
In 2020, the global boxing market continues to show promising growth, with an estimated value of $905.3 million and a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8%. This booming market is driven by the increasing organization of boxing competitions worldwide and the growing number of boxing clubs, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, which is expected to see the strongest growth.

In France, the market enjoyed a resurgence in popularity, with licenses within the French Boxing Federation (FFB) up 44% and boxing clubs up 13%. The number of licensed boxers reached 59,874. The market was boosted by innovations such as connected boxing equipment, new variants like aeroboxing, and growing media coverage.

Growing popularity and feminization of the French boxing market

The French boxing market has undergone an impressive revival and expansion in recent years, with a considerable increase in demand for the sport. The rejuvenation of interest in boxing, particularly following the Rio Olympics, has led to a dramatic increase in the number of licensed boxers in the country.

In addition to this increase in the number of licensed boxers, there is also a significant number of unlicensed boxing enthusiasts - estimated at between between 10,000 and 15,000 - who train in private clubs, indicating a wider reach of the sport beyond the regulated federation. Notably, the youth segment - particularly those aged 15 to 19 - accounts for over 20% of boxing licensees, while another considerable portion of the boxing community is in the 10-14 age bracket.

The French boxing scene is also marked by regional disparities, with regions such as Île-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Hauts-de-France leading the way in terms of number of licenses issued and proliferation of boxing clubs. Île-de-France, in particular, stands out with over 9,000 licenses, which may be correlated with the significant increase in the number of boxing clubs.

The market is also undergoing a significant trend towards feminization, with more and more women taking up boxing both professionally and recreationally. The percentage of licensed female boxers has risen sharply, with a 61% increase in female participation in five years. This development could be attributed to changing perceptions of the sport and the introduction of new training variants adapted to women, such as aeroboxing.

Another notable trend is the corporate adoption of boxing as a stress-relieving, productivity-enhancing and team-building tool. given that around 50% of combat sports enthusiasts are white-collar workers, companies are increasingly integrating boxing into their wellness programs and even setting up boxing facilities within their infrastructure.

The overall market for boxing equipment also reflects the sport's burgeoning appeal, with the boxing gloves segment accounting for almost half the market share. This growth is also underpinned by the expansion of equipment manufacturers, who are adapting their offerings to meet the needs of a diversified audience.

Key players in the French boxing market:

The boxing market includes a variety of players, from local clubs to international federations, all of whom contribute to the sport's growth and innovation. This dynamic market is a symphony of action, with each participant playing a crucial role. Let's take a look at the profiles of some of the key players in this sector.

  • French Boxing Federation (FF Boxe)

Created in 1903 as an Olympic federation, the FF Boxe is the mainstay of boxing in France, orchestrating the sport's various forms, from leisure to professional. With 923 affiliated clubs and almost 60,000 members, the FF Boxe embodies the spirit and passion of boxing throughout the country. It seeks to modernize and improve the sport's image through strategic partnerships with communications agencies such as Lafourmi-Leroy Tremblot. The federation is striving to foster a sense of community and pride among boxing enthusiasts by launching a state-of-the-art digital platform and rebranding for greater resonance and relevance.

  • Equipment manufacturers

At the heart of the boxing experience is the equipment, and manufacturers play a vital role in equipping fighters for the ring. While France imports much of its boxing gear, Pakistan's Sialkot is a global heavyweight, producing around 75% of the world's boxing gloves. Brands such as Adidas and Metal Boxing stand out in the glove sector, while other notable names such as Venum and Boxing Shop also mark their territory in this niche. These OEMs navigate complex supply chains and strive to bridge the gap between production challenges and market demands, responding to trends such as the growing demographic of women's boxing by adapting their products to a more diverse audience.

  • Media coverage

The media is the prism through which millions of people discover the thrill of boxing. The Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel reports a significant number of sports programs devoted to boxing, illustrating its popularity and the growing interest it arouses among viewers. Kickboxing, in particular, received increased exposure, reflecting a growing appetite for combat sports on mainstream channels.

  • Boxing clubs

The increase in the number of boxing clubs reflects the growing interest in the sport at local level. These gyms are the training grounds where novices and seasoned pros hone their skills. The increase in the number of these establishments, particularly in regions such as Île-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Hauts-de-France, underlines the growing demand for boxing as a physical and recreational activity.

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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 05/01/2022
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1 Market summary

1.1 Presentation and market definition

The boxing market includes many players, from boxing clubs (professionals or amateurs) to the equipment manufacturers through the specialised media .

Boxing is a fighting sport involving two opponents in the same weight category who, depending on the type of boxing, punch each other with their fists using special quilted gloves (English boxing), or to punches and kicks (French boxing), according to clear rules . If English boxing is the most widespread today, there are specific boxes in almost every country in the world. Among the main types of boxes, we find in particular the english boxing the french boxing the american boxing and the thai boxing .

Born in the VI th century BC and practiced in the time of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire in two forms of combat sports (the fist-fighting and the pancrace ), then banned with all gladiator games for nearly fourteen centuries, boxing was revived in the 17th century th century, in a very violent form. She is gradually codified in order to avoid the many deaths caused during its practice from 1743 onwards, with the London Prize Ring Rules (first universal rules of English boxing). The wearing of boxing gloves became mandatory in 1866 and the practice of English boxing became legal in 1891.

The great boxers of the XX th century - such as Mohamed Ali the late world champion of English heavyweight boxing - have contributed to the development and popularization of boxing among combat sports, which until then had been highly correlated with violence and corruption.

In France, boxing is experiencing a strong growth since 2016 as evidenced by the increase in the number of licences issued within the French Boxing Federation ( 44% since 2012) and the number of boxing clubs in the country ( 13% since 2015).


Liste des graphiques

  • Taille du marché global des gants de boxe
  • Evolution du nombre de licenciés et de médailles olympiques remportées en boxe
  • Nombre de licences délivrées au sein de la FFB
  • Répartition des licenciés au sein de la FFB selon l'âge
  • Répartition des licences de boxe par région
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Dernières actualités

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  • Projection d'ouvertures: Entre 15 et 20 implantations prévues chaque année
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  • Le marché porte sur deux rings de compétition pour les Jeux Olympiques de Paris.
  • Sportcom sera également le fournisseur pour des tournois de qualification à Milan et Bangkok.
  • Sportcom emploie 22 salariés.
  • L'entreprise a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 6 millions d'euros sur le dernier exercice.
  • L'export représente 30% des ventes de l'entreprise, avec le Royaume-Uni et l'Allemagne comme principales destinations.
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  • Produits distribués à l'international via de grandes enseignes spécialisées dans les sports de combat (comme Made4Fighters ou Khun Pon), mais aussi généralistes (JD Sports, Decathlon, Intersport…)
  • Entreprise de 80 personnes
  • Le choffre d'affaires est passée en  dix ans de 14 millions d'euros de chiffre d'affaires à 100 millions  
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  • Nombre de magasins Intersport : 885
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  • 2013: Année de reprise de l'usine d'assemblage de cycles, premier assembleur de vélos en France
  • Nombre de salariés : 15 000

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Temple Noble Art
Apollo Sporting Club
Metal Boxe Attitude Fight
Intersport France
Go Sport France
Décathlon France
Ymaa france
U-Percute, Art Boxing club
Sweat boxing
Skarbowsky GYM
Savate Club Paris 15

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The boxing market | France

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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 03/04/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Adidas
  • 01/03/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Go Sport France
  • 31/01/2024 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Sportcom
  • 02/01/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Adidas
  • 04/11/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Go Sport France
  • 16/10/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Venum
  • 01/10/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Adidas
  • 03/08/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Go Sport France
  • 03/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Shogun center
  • 03/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Aero Fit Boxing
  • 14/06/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Adidas
  • 09/06/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Planet Fitness Equipements
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise ASMBF Paris Boxing
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Battling club Paris 17
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise District Training Zone Montreuil
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Ecole française de jujitsu
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Kickers Team
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise La Française Athletic Club
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Paris Taekwondo Elite
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Phenix Boxing
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Savate Club Paris 15
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Skarbowsky GYM
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Sweat boxing
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise U-Percute, Art Boxing club
  • 30/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Ymaa france
  • 02/05/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Go Sport France
  • 28/03/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Décathlon
  • 09/03/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Adidas
  • 26/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Temple Noble Art
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