
The global padlock market, as of 2020, is dominated by China, which leads in both export value at $700 million and quantity at 143 million kg, significantly outpacing Mexico, the second-largest exporter. France, while active in international trade, maintains a trade deficit, importing padlocks worth $52 million and ranking as the third largest importer by value. The U.S. remains the top importer, spending $264 million on padlocks. Technological advances have introduced connected padlocks, though their adoption seems secondary to traditional mechanical locks. Trends indicate potential market growth, with the bicycle trend and the rise in value of bicycles due to the popularity of electric models driving the need for more secure locks.

The French padlock market, specifically, appears to be struggling, with a more than 40% turnover decrease in 2020, down to an estimated €12.6 million. French production reflects this downturn with a 25% reduction in value over the same period. Key trends in the padlock market include the diversification of padlock types suited for various uses, the incorporation of advanced technology such as biometric and Bluetooth-enabled locks, and the high variability in price, reflecting different levels of security and features. Despite these innovations, France's padlock trade balance has been in deficit for the past decade, with a worsening trend reaching a deficit of $30 million in 2020.

Analysis of the Trends and Dynamics in the Padlock Market

The padlock market in the concerned country is exhibiting several interesting trends that pave the way for future growth. One of the notable aspects that stand out from the analysis is that the market saw a significant dip in turnover, with a decrement of approximately 40% spanning in 2020, indicating a reduction from between 20 and 25 million euros to around 10 to 15 million euros. Despite this downturn, certain factors could potentially invigorate the market. For example, the upsurge in the usage of bicycles, which have become an increasingly popular mode of transport, creates a corresponding demand for secure locking mechanisms. This is especially pertinent considering the rising trend of electric bicycles (EBS), which are higher in value and thus necessitate more substantial investments in locking systems to safeguard these assets.

On the exports front, the country has been fairly robust, with export figures reaching between 20 and 25 million US dollars, placing it among the top ten global exporters of padlocks. However, this figure has to be contrasted with its import numbers, which are higher and contribute to a trade deficit that has been expanding over the years, rising from around 12 million US dollars to around 30 million US dollars in 2020. One distinction that emerges from this market overview is the country's specialization within padlock manufacturing. France primarily exports to European nations, with the United Kingdom taking the lead as the largest importer of the country's padlocks.

Technology is also influencing the trend lines in the padlock market. Although mechanical locks remain predominant, the emergence of connected padlocks is notable. These advanced locking mechanisms enable unlocking via smart devices or biometrics. While they currently occupy a secondary position in the market, the adoption of Bluetooth-enabled and fingerprint-operation padlocks indicates an adaptation towards digital innovation and could eventually capture a larger market share.

Overall, despite the decline in sales and the challenge presented by the trade deficit, the market continues to adjust and evolve, suggesting that there is still untapped potential and opportunities for growth, especially considering technological advancements and the evolving needs of consumers in this domain.

Key Players Shaping the Global Padlock Market Landscape

As the padlock market navigates through varying degrees of demand and technological advancements, several key players emerge as prominent figures in the industry. These companies have established their positioning through a combination of product diversity, innovative solutions, and global reach. Here, we delve into the notable entities that have been mentioned in the context of the global and French padlock markets.

  • Master Lock is arguably one of the most recognizable names in the padlock industry, with a significant presence in the global market. Known for its wide array of padlocking solutions, Master Lock continues to innovate, branching out into the realm of digital security with their Bluetooth Smart padlocks and biometric offerings. They have taken the padlock beyond the conventional key and combination mechanisms, paving the way for a new era of security devices that embrace technology. Their factories in Mexico contribute to the country's prominent role as the second-largest exporter of padlocks.
  • ABUS is another stalwart in the market, bringing forth a strong European heritage in security products. ABUS's portfolio encompasses a vast array of locks including traditional and connected bike locks which highlight their emphasis on innovation. The company's foray into connected devices, with their Bluetooth-enabled locks featuring alarms, demonstrates their responsiveness to evolving consumer needs for security and convenience.
  • The French startup Sharelock introduces a disruptive approach to bicycle security with its shared and connected lock service. This unique take on padlocking lets users reserve and utilize urban locks via an app, integrated with an alarm system that notifies in cases of disruptions, all under a subscription model. By embedding insurance into their service, Sharelock adds an extra layer of reassurance for cyclists.
  • THIRARD is another brand that stands out within this sector, particularly for its wide product range that caters to different security needs. From high-security one-piece padlocks suitable for outdoor environments, to transit and container locks, THIRARD's offerings encapsulate the demand for tailored solutions across various applications. When it comes to material inputs, metal prices play a significant role in the padlock production costs, with brass, steel, stainless steel, and aluminum being the primary materials of choice. These materials determine the durability and suitability of padlocks for specific environments, from indoor lockers to harsh external conditions where corrosion or freeze resistance is paramount.

In terms of distribution, hypermarkets and DIY stores have historically been the mainstay channels for padlock sales. While the digitization of retail and the prominence of e-commerce may shift the dynamics,

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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 21/10/2022
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Sommaire et extraits

1 Market overview


A padlock is a tool for locking a door, a safe or a suitcase, but also to buckle a chain. The padlock is composed of a lock mechanism and a mechanical ring monitored by a key or a system of encrypted wheels

There are many models of padlocks that segment this market, from the locking system, to the degree of security, to the different dimensions and materials used to adapt to any type of use.

China is the main exporter of padlocks, in 2020, it exported 5 times more than the second largest exporter, Mexico. France is very present in the international trade of padlocks, 7th exporter and 3rd importer in value. Unfortunately, France's trade balance is in deficit, and has been for years. Generally speaking, the French padlock market is not the best off, for example, there has been a 40% drop in turnover between 2010 and 2020.

The padlock market has not escaped technological developments, however, with the emergence of connected padlocks: these padlocks can be unlocked directly via a smartphone (remotely or locally) with Bluetooth or fingerprint operation. Nevertheless, their use is still secondary and the priority is mechanical locks. The innovations in this market show that it still remains an interesting market, despite performances that do not follow the desired trend.

However, even if the market is not at its best, there are several trends that open the way to future growth, such as the trend around bicycles, a means of transport that is increasingly purchased and which unfortunately suffers from numerous thefts. This is where the lock comes in, it is the ideal tool to reassure users, especially since with the development of EBS (electric bicycles), the value of bicycles increases and with it, the amount invested in the lock in order to protect the investment made in the bike.

Liste des graphiques

  • Evolution du commerce extérieur des cadenas
  • Evolution de l'indice de chiffre d'affaires du marché de la fabrication de serrures et ferrures
  • Nombre d'entreprises et d'effectif salarial du code NAF "25.72Z Fabrication de serrures et de ferrures"
  • Evolution de l'indice de prix de production pour le code 25.72 "Serrure et ferrure"
  • Parts de marché des groupes de GSB
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Dernières actualités

Thoonsen Trading profite du développement des caisses en libre-service - 18/10/2023
  • L'entreprise Thoonsen Trading est basée à Châteauroux, dans l'Indre.
  • C'est le leader européen de l'antivol.
  • Elle prévoit une hausse de 20 % de son chiffre d'affaires en 2023, ce qui le porterait à 12 millions d'euros.
  • Elle a récemment décroché un contrat de 3,5 millions d'euros avec Auchan sur deux exercices.
  • L'entreprise emploie 45 personnes.
  • Elle commercialise divers produits, dont des barres métalliques de guidage pour les files d'attente, des portillons électriques de contrôle et une borne « self détacheuse » d'antivols.
  • 40 % de ses ventes sont réalisées grâce aux antivols.
  • L'entreprise est présente à l'international, avec des contrats en Amérique du Sud, Afrique du Sud, Europe du Sud et en Angleterre.
  • Elle produit également des modèles adaptés au transport des handicapés ou des personnes âgées.
Sharelock déploie ses cadenas connectés à Boulogne - 11/05/2023
  • Mise en place de parkings vélo à Boulogne (Hauts-de-Seine) le 10 mai
  • 65 cadenas connectés Sharelock installés à Boulogne 5e ville d'Ile-de-France à adopter le système Sharelock Sharelock cofondé en 2020 par Nicolas Louvet et Alexandre Molla
  • Lancement de leur propre système d'assurance l'année dernière
  • 27 salariés chez Sharelock
  • Levée de fonds de 4,1 millions d'euros en octobre 2021
  • Sharelock a signé des contrats avec l'intercommunalité Grand Paris Seine Ouest (Boulogne, Meudon, Sèvres, Vanves)
Decathlon et Forclaz s'associent pour la production locale - 04/11/2022
  • Decathlon teste sa capacité à réduire l'empreinte carbone de sa production de produits avec sa marque Forclaz:
  • Forclaz a lancé deux projets exploratoires: Minimal Editions
  • Première capsule Minimal Edition commercialisée avant l'été avec un sac de couchage, une tente et un matelas en polyamide recyclé et sans teinture.
  • La marque travaille avec sept sociétés européennes pour la production de cette gamme.
  • 3.050 pièces sont commercialisées depuis le 27 octobre dans les sites français, allemand et suisse de Decathlon et dans quatre magasins.
  • Decathlon a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 13,8 milliards d'euros en 2022
Le site Picard Serrures de Feuquières-en-Vimeu connait d'importante rénovation - 15/06/2022
  • Picard Serrures a agrandi et modernisé son site de Feuquières-en-Vimeu pour un montant de 5 Millions d'euros
  • le chiffre d'affaires est passé de 12 à 21 millions d'euros en dix ans
  • Acteur incontournable sur le marché résidentiel, qui représente 80 % de son chiffre d'affaires
  • marché de la rénovation de maisons, appartements et halls d'immeubles est très dynamique

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Master Lock Europa
ABUS France
Picard Serrures
Vachette Cadenas (Assa Abloy)
France cadenas
Kryptonite Lock (Allegion PLC)
Onguard Lock

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the padlock market | France

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  • Quels leviers tirent la croissance du marché et leur évolution ?
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  • Comment se différencient les entreprises du marché ?
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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 18/10/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Thoonsen Trading
  • 25/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise ABUS
  • 25/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Assa Sabloy
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise KOHLBURG
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Onguard
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Vevor
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Kryptonite
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise France cadenas
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Vachette Cadenas
  • 16/06/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Forclaz
  • 13/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Sharelock
  • 21/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise E.Leclerc

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