Summary of our market study

The dried flower market has seen a revival in recent years, particularly in Europe where the Netherlands dominates despite being a transit country. French consumers have shown increased interest, driven by aesthetics on social media and a push for sustainable consumption. The European flower market was valued at $30.7 billion in 2020, with expected growth of 5.2% CAGR, reaching over $43.8 billion by 2027. In France, the broader market for flowers, plants, seeds, and related products in specialized stores grew significantly by 18.19% in 2021 compared to 2020.

The industry mainly sells through florists, garden centers, and supermarkets, with florists leading in volume but garden centers dominating in value. The Netherlands remains France's main import and export partner for dried flowers and related products. Dried flowers present an eco-friendly alternative to fresh flowers, particularly in light of concerns such as water conservation and carbon footprint from transportation of imported flowers. Online sales and delivery have further propelled the dried flower market, benefiting from consumer preference for quality, freshness, and diversity, as well as responsiveness to internet marketing strategies.

Revival and Transformation in the French Dried Flower Market

The French dried flower market has witnessed a notable resurgence in recent years, leaving behind its outdated image and blossoming into a vibrant trend buoyed by modern aesthetics and a push for more sustainable consumer habits. This revival is linked to both the growing desire for sustainable consumption and the strategic use of social media by influencers and brands. In terms of market size, the flower market in France has seen steady growth.

Dried flowers, following this trend, are likely to see a similar trajectory, although concrete figures for this specific segment are scarce. Prices for dried flowers vary widely, as they are influenced by bouquet size, flower type, and level of sophistication. For instance, a Pampa flower stalk, a popular dried flower, ranges in price from about 5 to 10 euros. The value proposition of dried flowers is significant as they tend to last far longer than their fresh counterparts, presenting a cost-effective alternative over time.

When examining European market dynamics, the Netherlands emerges as a formidable hub, controlling about 60% of the global market, despite much of the world's production transiting through the country. France, trailing behind, occupies about 11% of the land dedicated to ornamental plants in Europe and holds a significant portion of the European production value.

Regarding foreign trade, the French dried flower market has experienced fluctuations. Recent years have shown a consistent decline in import value, diminishing by over 40% between 2015 and 2020. It's also noteworthy that the Netherlands is France's chief partner in both imports and exports of dried flowers.

The environmental concerns of the French, particularly the impact of climate change on water resources, have influenced demand in the flower market, and dried flowers benefit from this shift as they require no watering and have a longer lifespan than fresh flowers. Moreover, the French are increasingly attuned to the environmental footprint of their purchases, favoring locally produced alternatives to reduce emissions associated with transport.

Distribution channels for dried flowers in France are led by florists in terms of volume, followed by garden centers and supermarkets. Despite florists leading in volume, garden centers top the list in value, suggesting a significant price differential between these channels. A deep dive into the French flower-buying habits reveals that birthdays account as the primary occasion for buying flowers, followed by Mother's Day and condolences.

Key Players in the Transformative Dried Flower Market

The dried flower market has seen a significant resurgence, and its landscape comprises various players who have managed to cater to the shifting consumer demands.

  • Companies like Monceau Fleurs, a part of the Emova Group, have established themselves as a robust wholesale entity, offering a rich assortment of flowers that cater to the modern consumer. While sales figures are not the focus here, their market presence is substantial, and they are known for their quality and breadth.


  • ROSEDOR stands out as another cornerstone in the wholesaler space, bringing to the market a diverse range of flowers, and known for their commitment to freshness and variety which is crucial in the dried flower segment. France Fleurs, although smaller when compared to giants like ROSEDOR, has made its mark by offering a curated selection of flowers that appeal to discerning customers who value artisanal quality and a more personalized touch. Retail networks are not to be overshadowed in this blooming market.


  • Emova Groupe, although not exclusively focused on dried flowers, hosts a network of shops that provide easy access to an array of flower choices, including the sought-after dried varieties. Their retail prowess signifies the importance of having a tangible presence in a market that highly values the sensory experience of flower selection.


  • When it comes to flower transmission services, names like Interflora, Aquarelle, and Florajet emerge as significant facilitators that bridge the gap between the flowers and the customers. These services are crucial in modern times when convenience and speed are of the essence. Interflora's vast network enables a swift delivery of not just fresh blossoms but also artfully crafted dried flower arrangements. Aquarelle and Florajet, likewise, are critical players that contribute to the flourishing online marketplace, enabling customers to send and receive beautifully preserved flowers with the click of a button.


  • Flora Nova and L'Agitateur floral are additional names that deserve a mention. Although their footprint might be smaller, their contribution to the variety and richness of the market cannot be understated. They bring uniqueness to the table, ensuring that the market for dried flowers continues to be dynamic and innovative.

All these players, with their individual strengths, have been instrumental in catapulting dried flowers back into vogue. Their combined efforts have ensured that what was once considered passé is now a modern-day marvel, gracing homes and events with its timeless beauty and sustainable charm.

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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

A dried flower is one that has been dehydrated. Flower drying is the most natural technique known for preserving flowers. It's a simple technique, with the flower head facing downwards. The dried flower market is entirely dependent on the production of fresh flowers, and it seems logical that without flowers, there would be no dried flowers.

The European consumer market for flowers and ornamental plants accounts for a large proportion of global consumption. The Netherlands, the UK and Denmark are the biggest consumers, relative to the number of inhabitants. In the flower market, the dried flower segment occupies a relatively important place, but remains in the minority compared to fresh flowers.

It is also worth noting that emerging countries are playing an increasingly important role in flower production, thanks to favorable climatic conditions, aggressive pricing policies and progress in terms of transport (particularly by sea). Moreover, the geographical expansion of production and the development of logistics solutions, particularly long-distance transport capacities, are the main factors driving the flower market.

The majority of French flower imports come from the Netherlands, even though they are often produced in another country (Africa, South America).

The French market is stimulated by the development of new online distribution methods, such as subscriptions, "boxes" or "clicks & collect" mechanisms where, once the bouquet has been ordered online, the customer can collect it in-store.

Last but not least, the French market can draw on the growing awareness among some consumers of the need to consume local and sustainable products, and in this case, dried flowers produced in France. Indeed, the "Fleurs de France" label has been set up to promote "made in France", the use of short circuits and seasonal production. However, many consumers, faced with the price argument, prefer to buy imported foreign products at a much lower cost.

1.2 Europe, the world's dominant market region

To get an overview of what the dried flower market might look like, let's take a look at the global flower market.The global flower market was worth $**.* billion in ****, and is expected to grow at a strong pace over the next few years: the market is expected to grow at ...

1.3 The French market

The French dried flower market has been enjoying a revival in recent years, after long being considered outdated. Many factors are behind this new impetus, including the aesthetic aspect of the product, which is finding a clientele in photography and social networks, as well as the French desire for more sustainable ...

1.4 Foreign trade

In order to establish the level of France's foreign trade in dried flowers, we used the UN Comtrade website under the heading "cut flowers, flowers and flower buds of species used for bouquets or ornaments, dried, dead, blanched, impregnated or otherwise prepared".es, flowers and flower buds of species used for ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 French demand for flowers

Data on dried flowers is extremely limited, as the abundance of data is more likely to be found on plants. In order to obtain figures that might give us some idea of market trends, we're going to track French preferences for flowers in general.

Why do you buy flowers? France, ****, in Source: ...

2.2 Internet and social networks: real levers for the dried flower market

After enjoying a moment of glory in the ****s/****s, dried flowers were long considered outdated and tacky. In recent years, however, they've made a comeback. Whether it's decorators who are constantly reinventing themselves, magazine covers or influencers on social networks, several movements have helped bring this trend back into fashion. ...

2.3 Demand influenced by environmental constraints

The French are increasingly concerned about the impact of their consumption on the environment. Recent droughts, and in particular those of summer ****, have called into question water consumption in France. Watering plants was one of the many issues raised. In many départements, watering was banned at certain times of the ...

2.4 Relatively recent demand

evolution of search interest for the term "dried flowers" on Google France, ****-**** Source: ****

As previously mentioned, dried flowers were long forgotten, as they were considered old-fashioned and outdated. In recent years, however, this product has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity. A study of google trends data on interest in the ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Industry forces and organization

A report by the French Federation of Florist Craftsmen (***) in **** provides information on the characteristics of the sector. Even if florists are not the only players in the dried flower market, they remain a benchmark that can give us an idea of the forces at work in the market.

For example, ...

3.2 The production of dried flowers: precise methods

There are many different ways to dry flowers, but one step is common to all techniques. This step involves choosing natural flowers from the garden. To do this, it's important to know the best time to pick the different types of flowers. Roses and lavender, for example, should be picked immediately ...

3.3 Distribution channels

Dried flowers are sold via the same distribution channels as flowers or other plants. Thus, following FranceAgrimer 's ****-**** report on ornamental horticulture, we have determined the main distribution channels for ornamental plants as well as those for vegetable gardens.

Breakdown of plant purchases (***) by channel France, ****, in Source: ****

In terms ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Selling price and cost of purchase

As the price of dried flowers is not fixed by regulation, many criteria are taken into account: the size of the bouquet, the type of flowers, the sophistication of the bouquet: the size of the bouquet, the type of flowers, the sophistication of the bouquet... Prices can also vary according to ...

4.2 The Fleurs de France label

This trend advocates a return to local consumption, favoring French or even regional production over imported flowers (***). However, supply is struggling to meet this new demand, with French flower production now accounting for only**% of quantities purchasedwell behind the Netherlands. According to FranceAgrimer, the number of growers fell from *,*** in **** to ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

There are no specific regulations governing the distribution or production of dried flowers, so they are subject to the same regulations as flowers in general.

The florist's trade

Marketing plants and flowers requires specialized technical, commercial and administrative training. The florist's CAP is supplemented by additional training, such as the Brevet ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • France Fleurs
  • DEXX
  • Agora
  • Emova Groupe - Monceau Fleur
  • Interflora France
  • Aquarelle Fleurs
  • Florajet
  • Flora Nova
  • L'agitateur floral

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Flower market value
  • Distribution of area under flowers and ornamental plants in the EU 27
  • Breakdown of flower production value
  • Sales trends in the retail market for flowers, plants, seeds, fertilizers, pets and pet food in specialized stores
  • Evolution of the volume of exports of cut flowers, flowers and flower buds of species used for bouquets or ornaments, dried, dead, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared
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Latest news

Valentine's Day: the cut flower market faces up to environmental challenges - 14/02/2024
  • There are between 12,000 and 13,000 florists in France.
  • Between 80% and 85% of cut flowers sold in France come from abroad.
  • More than 20 million bouquets of roses are sold each year in France.
  • Emova Group, a floral company, generated sales of 127.4 million euros in its last financial year
  • Flower sales account for three-quarters of the Group's business.
  • Currently, French flowers account for 7% of Emova Group's purchases, the rest of Europe for 53% (including 85% from the Netherlands), and major imports for 40%.
  • Emova Group aims to have 20% French flowers in its network by 2025.
  • The "Fleurs de France" label was created in 2015 to promote French flowers.
Monceau Fleurs opens its first travel-retail store in St Lazare - 08/10/2023
  • Monceau Fleurs opened its first store in 1965 on boulevard Malesherbes.
  • The Emova group, to which Monceau Fleurs belongs, is France's leading retailer of plants and flowers.
  • Monceau Fleurs has a multi-format brand roll-out plan, from corners to stores of over 200m².
  • Emova Group owns four brand names: Monceau Fleurs, Au Nom de la Rose, Happy and Cœur de Fleurs.
  • Emova Group operates both through directly-owned branches and via a network of entrepreneurial franchisees.
  • By the end of September 2022, e-commerce accounted for almost 7% of Emova Group's sales.
  • At September 30, 2022, Emova Group had 334 stores, including 286 in France.
Interflora France continues its international conquest - 03/06/2023
  • 15% of Interflora's annual sales in France are generated during the Mother's Day period.
  • MyFlower, owner of Interflora in France, has extended its activities to several European countries
  • France accounts for 40% of MyFlower sales.
  • The number of florists listed with Interflora in France has fallen from 5,700 in 2015 to 4,000
  • 85% of MyFlower sales are online
  • Interflora's delivery market share averages over 60% in each of the countries where MyFlower is active
  • MyFlower forecasts sales of 300 million euros for 2023, an increase of 74% on 2019.
Emova's partnership with Uber Eats goes well - 10/02/2022
  • Specialist in flower distribution through its Monceau Fleurs, Au Nom de la Rose, Happy and Cœur de Fleurs banners
  • 130 million euros in sales by 2020-2021
  • During the year, more than 10,000 bouquets of flowers were sold via the app, according to Uber Eats
  • Two major order peaks: Mother's Day and Valentine's Day
  • The service is available throughout the Ile-de-France region and in 13 other cities in France

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

France Fleurs
Emova Groupe - Monceau Fleur
Interflora France
Aquarelle Fleurs
Flora Nova
L'agitateur floral

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