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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

An electric scooter is considered a gait throttle (not an actual means of transportation) and consists of a platform on which to rest one's feet, two wheels with suspension, a T-shaped handlebar with a throttle and possibly a hand brake.

This market can be segmented according to the type of scooter user, there are:

-Users who own a scooter;

-Users who use self-service rental solutions.

The global electric scooter market was valued at $19.6 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach a value of $29.9 billion by 2028.

It is also necessary to take into account that compared to last year, sales prices have increased by 65 percent on average. One incentive that has allowed many Italians to purchase this type of gait accelerator is the introduction of the 2020 mobility bonus. This bonus allows people to receive a subsidy of 60% of the total expenditure incurred.

Trends driving the growth of this sector in Italy are: the need to find a more efficient alternative to public transportation, the focus on more sustainable practices, and the increasing traffic restrictions that local governments are imposing on cars to reduce urban pollution.


1.2 Global Market

The global electric scooter market was valued at $**.* billion in **** and is expected to reach a value of $**.* billion by ****. The global market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.* percent over the forecast period.

Asia-Pacific held the largest market share in ****, with a **.** percent share. Being ...

1.3 Italian Market

Arriving in Italy at the end of ****, scooter-sharing services realize unprecedented numbers in the pandemic year, becoming in ** months the most popular service in Italy, the one with the greatest presence in southern cities, the one with the most operational vehicles on the roads, as well as the one that realizes ...

1.4 Impact covid

The Covid-** crisis has generated extraordinary changes on the mobility system of people and goods. The distancing policies in place to curb coronavirus infection reduce the carrying capacity of public transportation: assuming a ** percent reduction in the number of employees going to work by bus and streetcar, using a private car ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand analysis: Demand trends and drivers

This market can be segmented according to the type of scooter user; there are two types of customers:

-Users who own a scooter;

-Users who make use of self-service rental solutions.

The trends driving the growth of this sector in Italy are: the need to find a more efficient alternative to ...

2.2 Italians' concerns about the safety of scooters

In ****, ** percent of Italians expressed concerns about the safety of electric scooters, according to a YouGov poll. About seven in ** Italians believe the use of electric scooters should be regulated. In particular, eight out of ten respondents believe that users should be required to wear helmets.

Main safety issues of electric ...

2.3 Covid impact on demand for scooters

Will COVID-** change the frequency of scooter use among Italians? A survey conducted in May **** revealed no significant changes in usage intentions. The majority of respondents (***) do not already use scooters. Among the remainder who do use scooters, half said they did not anticipate any change in their usage pattern. Only ...

2.4 Number of accidents in microbiome sharing

In the demand analysis, it is also useful to analyze the number of accidents in micromobility sharing as more accidents will lead consumers in the future to distrust and worry about a particular micromobility service.

The analysis is based on data from operators of micromobility sharing services. These operators were asked ...

2.5 Geographical distribution of demand

Google Trends allows us to analyze interest over time for the word "electric scooters." The graph above represents the proportion of searches for a given keyword in a specific region and for a specific period of time, compared to when the use of that keyword was highest (***). Thus, a value of ...

3 Market structure

3.1 The main players in scooter sharing

Shared mobility services in Italy are mainly made available by U.S. and European companies. Below we provide an analysis of the main operators.


In ****, the global electric micromobility, technology and innovation company, Helbiz, was born. The company was founded and conceived by an Italian-American entrepreneur, Salvatore Palella, and today ...

3.2 The main players in the production of scooters

It is worth pointing out what are the hegemonic brands in the field of production and sale of electric scooters, those that are most successful in Italy.

Among the models of electric scooters that are the most popular are Xiaomi, Segway, Hudora, Nilox, Nito and Vivobike. The ** percent of the Italian ...

3.3 Geographic Distribution of scooter sharing services

Below we analyze the geographic distribution of micromobility sharing services. It emerges that sharing services are more present in Northern Italy, where there are as many as ** cities with at least one sharing service while they are less present in Central Italy where there are only ** cities with at least one ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Types

Below we provide an analysis of the types of electric scooters according to the different characteristics they possess.

The basic characteristics of an electric scooter:

Battery: capacity and range, charging time Maximum cruising speed Weight of the frame (***) Maximum supportable weight Price (***)


The average battery range is around ** km, which ...

4.2 Price analysis

Prices of scooter sharing services vary depending on the city in which you reside; below we provide an analysis of the prices of the main operators in the city of Rome.


€ *.** for unlocking, then for each additional minute you pay ** cents. There are also subscriptions: the Lime Week Pass ...

4.3 Analysis of best-selling scooter models and their prices

Below you will find the ranking of the best-selling electric scooter models on Amazon as of February *, ****.

5 Regulation

5.1 Regulation

For the many owners of electric scooters, the date of September **, **** is very important because from that day on, the regulations of the MIMS Decree August **, ****, which defines the technical specifications of scooters allowed to circulate in Italy, begin to apply, introducing new features on turn indicators and the braking ...

5.2 Mobility Bonus

In the Relaunch Decree announced by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on May **, ****, and published in the Official Gazette on May **, ****, a bonus of up to *** euros for the purchase of electric scooters and other means of micromobility as a measure to contain contagion during travel in the Phase *.

This is a ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Lime Italia
  • VOI
  • Bird Rides Italia
  • Helbiz italia
  • Xiaomi Italia
  • Nilox (Gruppo Esprinet)

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Main safety issues of electric scooters
  • How often will you use your monopath after COVID 2020?
  • Scooter sharing fleets in Italy
  • Incidentality in micromobility sharing
  • Global electric scooter market
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Lime Italia
Bird Rides Italia
Helbiz italia
Xiaomi Italia
Nilox (Gruppo Esprinet)

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The market for electric scooters | Italy

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