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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and scope of study
"The advantage of radio over cinema is that on the radio the screen is wider," said Orson Welles. This quote clearly shows the power of radio, which is celebrating its centenary. The medium we listen to for information, entertainment and culture, the one that accompanies almost every other French person every morning.
The radio industry is constantly evolving in response to new technologies and consumer trends. Radio tries to adapt as best it can to its audience.
Radio was born towards the end of the 19ᵉ century thanks to theItalian Guglielmo Marconi and his first wireless transmissions. In France, it really began in the 20s with the launch of the first public radio broadcast by the stations Radio-Luxembourg and Radio-Paris. It quickly became a popular medium with the French. By the end of the Second World War, sound quality was improving with FM radio. In 1981, liberalization of the sector led to the creation of numerous private stations. Finally, since the 2000s, radio has been transforming and adapting with the arrival of DTT (Digital Terrestrial Radio), the emergence of podcasts...
Today, with the growing adoption of digital platforms, the radio market is rapidly transforming on a global scale. All over the world, technological innovations and the growing, indeed ubiquitous, accessibility of the Internet are leading to new forms of consumption, such as podcasts, which will have almost 420 million listeners by 2023.
In France, the radio market is a dynamic sector. According to Médiamétrie, there will be almost 40 million daily listeners in France in 2023, i.e. almost 79% of the population aged 13 and over. The French radio market, like that of the media in general, is highly concentrated around major media magnates such as NRJ Group, RTL, Largadère and Radio France (public sector). Nevertheless, for several years now, we've been seeing a parallel rise in small independent players: podcasts, webradios and local radio stations that are trying to make their mark on the French audio landscape by offering content that differs from traditional radio.
The sheer number of different radio stations in France covers a wide range of content, from music to general interest, humor to culture...
1.2. Global market trends and analysis
Radio, which emerged in Italy in the **ᵉ century, very quickly spread to the whole world. It is one of the most listened-to media worldwide, with a few billion listeners every day. It is estimated that there are between **,*** and **,*** radio stations worldwide.
By ****, the radio market in terms of advertising revenues ...
1.3. National market analysis and trends
France's radio offer is very extensive. Nearly *** radio services are currently authorized to broadcast on FM in mainland France, and more than *** in the French overseas territories. What's more, the number of applications submitted for FM or DAB+ licences continues to rise, demonstrating the continuing appeal of this medium.
According to ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1. Auditors' analysis
On average, nearly seven out of ten people listen to the radio every day, i.e. nearly **.* million listeners in ****-****, according to Médiamétrie.
Similarly, more than * out of ** people (***) listen to Radio over the course of a month, i.e. **.* million people aged ** and over.
So how do ...
2.2. Listening preferences and behavior
In France, radio consumption preferences are very marked.
First of all, we can observe that the radio medium in France presents local and regional specificities, taking into account the traditions, history and socio-demographic structure of the population.
Among all French regions, the map below shows that Brittany is the region with ...
2.3. demand trends
Today, as we saw earlier, the French remain extremely attached to listening to the radio, with a very high number of listeners every day.s high level of trust, even as the media offer continues to grow.
The trend towards digitalization
Radio must continue to embrace the digital transition and incorporate ...
3 Market structure
3.1. radio value chain
The radio sector brings together several types of players and professions involved in one or more stages of the value chain. The value chain comprises * main phases :
Content creation: starting with editorial production, where journalists create programs, reports... Programming phase: to fit the content created into the programming schedule, with the ...
3.2. Radio companies and employees
In France, according toURSSAF, in **** there were almost **** companies in the radio program publishing and broadcasting sector, with total sales (***) of almost *.*** billion euros, according to INSEE.
Number of companies and employees in the radio publishing and broadcasting sector ****, France, in units URSSAF
Below, we show the evolution of sales for ...
3.3. Types of distribution
Radio relies on all technological advances, particularly those in the telecommunications sector.
For several years now, we have been witnessing a multiplication of radio broadcasting modes: FM, DAB+ and IP (***).
The table below shows the different types of waves:
Let's take a closer look at the FM network, DAB+ and ...
3.4. focus on Radio France
Radio France is a radio group in a class of its own in the French radio landscape.
According to Médiamétrie, in ****, Radio France is the *ᵉʳ radio group on all indicators. It includes radio stations such as: France Inter, FranceInfo, France Bleu, France culture, France musique, Fip, Le Mouv'... It ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1. Radio in France
The French radio landscape is highly developed, with almost *** radio stations listened to by the French. Of these ***, nearly ***, according to ARCOM, are local, whether associative, commercial, independent or affiliated to the national network. This local dimension is very specific to France. In addition, there are some thirty national radio stations, ...
4.2. The radio business model in France
Radio stations in France follow a very specific business model. They are financed almost entirely by the advertising they broadcast, and not directly by the consumers they serve.
As a result, there are several very distinct sources of revenue:
Advertising revenues Grants and subsidies Offer diversification
Advertising revenues The main source ...
4.3. radio equipment
In France, almost **.*% of households are equipped to listen to the radio, demonstrating the potential use and consumption of this medium, as shown in the graph below.
Percentage of households equipped to listen to the radio in France ****, France, in ARCOM
Every day, *.* million people listen to the radio on digital ...
4.4. Radio offering trends
Towards new forms of content: more digital
In radio, we are already seeing a fork in the road towards dedicated digital platforms for distributing delinearized formats such as podcasts or webradios, which are beginning to win over more and more listeners. The podcast market is showing strong growth rates (***).
This trend ...
5 Regulations
5.1. Current regulations
Regulations concerning radio broadcasting in France are generally issued and implemented by ARCOM (***).
The rules put in place aim to regulate the content sometimes broadcast live, and to keep an eye on freedom of the press, as well as freedom of expression.
Here are a few key ones
Frequency authorization and ...
5.2. Future regulations
The radio industry is constantly evolving, and this means constant changes to its regulations. So, let's take a look at where this legislation is likely to change.
Frequency regulations
as the new DAB+ technology rolls out at lightning speed across France, this development could lead to a reorganization of FM stations, ...
6 Positioning the players
6.1. Player segmentation
Below is a segmentation of radio players in France by major media group and type of radio station (***). It should be noted that the sales figures for major groups such as Groupe M*, France Télévision and Groupe Lagardère include both radio sales and audiovisual sales, such as the ...
- Next Radio TV (RMC et BFM Business)
- ISA Media Development
- NovaPress
- Europe 1 (Lagardère Groupe)
- Espace Group
- Radio France
- TF1 Groupe
List of charts presented in this market study
- Radio revenue trends in various countries
- Cumulative audience figures for radio since 2003
- Distribution of audio listening volume over a day
- Information access modes: How often do you usually get information?
- Trend in listening time per listener
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the radio market | France
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