Summary of our market study

The global market for building reception and concierge services is growing rapidly, driven by urbanization and increased demand for security and well-being in residential and office buildings. In particular, the feeling of insecurity in cities like Brussels has stimulated demand for reception and concierge services. With urbanization in Belgium, the trend towards apartment living is increasing, necessitating concierge services despite the predominance of single-family homes. The market slowed slightly in 2020 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but rebounded strongly in 2021, with the market for combined building support activities reaching 384 million euros, up 40% on 2021. The sector is diversifying, with reception services aimed at office buildings and Airbnb accommodations. Demand for high-end services is on the rise, and remote working trends have led to a reduction in traditional office space, affecting demand for in-person concierge services.

Nevertheless, coworking spaces continue to grow, offering new opportunities for the market. Digitization has also influenced the sector, with companies offering fully digital services to manage building access and security. The proliferation of private concierge services raises the question of competition, offering personalized task delegation for private individuals. Companies on the Belgian market range from independent concierges to specialized BtoB service providers, with a fragmented structure and the arrival of new players offering sophisticated services.

Trends in the Belgian hospitality and concierge services market

As cities gain in modernity and sophistication, demand for reception and concierge services is growing in Belgium. This sector has been shaped by a number of determining factors, including urbanization, service overkill and the rise of security concerns among residents. With around 77% of Belgians preferring to live in houses, the move towards urban living has consequently stimulated the growth of apartment complexes, creating opportunities for concierge services. One of the most striking trends in the demand for reception and concierge services in Belgium is the growing need for security. Half of the inhabitants of major cities like Brussels regularly worry about burglaries, which has led to a growing interest in building surveillance systems and concierge services. In addition to security, there is a growing emphasis on work-life balance, prompting companies to offer services that promote employee well-being. This trend can be explained by the desire for a balanced lifestyle, accentuated by the recent pandemic. The Belgian market is also witnessing a change in office dynamics, with a move towards smaller office spaces.

Despite the decline in office occupancy rates, estimated at around 12%, demand for concierge services remains underpinned by the premiumization trend, where large companies are enriching their facilities with services such as cleaning, maintenance and reception, in order to attract and retain high-caliber staff. Among the fluctuating demands in the office real estate segment, flexible workspaces, such as coworking facilities, have emerged as a beacon of potential growth for the sector. Expected to account for between 20 and 30% of office space by 2030, coworking spaces require the provision of reception services, a development that plays into the hands of concierge service providers. What's more, the advent of digital solutions has revolutionized the market. Companies are innovating with offerings including intelligent access systems, remote reception and digital concierge services that enable individuals to manage their daily tasks.

This digital transformation brings convenience, but also introduces new competition. The Belgian market for reception and concierge services is not without its challenges. The private concierge sector, which targets affluent customers with personalized, on-demand services, has created a competitive front. These services often overlap with those offered by building concierges, changing the dynamics of demand. Finally, Airbnb's boom in major cities has given rise to a distinct niche for concierge services that cater to the platform's owners.

Key players shaping the landscape of reception and concierge services in Belgium

As the building reception and concierge services market in Belgium reaches maturity, several key players have emerged as trailblazers, catering to a diverse customer base ranging from residential buildings to corporate offices. Companies in this sector are recognized for their ability to provide a range of services that not only meet basic security and maintenance needs, but also aim to enhance the day-to-day experience of tenants and employees.

Personalized services have carved out a niche for themselves, offering a range of reception and concierge services tailored to the precise needs of their customers. They stand out for their tailor-made solutions for both businesses and individual residents, ensuring the smooth running of facilities and the well-being of occupants. Whether it's a traditional door service or a modern digital interface, Custom's services have demonstrated adaptability and attention to detail.

  • Welcome at work is another notable entity in the field, bringing a more holistic approach to its offerings. Their services go beyond the conventional responsibilities of reception and extend into the realm of employee well-being. By offering benefits such as press facilities, snack corners and car wash services, they make a significant contribution to the work-life balance sought by today's employees.
  • On the other hand, Concierges Brussels offers a mix of classic and innovative concierge services. With clients ranging from corporate giants to private individuals, this company is a master in the art of providing quality services with a personal touch. It offers a level of service befitting the luxury sector, taking ordinary concierge tasks to extraordinary levels through its commitment to customer satisfaction.
  • HM & FS are recognized for their dual focus on hospitality management and concierge services, demonstrating their ability to multi-task and provide comprehensive support. Whether it's a physical presence on site or the management of services that facilitate the daily lives of a building's occupants, they offer a solid package that addresses both functionality and comfort.
  • BM Conciergerie specializes in the architectural aspects of building maintenance. It offers detailed technical diagnostics, drawing on both technical expertise and the human skills needed to foster positive relations between tenants and owners. BM Conciergerie adapts its offer to the scale of the building, ensuring tailor-made services for residents and visitors.
  • Protexys services, renowned for their efficiency, are particularly well suited to the corporate environment. Their professional management of visitor reception, call routing and email management helps streamline operations in busy business locations, enhancing corporate image and facilitating day-to-day operations.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Reception services and building concierge services refer to all the services provided to visitors and residents of a building. The market can be divided into several segments:

  • The concierge service for residential buildings: which takes the form of a guard in charge of the surveillance and maintenance of the building. Concierge services are sometimes provided by more premium companies, which offer additional services.
  • Office building reception services: often outsourced to a company in the context of shared offices or directly entrusted to a member of the company.
  • Hotel concierge services: services often included in the hotel's services.

The study focuses on the first two segments, which are activities in their own right.

Global urbanization is the primary driver of market growth. Nevertheless, Belgium, despite having a very high urbanization rate, stands out for the preponderance of single-family homes rather than shared buildings. The market for reception services must therefore primarily rely on the growing demand for office buildings. The sense of insecurity is also a growth driver for the sector; since reception and concierge services, while welcoming and guiding visitors, are also used to monitor entrances and exits of the building.

The building concierge market is now undergoing many changes and evolving to meet a multifaceted demand. The rise of Airbnb in the major Belgian cities is creating new problems in terms of apartment management and building security. The digitalization, affecting more and more sectors, is also interested in the problems of concierge services; and more and more companies are proposing 100% digital solutions to ensure the reception and security of buildings.

1.2 The global market

The global market for building reception and concierge services is driven by the premiumization of services offered in office and residential buildings in the world's largest cities. From New York to Melbourne, via London, Paris and Frankfurt, reception and concierge services are taking their place at the entrance of buildings. As ...

1.3 The domestic market

It is very difficult to estimate the overall market for reception and janitorial services in Belgium. Nevertheless, by looking at code **.* Combined support activities for buildings, we can obtain a rather reliable approximation of the market. The companies registered under code **.* are those offering the following services in buildings: routine interior ...

2 Analysis of the demand

2.1 Urbanization, the primary driver of demand

In ****, without taking into account the state cities or islands, Belgium was the *th most urbanized country in the world behind Kuwait, China and Qatar[***].

Urban population in Belgium Belgium, **** - ****, in % of population Source: ****

A large majority of Belgians live in houses, rather than in shared buildings. In fact, in ...

2.2 Security and well-being, the two raisons d'être of the concierge market

Residents in constant search of security

One of the reasons for the development of concierge services in apartment buildings is the search for greater security. Indeed, the primary role of the building janitor is to monitor the entrances and exits of the building. However, the feeling of insecurity is on the ...

2.3 Premiumization and diversification of demand

Deserted office buildings

The office real estate market is going through a period of instability in Belgium, as companies are still defining their hybrid strategies. Brussels is by far the region with the highest concentration of office buildings (***). By ****, take-up has decreased by **% in Belgium. This phenomenon is explained by the ...

3 Market structure

3.1 A fragmented market

The market for reception and janitorial services is fragmented and includes many players, ranging from independent building janitors to specialized BtoB companies.

An ancestral profession

The building janitor's job appeared as early as the Middle Ages, and was then similar to the function of knight, whose role was to protect the ...

3.2 Value Chain

3.3 Companies in the market

We can identify several types of companies present on the market of reception and concierge services in Belgium.

Companies specialized in residential and/or corporate concierge services: Custom services, Welcome at work, Concierges Brussels, HM & FS, BM Conciergerie, Protexys services, Savviva... Event management companies offering concierge services such as DDM Prestige. ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Type of offer: various services

If the concierge is above all a privileged interlocutor in the building, the reception and concierge services are multiple. They depend first of all on the clientele to be addressed. For office buildings, it is mainly a matter of welcoming visitors and orienting them in the building. The receptionists are also ...

4.2 The development of concierge services for Airbnb

The Airbnb craze in the major Belgian cities

The development of Airbnb in the major Belgian cities is growing rapidly. Indeed, more and more local owners are making their properties available on the platform. The number of new hosts in Belgium has doubled between the second quarter of **** and ****[***].

The different ...

4.3 Digitalized reception and concierge services

As for many other sectors, the trend is towards digital concierge services. Thus, more and more companies are offering ***% digital services for the reception of individuals in buildings. These new offers are aimed at the same clientele as the "physical" service companies, but the offer is necessarily more limited.

4.4 Private concierge services, new competition

The services offered within buildings are competing with private concierge services, which allow individuals to delegate everyday tasks. These concierges take the form of personal assistants, available on an as-needed basis to perform a multitude of activities: from making appointments to childcare. The private concierge offers similar services to premium concierge ...

5 Regulation

5.1 National regulations

Regulations concerning the building janitor profession

Building janitors are grouped together in the Joint Committee for Building Management, Real Estate Agents and Domestic Workers (***).

Working hours

The working time for a full-time employee is fixed at ** hours per week. All working hours must be stated in the work regulations. Under certain ...

5.2 Regional regulations


The regulations concerning the janitors of schools and extracurricular establishments vary from one municipality to another and are established by municipal decrees.


A decree of the Executive fixes the rules concerning janitor services for buildings belonging to the Walloon region or rented by it and assigned to its services: ...

6 Positioning of the actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Custom services
  • Welcome at work
  • Le Concierge de Bruxelles
  • HM & FS
  • BM Conciergerie
  • Protexys services
  • Savviva
  • Optimalis
  • Bringme
  • EasyDay
  • Teleportel

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Concierge services market
  • Turnover of companies registered under code 81.1
  • Urban population in Belgium
  • Number of buildings and apartment buildings
  • Are residential burglaries a problem in your neighborhood?
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Custom services
Welcome at work
Le Concierge de Bruxelles
BM Conciergerie
Protexys services

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The market for reception and concierge services | Belgium

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