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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

An electronic payment terminal (EPT) is a device that is becoming almost indispensable for retailers worldwide. The classic model consists of a casing, a screen, a keyboard and a card reader. More and more innovative forms of Eftpos terminals are also appearing, such as mobile Eftpos terminals, which are used in particular by companies on the move.

This TPE brings together the 4 parties required for a transaction:

-The cardholder

-The merchant

-The merchant's bank

-The cardholder's bank

This connection guarantees the effectiveness of the payment, unlike payment by cheque, for example, which is a security feature for the merchant. What's more, as consumers carry less and less cash, merchants are obliged to adapt and offer payment by card.

But these payment terminals are subject to commissions on transactions: these generally depend on the type of card used (debit, credit, prepaid...), the country of issue, and the network (VISA, Mastercard, American Express...). These commission rates average between 0.5% and 2.5%.

The size of the global payment terminal market has exceeded $80 billion by 2021, and is expected to grow at a CAGR (average annual growth rate) of almost 7% between 2022 and 2028.

As far as the French market is concerned, just over one in two merchants has an Eftpos terminal, but a strong trend towards digitalization is driving fintechs to position themselves in this segment.

Among the players in this sector are the giants Ingenico (France) and Verifone(USA), as well as fintechs such as iZettle, SumUp and Smile & Pay.

1.2 The global market

The global payment terminal market was valued at US$**.** billion in ****. The market is expected to grow at aCAGR of *.*% over the period **** - ****. As a result, sales are expected to reach *** billion US dollars by ****.

Evolution of global payment terminal market size World, **** - ****, in billions of USD Source: ****

Factors ...

1.3 Domestic market

To estimate the size of the French payment terminal market, we can multiply the number of payment terminals in France (***).

Thus, for ****, we obtain the following calculation:

(***) = *.*** billion euros

The same applies to other years:

Market size trend for payment terminals in France France, **** - ****, in billions of euros Source: ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Increase in the number of payment terminals and bankcards

In eleven years, the number of payment terminals in France has increased by **%, reaching *.*** million devices in ****. The increase is particularly significant between **** and ****, rising from *.*** million to *.*** million Eftpos terminals, an increase of **%.

Number of electronic payment terminals in France France, **** - ****, in number of units Source: ****

At the same ...

2.2 Payment methods used

The most widely used cashless payment method, in terms of volume, is card payment, accounting for **.*% of the total number of transactions. Cashless means of payment are distinct from banknotes and coins. They enable funds to be transferred by means of a payment order: these include cheques, bankcards, transfers, direct debits, ...

2.3 Focus on credit card payment

The following chart shows the breakdown of bankcard use by sector, in terms of number of transactions. This breakdown includes all bankcard payments, whether physical (***). It does, however, enable us to identify trends in the sectors where bankcards, and thus payment terminals, are most widely used.

In terms of the number ...

2.4 Focus on contactless payment

In ****, of the **.* billion bankcard payments, *.* billion were contactless payments, representing **.*% of the total number of card payments. [***]

In ****, **% of the number of proximity card payments (***) will be contactless. However, they only represent **% of the total value of card payments in proximity. In fact, the average basket for contactless payments was ...

2.5 Focus on mobile payment

Mobile payment has been rapidly democratized in France in recent years (***). However, the proportion of mobile payments in contactless payments will only represent *% in volume in ****, although this number has doubled compared to ****. [***] Note that unlike contactless payment by card, which has a legal limit of ** euros, contactless mobile payment has ...

2.6 The French and cash payments

For "local" transactions, e.g. in physical stores (***), the main alternative to payment terminals is cash .

Cash continues to be used regularly by the French. In fact, **% of French people say they pay "at least occasionally in cash", and **% even say they pay in cash "on a daily basis". Only *% of ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Overview of payment solutions

This section aims to give an overview of the payment environment in France, and the place of payment terminals in this environment.

Payment is a transaction that takes place between a buyer and a beneficiary. With the exception of cash payments, payment transactions call on one or more intermediaries to ensure ...

3.2 Card payment via a payment terminal

Several players are involved in the act of paying by card in a "physical place" (***):

The buyer of the good or service The merchant The issuer's bank (***) The acquirer's bank (***) External service providers, who supply the payment terminals and mediate the transaction

Thus, the merchant's bank transmits a payment authorization request ...

3.3 The VSE market still dominated by incumbents, but disrupted by fintechs

The payment terminal market is currently dominated by traditional players. However, fintechs are becoming increasingly present, modernizing the offering (***)

The emergence and development of new payment methods is turning the payment terminal market upside down, and encouraging the emergence of new players in this sector. These new payment methods include contactless ...

3.4 VSE distribution

Payment terminals cannot be distributed to private individuals. To obtain an EFTPOS terminal, you need to be a professional, a company or an association, and have a SIRET number. note that micro-entrepreneur status is sufficient to obtain this number. [***]

There are several distribution channels for electronic payment terminals:

Fintechs (***). From traditional ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer typology

The TPE offer is divided into * models: purchase and rental. According to Crédit Agricole, an Eftpos terminal costs between *** and *** euros. Prices vary according to options (***), and whether the equipment is new or used. To rent an Eftpos terminal, you'll need between ** and ** euros per month, depending on the model ...

4.2 Supply trends

MPOS terminals:

The mPOS terminal, initially developed and marketed by startups, consists of a mobile payment terminal that requires connection to a tablet or smartphone via Bluetooth. Over the last few years, this solution has become increasingly popular, particularly with micro, small and medium-sized businesses, as well as mobile retailers (***)

This ...

5 Regulations

5. Regulations

The payment market is governed by an extensive and strict regulatory framework. Listed below are the main regulations concerning payment terminals:

The law authorizes professionals and associations to own an electronic payment terminal. To do so, professionals and associations must have a Siret number. Private individuals, on the other hand, are ...

6 Positioning the players

6. Segmentation

  • Ingenico
  • Verifone
  • PAX Technology
  • Smile & Pay
  • Apple
  • Zettle
  • Dejamobile
  • Preludd Payment
  • SumUp

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Number of electronic payment terminals in France
  • Number of card payments made using electronic payment terminals
  • Number of French bankcards
  • Value of card payments made using electronic payment terminals
  • The best-known mobile payment applications
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

PAX Technology
Smile & Pay
Preludd Payment

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