Price examples and downward pressure

Examples of prices charged

The prices charged by private psychiatric clinics are not always visible. As a comparison, we can show the prices charged in the Maison-Blanche Health Establishment, which takes care of the mental health of the population of the north and east of Paris.

Source: ****

However, we can note ...

4.3 Diversity of supply: the type of care structure depends on the patient's pathology and age

The type of care depends on The type of establishment

Of age

Patient autonomy

It can be assessed through * variables that make up the scale ADL (***) :

Dressing or grooming ; Movement and locomotion ; Power supply ; Continence; Behavior; Communication.

Each variable is then classified according to four rating levels:

Independence ; Supervision or arrangement ...

4.4 An evolving service offering

In order to develop the market, new care units are being created: gerontopsychiatry (***), eating disorders, care of adolescents and young adults, perinatal disorders, overwork syndromes.. The progression of ambulatory care While private for-profit establishments were totally absent from this type of service in **** (***) which is a private mental health establishment offering ...

5 Regulation

5.1 T2A has had a major impact on activity

One of the events that had the greatest impact on the activity of psychiatric clinics concerned activity-based pricing (***) for private clinics

Its application to psychiatric institutions had been postponed to **** . Its implementation has crystallized many critics [***] not all activities are valued in the same way

While some (***) are well paid, prevention ...

5.2 The role of the SRAs

The Regional Health Agencies are public institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

According to Ecohealth their role is to " to ensure unified management of health care in the regions, to better meet the needs of the population and to increase the efficiency of the system ...

6 Positioning of the actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Ramsay Générale de Santé
  • Inicea
  • Sinoué Groupe
  • Les Cliniques de Saujon
  • Clinique la Brière
  • Maison De Santé De Nogent-Sur-Marne
  • Clinique Saint-Vincent De Paul
  • Clinique Ker Yonnec
  • Orpéa
  • Clinéa (Orpea Groupe)
  • Vivalto Santé
  • GHU Paris

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Nombre de lits psychiatriques dans les hôpitaux de certains pays européens
  • Nombre d'habitants pour 1 lit d'hôpital psychiatrique par pays
  • Nombre de lits de soins psychiatriques dans les hôpitaux français
  • Répartition du nombre de lits ou de places par type d'acteurs
  • Répartition du nombre de journées par type d'acteurs
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  • Orpea's share price fell by 99.7% in 2023.
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Orpea launches a capital increase of around 3.9 billion euros - 13/11/2023
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  • Year-on-year sales growth: +11.1
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Trade unions accuse Orpea of being involved in speculative real estate activities. - 24/02/2022
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Ramsay Générale de Santé
Sinoué Groupe
Les Cliniques de Saujon
Clinique la Brière
Maison De Santé De Nogent-Sur-Marne
Clinique Saint-Vincent De Paul
Clinique Ker Yonnec
Clinéa (Orpea Groupe)
Vivalto Santé
GHU Paris

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