Summary of our market study

The global construction equipment rental market, although estimated at $98 billion and forecast to grow at a CAGR of around 4% to the end of 2024, has faced significant challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In particular, the French market, expected to remain resilient after 5% growth, experienced a decline in activity, with Insee reporting a 5% year-on-year decrease in sales to the end of November 2020. The pandemic caused disruptions between March and May 2020, reducing activity to 15-30% of normal levels. As a result, adjustments had to be made, including a reduction in investments due to lower demand.

Major players such as Loxam and Kiloutou have been affected, and the market has noted a move towards digitization and eco-responsibility, with growing interest in electric and hybrid rental equipment. Despite the slowdown, the market is on the road to recovery, as the impact of the pandemic has led to an acceleration in e-commerce and digital innovations in customer relations and invoicing.

Resilience and adaptability of the French construction equipment rental market in the face of economic challenges

The French construction equipment rental market has shown great resilience in the face of economic headwinds, with a remarkable ability to adapt highlighted during the Covid-19 crisis. This sector of the economy caters mainly to the public works, construction and extraction industries, and is an essential component of the business-to-business market. The French construction equipment rental landscape has enjoyed a period of impressive growth, witnessing an increase in market value of around five percent on the previous year, reaching some 4.7 billion euros.

The characteristics of the market involve a diverse range of players, from industry giants such as Loxam and Kiloutou to numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The presence of a multitude of companies indicates a market with little concentration, the average size of these companies being relatively small, employing around 17 people each. Despite a few dominant players who have extended their reach nationally and internationally through strategic acquisitions, competition remains fierce.

In terms of segment dynamics, the focus is on equipment variety and availability, with service flexibility and responsiveness playing a crucial role. Geographical positioning also remains crucial, with regions such as Île-de-France and Nouvelle-Aquitaine experiencing stronger market activity than other parts of the country. Investment in the sector signalled a deceleration, with a fall of almost ten percent, after two years of significant growth. This slowdown was also reflected in the value of equipment, although the overall value showed an upward trend, reaching around 8.6 billion euros.

Several factors influence pricing strategies in the market, including equipment type, rental duration and additional services such as on-site delivery. Despite these pricing variables, competition has generally prevented a significant increase in rental costs. The sector is not without its challenges, particularly in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, which imposed a drop in activity levels, particularly between March and May 2020.

However, the industry has shown signs of recovery, although new operational protocols have been put in place to accommodate health security measures. Market regulations are also playing a central role, with strict guidelines on periodic equipment inspections and impending changes in energy use regulations, which could encourage the adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles.

Digitization is another booming trend, with companies investing in e-commerce and the simplification of administrative processes, with the aim of improving interactions between customers and rental companies. Despite the economic turbulence, the French construction equipment rental market is growing fast.

The main players in the French construction equipment rental market

In dissecting the competitive landscape of the construction equipment rental sector, several formidable players emerge, each boasting a unique strategic positioning and an arsenal of specialized services.

  • Loxam: Known as the Goliath of the equipment rental world, Loxam has metamorphosed into an international powerhouse, not only consolidating its dominance in France, but also extending its tentacles across Europe. Its aggressive expansion through acquisitions, such as the remarkable takeover of Ramirent, underlines its ambition to lead and redefine the construction equipment rental market.

  • Kiloutou: The David to Loxam's Goliath, Kiloutou stands tall as the runner-up in the French rental arena. Never one to rest on its laurels, Kiloutou has diversified its offerings, venturing into modular construction to meet the changing needs of the construction world. Its competitive edge is further strengthened by its commitment to a more environmentally-friendly fleet, which responds to the industry's growing ecological awareness.

  • Mediaco: As a specialist that has made a name for itself in the lifting equipment sector, Mediaco's niche enables it to provide expert, tailor-made solutions. Its strategic acquisitions, such as Chieusse Levage, underline its intention not only to expand but also to strengthen its lifting expertise.

  • Bouygues Construction Matériel: Another figurehead, Bouygues brings its comprehensive range of machinery and equipment to bear on a broad spectrum of construction needs. Innovations such as the Ipilot remote control system for cranes testify to their commitment to safety and technological progress.

  • Uperio: This company is another important name that has forged its reputation in the rental market. Although it specializes in crane rental, its range of services and equipment guarantees solutions tailored to the various needs of the construction industry.

  • Salti: A vigorous player, Salti has carved out a place for itself in the market, thanks in particular to the significant growth and stability of its activities over the years.

  • Accès Industrie: With its clear focus on lifting equipment, Accès Industrie demonstrates unwavering dedication to this segment, ensuring that it remains a go-to expert for all lifting needs on construction sites.

  • Tracktor: This start-up has injected a dose of innovation into the sector with its digital platform that connects construction professionals with rental companies. In a changing landscape where convenience and speed are paramount, Tracktor is paving the way for a new era of equipment rental services.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Construction equipment rental refers to the rental, with or without operator, of construction equipment. It is therefore primarily aimed at players in the public works and building (BTP) and extraction sectors .

In the broadest sense, construction equipment for hire covers all the equipment used by public works and building contractors on construction sites, and not just equipment strictly intended for construction itself. Although private individuals may also rent certain construction machinery or equipment, our study will focus on the B2B market.

The global construction equipment rental market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4% between 2019 and 2024, driven by investment in infrastructure. In 2020, the Covid-19 epidemic largely affected the sector both globally and nationally, with sudden stoppages of worksites and branch closures followed by a slow recovery.

However, the French construction equipment rental market is expected to remain resilient after three years of strong growth. In 2019, the market grew by over 5% compared with 2018. This growth is explained in particular by animproved turnover rate and an increase in the value of the fleet. The market is also dominated by several players, such as Loxam and Kiloutou, but many SMEs are also present on the market.

As construction industry players have a choice between buying or renting their equipment, the study will show how renting can be an interesting solution, particularly in a context of uncertainty and crisis. What's more, players need to face up to the challenges of digitalization and eco-responsibility.

1.2 A growing global market

The global construction equipment rental market:

The global construction equipment rental market is estimated at US$ ** billion in ****, and is expected to grow at a rate of around *% through to ****, reaching US$ *** billion.

Sales in the construction equipment rental market World, ****-****, in billions of US$ Source: MarketsandMarkets CAGR **** - ****: approx. ...

1.3 A growing French market

According to DLR, a federation of players in the distribution, rental, maintenance and services sector for construction and handling equipment, the construction equipment rental market is estimated at €*.* billion in ****, up *% on ****.

The graph below shows different periods:

A CAGR of *.*% between **** and **** A drop in activity after the **** crisis, following ...

1.4 The impact of the Covid-19 crisis

The impact of the crisis on construction equipment rental players:

According toInsee, average sales at end-November **** for players in NAF code **.**Z 'rental and leasing of construction machinery and equipment' were ***.* in index base *** ****, compared with ***.* at end-November ****. This accounts for a *% drop [(***). We note that while activity has fallen in ...

1.5 A new demand trend: long-term rental

Construction equipment rental is primarily a short-term offer, ranging from a few days to a few months. A new demand is emerging: long-term rental. Following on from the development of this business in the truck market, where two companies, Fraikin and Petit Forestier, enjoyed very rapid growth, we've now moved on ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Determining demand: the building market

Building sector analysis:

The FFB (***) estimates the value of production in the building sector at ***.** billion euros in ****, up *.*% on **** .

Production value in the building sector by segment France, ****- *****, in billions of € **** Source: ****

The table below gives an account of growth - excluding the price effect - in the various ...

2.2 Determining demand: the public works market

Public works sales reached €**.* billion in ****, up **% on **** , according to the Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics. Maintenance work will account for just over **% of the total in ****, compared with **% for new construction. The chart below highlights market trends since ****, with strong growth since **** (***).

Public works sales France, **** - ****, in ...

2.3 Determining demand: the extraction market

Those involved in extraction (***) need certain types of equipment, such as dump trucks and excavators.

In ****, mineral extraction amounted to *** million tonnes (***) - **% of which was sand and gravel.

Just over *,*** quarries remained active in ****, down **% since ****. [***]

The graph below shows that, after a drop in activity between **** and ****, growth has ...

2.4 Why rent rather than buy construction equipment?

The main argument is cost control, but leasing is also more flexible and environmentally friendly, according to DLR. The table below compares some of the advantages and disadvantages of buying and renting construction equipment.

So, except when the equipment in question represents the manufacturer's core business, leasing seems to offer a ...

2.5 Summary of key demand drivers

According to Batiweb, future growth for the construction equipment rental market is likely to be based on two segments, especially as they require lifting equipment and heavy machinery:

civil engineering / public works non-residential (***)

3 Market structure

3.1 Segmentation and player dynamism

Simplified industry value chain :

Player analysis:

The table below analyzes the evolution of players in the Construction Equipment Rental market, according to DLR.

In ****, Loxam's market share was **% according to Les Echos, which underlines the fact that, despite the presence of a few major players with a nationwide presence, the rental ...

3.2 Production analysis

There was a drop in investment - of almost **% - between **** and ****, after two years (***). This is also a sign of a slight slowdown in growth compared to **** and ****.

Investment trends in the construction equipment rental sector France, **** - ****, in billions of € and in % Source : DLR Evolution investment amounts **** vs **** : - ...

3.3 Distribution analysis

How do you rent? [***]

Construction equipment rental groups use a large network of agencies to optimize rentals to construction industry players.

Agencies may be more or less specialized in a particular segment, as is the case with LOXAM:

Loxam Rental for construction equipment (***). Loxam Access for aerial work platforms Loxam Module ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Types of construction equipment for hire

We offer awide range of construction equipment for hire.

Tracktor's most popular equipment rentals include :

mini-excavators or backhoes aerial platforms (***) forklifts or telescopic handlers construction site barriers mini-cranes

The graph below shows the breakdown of Loxam's rental equipment fleet. [***] The breakdown may vary depending on the rental company and its ...

4.2 Price analysis

The graph below shows that between **** and ****, prices were roughly equivalent to those of **** - competition not allowing prices to rise. In ****, we see a drop in prices linked to the crisis, as there is more supply than demand.

Evolution of the price index for rental and leasing of machinery and ...

4.3 Supply trends: eco-responsibility and digitalization

Eco-responsibility: [***]

Rental of "clean" equipment is on the rise: electric, hybrid, gas or dual-energy equipment accounted for */* of investments in **** - particularly in small equipment and lifting. Such equipment also has the advantage of generally being quieter. However, two factors are holding back this eco-responsible trend:

the "green" offer is still ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

The interprofessional general conditions for rental of business equipment without operator have been drawn up by a specialized commission bringing together users (***), in the document opposite: Conditions générales interprofessionnelles de location de matériel d'entreprise sans opérateur.

The main measures and obligations for rental companies include Periodic General ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Kiloutou
  • Salti location
  • Bouygues Construction Matériel
  • Uperio
  • ENCO
  • Bergerat Rent (Bergerat Monnoyeur)
  • Poisson Groupe
  • Sofilec Groupe
  • Loxam
  • Delta Service Location
  • Transofico
  • Médiaco Levage
  • Accès Industrie
  • Aprolis Groupe
  • Layer France
  • Mecalac
  • Tracktor
  • Hiboo
  • LEM Equipement

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Construction equipment rental sales
  • Geographical breakdown of Loxam sales
  • Investment trends in the construction equipment rental sector
  • Value of the construction equipment rental fleet
  • Average age of rental construction equipment fleet
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Latest news

Construction: Loxam holds up well despite the new-build crisis - 22/03/2024
  • - Last year's sales: over 2.5 billion euros, up more than 6%.
  • - Revenues generated in France: 1,042 million euros (+6.6%).
  • - Share of the new housing market in Loxam's business: 10%.
  • - Public works sector share of sales: over a quarter
  • - Proforma sales in Brazil: around 100 million euros.
  • - Loxam presence: 25 countries.
  • - Revenues generated outside France and Northern Europe: 804 million euros (+14.4%).
  • - Reduction in capital expenditure: from 520 million to 350 million euros.
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  • Hiboo raises 9.3 million euros
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  • The funds raised were led by Emerald and Nabtesco, with Isai Build Venture, Future Industry Ventures, Ring Capital and Citizen Capital
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  • Hiboo was founded in 2017
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Kiloutou tops one billion euros in sales - 18/04/2023
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  • Kiloutou's sales rise from €793 million in 2021 to €1.08 billion in 2022, an increase of 28.4%.
  • Kiloutou's international share doubled to 36%.
  • The overall market grew by 2% to 7% in European countries, and by 4% in France.
  • Kiloutou is number three in Europe and number two in France, with a 13.4% market share.
  • The group has 600 branches (including 500 in France) and 7,000 employees (including 5,000 in France).
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Equipment rental: Loxam ready for new acquisitions - 15/03/2023
  • Key figures - Sales :
  • 2.4 billion euros by 2022
  • - Annual growth: 10% and 9% on a comparable basis
  • - Operating profitability: 279.7 million euros in 2022 (12% margin)
  • - Presence in some thirty countries
  • - Market share: 20% in France, 7% in Europe
  • - Growth forecast for 2023: +5% to +6
  • - number four worldwide
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Kiloutou also sees its future abroad - 01/09/2022
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  • Since 2018, Kiloutou has increased its international sales fivefold

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Salti location
Bouygues Construction Matériel
Bergerat Rent (Bergerat Monnoyeur)
Poisson Groupe
Sofilec Groupe
Delta Service Location
Médiaco Levage

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