Summary of our market study

The French in vitro diagnostics (IVD) market is estimated at over €2.5 billion.

The global IVD market has grown by almost 80%, with an estimated value of between $90 and $95 billion in 2022. This robust growth is set to continue, reaching between $150 and $160 billion by 2030, with an average annual growth rate of around 7%.

North America will have the largest market share in 2020, at 42.8%?

In Europe, the market jumped to 14.4 billion euros in 2020, and 20.7 billion euros in 2021, a trend paralleling the French market, which grew by 32% in 2020 and 22% in 2021.

The market's rapid expansion can be attributed to rising healthcare spending, an ageing population and technological advances in in vitro diagnostics. In particular, the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated IVD consumption, with PCR tests becoming widely used and contributing significantly to market growth.

Dynamism and transformation of the in vitro diagnostics sector in the face of pandemic challenges

The in vitro diagnostics market encompasses a wide range of techniques and devices used in medical laboratories to diagnose human or animal samples.

It is characterized by a diverse range of customers, mainly medical and hospital laboratories.

The French market is the second largest after Germany, representing over 10% of the European market. It enjoyed steady but moderate growth until the pandemic, which triggered an explosive increase in the market, with estimates reaching over 2.5 billion euros.

Global players include major international multi-sector groups such as Roche Diagnostics, Abbott and Thermo Fisher Diagnostics, as well as specialists in fields such as haemostasis and thrombosis (Diagnostica Stago) and rapid diagnostic tests (TDR) (Biosynex).

Key players in in vitro diagnostics

  • Roche Diagnostics is a giant in the healthcare industry and a market leader in in vitro diagnostics.
  • Abbott Laboratories, a diversified healthcare conglomerate, offers a wide range of diagnostic solutions.
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific specializes in the supply of laboratory equipment, reagents and consumables
  • Danaher Corporation global innovator in science and technology
  • bioMérieux Specialized in microbiology
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Overview and definition of the in vitro diagnostics market

In-vitro diagnostics ( IVD) covers all the techniques, devices and equipment used on human or animal tissue samples or biological fluids to diagnose pathologies in medical laboratories. In vitro din vitro diagnostics therefore differs from in vivo diagnostics, which are performed directly on living organisms and not on samples taken from them.and not on samples taken from them.

More specifically, the european Union regulation 2017/746defines an in vitro diagnostic device (IVD) as "any medical device which consists of a reagent, reagent product, calibration material, control material, kit, instrument, apparatus, equipment, software or systemused alone or in combination, intended by the manufacturer to be used in vitro in the examination of samples from the human body, including donated blood and tissue, solely or principally for the purpose of providing information on one or more of the following:

  • concerning a physiological or pathological process or state;
  • concerning congenital physical or mental deficiencies;
  • concerning the predisposition to a condition or disease;
  • to determine whether a given treatment is safe for and compatible with potential recipients;
  • to predict response or reactions to a treatment;
  • to define or control therapeutic measures ".

The main customers of in vitro diagnostics manufacturers are medical laboratories and hospital laboratories.

The global in vitro diagnostics market is growing, and is set to continue to do so in the years ahead. In fact, it is estimated to reach $94.7 billion in 2022, after increasing by 80% since 2018, and should reach $157 billion in 2030. The CAGR (average annual growth rate) over the period 2023-2030 would be 7. 1%[pwc]

This market is largely dominated by North America(42.8% share in 2020), followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific[pwc]. The latter region, however, is experiencing the most dynamic growth, with a record CAGR forecast for the period 2023-2030 [Fortune Business Insights], while it was already estimated at 8.6% between 2020 and 2024. [pwc]

The French IVD market is Europe's second-largest (12.6% share in 2021) , behind Germany. While showed moderate growth until 2019, following a period of consolidation and concentration in the sector through numerous takeovers and mergers between laboratories, the explosion in demand for Covid-19 screening tests has boosted the market in 2020 and 2021. Indeed, sales in 2020 and 2021 grew by 32% and 22% respectively, with the French IVD market reaching a value of €2.61 billion in 2021 . [Medtech]

1.2 A fast-growing global market

The global in vitro diagnostics market is growing fast. It is valued at $**.* billion in ****, having grown by almost **% since ****. This momentum is set to continue in the years ahead, as the market is expected to reach $*** billion in ****, recording a CAGR (***) of *.*% over the period ****-****.

In vitro diagnostics market ...

1.3 A major French market

The French IVD market is the second largest in Europe, behind Germany. It will account for **.*% of the European market in ****, as shown in the graph below. IVD market share in Europe Europe, ****, % of total Source: ****

Like the European market, the French market has taken advantage of the health crisis to ...

1.4 The COVID-19 crisis accelerated IVD consumption

PCR tests meet the definition of in vitro diagnostics. Analytical laboratories were at the heart of the global pandemic. They were able to benefit from business continuity even during containment, but also from theincreased demand for Covid-** screening tests.

The PCR test was widely consumed in ****, and continues to be so ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Healthcare expenditure in the EU

Europe offers a broad spectrum of medical laboratories. There are many differences between countries, which are reflected in healthcare systems and spending.

An article in EM consulte has produced a typology of healthcare systems in Europe:

The Bismarckian wage-based system; The tax-financed Beveridgian system; Mixed models; Private, legalized systems.

Healthcare expenditure ...

2.2 Medical biology laboratories in the consumption of healthcare and medical goods

Each year, DREES publishes the results of the French health accounts. Below, we use data from the **** edition of Les dépenses de santé en ****.

At the heart of the **** presidential campaign, **% of French people ranked healthcare as one of the priorities to be addressed by politicians, second only to purchasing ...

2.3 Demographic trends and changing consumption patterns

IVD market activity is largely influenced by the demographic situation of the country concerned. The greater the proportion of elderly people, the greater the risk of disease. These include cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease and even cancer.

The ageing population: already a reality in France...

Proportion of the French population aged ** or ...

2.4 Strong demand for Covid-19

Global demand for Covid-** screening tests soars

Covid-** screening tests have been the mainstay of the in-vitro diagnostics market in recent years. Indeed, demand for them has obviously risen sharply in the wake of the health crisis.

The following graph shows the evolution of the number of Covid-** screening tests (***).

Covid-** ...

3 Market structure

3.1 A consolidating domestic market

Although IVD is involved in almost **% of medical decisions, its weight in the healthcare market remains minor, representing no more than *% of healthcare industry sales(***).

Number of laboratories

The I+C industry report bears witness to this decline in the number of laboratories employing at least one employee. Over the past ...

3.2 Reagent manufacturing at the heart of the in vitro diagnostics market

The French IVD market is dominated by the reagents sub-segment, which accounts for **% of sales on the market, with the remaining **% corresponding to instrument sales, excluding self-tests marketed to the general public. These reagents are mainly used for allergy diagnostics, blood sugar and cholesterol testing, and also include products for determining ...

3.3 Distribution of IVD devices: financial risks borne by suppliers

The IVD market has recently seen a major change in the relationship between product suppliers and laboratories. Historically, this was based on the classic principle of ordering/billing units of reagents to the supplier, and has been transformed in favor of billing a fixed, global price per "patient" result.this has ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 The in vitro diagnostics offering, by pathology

Today, the promising segment of self-tests, such as for diabetes control, is developing strongly, as are rapid and off-site tests, benefiting from the widespread practice of outpatient medicine. Specific instruments and consumables are available for different types of diagnostics: Immunochemistry (***).

Points de repère - issue ** (***) presents medical biology expenditure by ...

4.2 Breakdown of medical biology expenditure by pathology: a range of diagnostics

France's In Vitro Diagnostics industry, from start-ups to global groups, has everything it takes to create a high-performance sector serving public health. Boosted by technological, scientific and biological advances, as well as digital transformation, innovation in diagnostics has particularly accelerated in recent, and the COVID-** health crisis revealed the ...

5 Regulations

5.1 A national market subject to evolving European regulations

In order to be marketed within the European Union (***) **/**/EC, established to protect the health and safety of users[***].

This Directive is currently being progressively replaced by IVD Regulation ****/***, which came into force on May **, ****. Manufacturers have a *-year transition period to modify their manufacturing processes and technical documentation to meet ...

6 Positioning the players

6. Segmentation

  • Roche Groupe
  • Diagast
  • Abbott Groupe
  • Danaher
  • Thermo Fisher Diagnostics
  • Sebia
  • BioMerieux Groupe
  • Diagnostica Stago
  • Biosynex
  • Diagnostic Medical System DMS Groupe

List of charts presented in this market study

  • The European in vitro diagnostics market
  • Breakdown of the global in vitro diagnostics market
  • Sales in the in vitro diagnostics market
  • Breakdown of IVD market share in Europe
  • The French in vitro diagnostics market
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Latest news

Medical imaging: DMS Group acquires Sweden's Solutions For Tomorrow - 03/10/2023
  • Medical imaging specialist for digital radiology and bone densitometry, DMS targets sales of 40 million euros in 2023
  • by 2027, the goal is to reach 60 million euros
  • 120 employees
  • Network of 140 distributors worldwide
  • DMS Group is based in Gallargues (Gard) and listed on the stock exchange
  • Acquisition of Swedish company Solutions For Tomorrow. Founded in 2011
  • It offers a high-end motorized mobile medical imaging solution, protected by 15 patents and present in 35 countries.
  • The company has already deployed over 500 pieces of equipment, employs 23 people and generates sales of 6 million euros.

BioMérieux boosts capacity at its French plants - 27/06/2023
  • BioMérieux investment plan: 300 million euros over five years
  • BioMérieux sales: 3.6 billion euros
  • BioMérieux workforce: 13,800 people
  • Test kit market growth: 10% per year
  • Volume of kits assembled by BioMérieux: 130 to 140 million per year
Thermo Fisher solid despite a more difficult environment - 23/06/2023
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific sales in 2022: $44.9 billion
  • Thermo Fisher sales by business segment: analytical technologies (15%), specialized diagnostic products (11%), life sciences solutions (30%), laboratory products and services including CRO services (50%)
Abbott: improvement and investment - 20/06/2023
  • Abbott generates around 60% of its sales outside the United States
  • The company achieved sales of $43.6 billion in 2022
  • The company acquired St. Jude Medical in 2017 for $25 billion
Thermo Fisher expands capacity at Bourgoin-Jallieu - 20/04/2023
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific plant in Bourgoin-Jallieu, Isère.
  • The site employs nearly 600 people.
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific sales in 2022: $44.92 billion (around €41 billion).
  • The group employs 2,800 people in France, on 9 sites.
bioMérieux: end of Covid brings testing champion back down to earth - 09/03/2023
  • Family-owned group with 13,000 employees
  • Annual profit reduced from €601 in 2021 to €452 million in 2022, despite sales increasing by 6.3% to €3.6 billion due to the acquisition of US ultra-rapid antibiotic resistance testing company Specific Diagnostics

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Roche Groupe
Abbott Groupe
Thermo Fisher Diagnostics
BioMerieux Groupe
Diagnostica Stago
Diagnostic Medical System DMS Groupe

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