Summary of our market study

The global no-code platform market has exhibited substantial growth starting from 2020, with the industry transforming significantly due to the increasing demand for digital transformation across various sectors. Investments in no-code startups have experienced a sharp uptick, rising from $529 million to $4.7 billion in 2021, with half of that investment occurring in the last quarter of 2021, signaling surging investor interest. Major players like Bubble and Zapier have raised significant funds ($100 million and $140 million in 2020, respectively), reflecting the market vitality. The broad application of no-code technologies, spanning from websites to artificial intelligence, has attracted a diverse user base, including developers, who often find these platforms both time-saving and conducive to quality software development.

Despite the predominance of American startups, the French market is catching up, as evidenced by several French companies like Pandasuite making a mark globally. Market segmentation shows leading companies like Airtable and Adalo generating revenues of $85 million and $1 million in 2020, respectively. The allure of no-code platforms is further underlined by the expectation that 75% of large companies will utilize at least four low/no-code tools by 2024, with 65% of applications anticipated to be developed using low/no-code technology. Regulations, particularly regarding data protection such as GDPR and upcoming ePrivacy Regulation, are set to evolve and potentially impact the industry in Europe.

Analyzing the Rising Demand for No-Code Platforms in the Digital Transformation Era

In recent years, the demand for no-code platforms has seen significant growth due to various influential factors. This upward trend can be largely attributed to the rapid pace of digital transformation sweeping through the business world, which has inevitably increased the need for personalized software solutions. With a clear emphasis on democratizing the programming experience, no-code tools are breaking down the barriers to digital innovation. As we observe this shift, it is evident that the demand is not isolated to large corporations; it is also being driven by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who are seeking more agile and adaptable tools to meet their unique needs. This has led to the expansion of the no-code market, with a plethora of platforms emerging to cater to various marketing necessities such as chatbot creation, data scraping, task automation, and even mobile app design—all attainable without prior coding expertise.

The no-code market size reflects this booming demand. In 2021, the market saw an impressive jump of between 60 and 70%, with an annual growth rate of close to 30% from 2020 to 2021. The broad market for low and no-code technologies, which encompasses more than just platforms and applications, stood at a substantial value of between roughly 13 and 14 billion USD in 2021, marking a noteworthy increase of more than 20% from the previous year. Behind this foreground of market size and growth lies a deeper narrative of necessity.

A prime mover for this demand has been the acute scarcity of qualified developers, a pain point for organizations as they scramble to secure talent amidst a competitive and expensive job market. No-code solutions not only offer a much-needed respite by allowing non-technical staff the autonomy to 'do it themselves', but they also align with the rapid changes enforced by the global COVID-19 pandemic. This has catalyzed the shift to remote working and has hastened the need for digital solutions that no-code tools are well-positioned to provide.

Forecast predictions hint at an even greater embrace of no-code platforms. It is expected that by 2024, a significant 65% chunk of applications will be developed using low or no-code methodologies. Moreover, a majority of large companies are projected to utilize at least four low/no-code tools, highlighting a substantial impending shift in the tech landscape towards more inclusive software development ecosystems. In this blossoming market, the figures speak for themselves. Thousands have already adopted these platforms.

Pioneering No-Code Market Giants Paving the Digital Transformation Highway

Amidst the no-code revolution, a few market players have undeniably emerged as titans, leading the charge and facilitating a massive shift in how businesses approach software development and digital transformation. Their innovative platforms empower those without technical expertise to create complex digital solutions, significantly impacting the software industry's landscape.

  • Bubble: A true icon in the no-code movement, Bubble has masterfully designed a platform that captures the essence of what it means to develop without code. Offering versatile services, from web applications to mobile solutions, Bubble has become synonymous with the democratization of tech creation, giving the power of development to the masses.
  • Zapier: Known for its automation prowess, Zapier is the go-to tool for streamlining workflows and optimizing efficiency. By allowing a multitude of applications to communicate with one another, Zapier simplifies complex tasks with an easy-to-use interface, proving that you don't need to be a developer to automate essential business operations.
  • Airtable: Striking the perfect balance between databases and spreadsheets, Airtable has carved out a niche that transforms the way organizations manage and organize their information. With an intuitive grid interface and powerful linking capabilities, Airtable facilitates collaboration and data management like no other.
  • Adalo: As a beacon of innovation in the mobile app arena, Adalo enables designers, entrepreneurs, and dreamers to bring their app ideas to life. By removing the barriers to entry for mobile app development, Adalo is opening doors for countless creators to participate in the app economy.
  • Notion: Redefining what it means to be productive, Notion offers an all-in-one workspace that blends notes, tasks, databases, and collaboration. Its impact on productivity and organization is significant, as it caters to a wide range of workflow needs, from personal project management to enterprise knowledge bases.
  • Retool: Retool has made a name for itself by focusing on internal tools development. By offering a rich library of pre-made components and the flexibility of connecting to any database or API, Retool empowers developers and businesses to build custom internal applications swiftly and efficiently.

As these no-code platforms continue to flourish, they collectively elevate the market by unlocking new opportunities for innovation, operational agility, and digital empowerment. Their presence is not just a trend but a testament to the transformative power of enabling no-code solutions in an increasingly digital world.

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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

No-code platforms are visual programming platforms that enable any user to build their own application, in the broadest sense of the term, with a simple drag-and-drop operation. These platforms make it possible to create websites, newsletters and forms in just a few clicks, thanks to highly visual and intuitive interfaces, without any notion of programming. In recent years, we've seen no-code tools gain in popularity as they meet a wide range of marketing needs: create a chatbot, scrape data, automate tasks and even design mobile applications - all without coding, of course. Some platforms even offer tools for designing your own no-code services, such as Bubble. But the principle remains the same, and has been for almost 50 years: a publisher provides a tool that enables a non-technical profileto easily create a solution that, at first glance, involves specific technical complexity.

The global market for no-code platforms is booming for several reasons. On the one hand, advances in computer technology are making programming more accessible to the general public. On the other hand, there is tension in the developer job market: companies are finding it hard to recruit, and salaries are high. no-code solutions offer a degree of independence to non-technical profiles, who often appreciate being able to "do things themselves", freeing themselves from the constraints inherent in organizations. These obstacles can be linked to the rigidity of companies, to interests that are not perfectly aligned between certain departments and management, or to uncertainties about the added value of a technical solution.

on a global scale, we can see that no-code platforms are becoming increasingly popular, driven by companies such as Airtable and Bubble. The amount invested in the US in low- and no-code startups has more than quadrupled in five years, from $114 million in 2014 to $529 million in 2019. Among them, Airtable ($170 million raised in total) used by WeWork in the management of its construction projects and Netflix for its video post-production stages.

Although the French no-code market was lagging behind the Anglo-Saxon markets, the fact remains that French companies are increasingly inclined to use these platforms, which are better suited to the needs of SMEs. The increase in the number of start-ups offering these solutions, such as Contournement and Ottho Tools, bears witness to the dynamism of the market.

1.2 A fast-growing global market

The global market for no-code platforms is booming. The following graph shows the evolution of the market size for low and no-code applications between **** and ****. In just * years, the market has jumped by **%. By ****, the market has grown by **% compared to ****.

What's more, thetotal for low and no-code technologies, not just ...

1.3 A high-potential national market

There is no market size for no-code platforms in France. Nor is it possible to estimate it from information on the sector to date. However, digital market figures are available in France, notably for software and cloud platform publishers, and they enable us to appreciate the strong development potential of no-code ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Developers, the first target audience for no-code platforms

The main advantage of no-code platforms is the ability to "program" without any notion of programming. However, the emergence of these tools is not the beginning of the end for developers, many of whom use and appreciate no-code in their work. Indeed, no-code and code are not mutually exclusive, but rather ...

2.2 The digital transformation of companies: a major determinant of demand

The digitization of businesses is a major growth driver for no-code platforms, whose offerings are geared towards professionals and businesses (***) from French companies.aises, where **% estimate that the **** budget allocated to IT will increase, while this same budget was already on the rise in **** for **% of companies.

IT budget trends France, ...

3 Market structure

3.1 A market that is expanding and deconcentrating

There are a multitude of no-code platforms in a variety of fields. The following table classifies them according to their field of application:

Although the above table is not an exhaustive ranking of no-code platforms, it does show the sheer number of players already on the market. Indeed, many players are ...

3.2 French production of no-code tools

French production of no-code tools is by no means non-existent, and some companies have managed to make a name for themselves. The following table lists the French players offering no-code tools (***) and their areas of expertise. Most of them are startups:

Pandasuite is probably the most widely used French no-code platform ...

3.3 Fundraising, a major factor in structuring the market

The companies making up the no-code market are mainly American start-ups. Indeed, the heavyweights of the market, including Bubble, Zapier, Aitable and Notion, are mostly based in the USA, particularly in Silicon Valley, the cradle of the tech industry. The French players, whether in no-code solutions (***), are also mostly statups or, ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer price typology

The following table lists the various subscriptions and associated prices for the main players in the sector:

Source: ****

The business model of no-code companies is to offer freemium formulas. This is a business strategy in which a first, limited version of the application is available free of charge, to attract as ...

4.2 Supply trends

In France, the no-code offer extends to training, consulting and companies specialized in the use of no-code platforms in their customer services. The following table lists and classifies these French players:

With the emergence of no-code in France and its probable democratization, the number of training courses and companies using no-code ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

Personal data security:

Initially, the French Data Protection Act of January *, **** provided a legal framework for the protection of personal data in France.

In the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (***).

Article * of the General Data Protection Regulation (***) states that "any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ...

5.2 Regulations set to evolve in Europe

In the near future, no-code platforms and the software created from them could also be governed by :

ePrivacy Regulation, a European Union project aimed at strengthening citizens' online privacy by "governing all electronic communications on publicly available services and networks originating from individuals within the European Union"[***]. The regulation is due ...

6 Positioning the players

6. Segmentation

  • Google
  • Bubble
  • Zapier
  • Airtable
  • Notion
  • Pandasuite
  • Creatio

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Global market size for low- and no-code applications
  • Tools most appreciated by developers
  • The tools best suited to developers' needs
  • Developer loyalty to different tools
  • Frequency of use of low/no code platforms for software creation
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  • Google's chatbot Bard is now available in Europe and Brazil.
  • The service is now available in over 40 languages, including French, Arabic and German.
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  • Bard is based on the analysis of billions of online texts and up-to-date news data, unlike its competitor ChatGPT, whose data ends in 2021.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :


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