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1 Synthèse du marché


The supercomputers (or supercomputers) are computer equipment using thousands of processors to process countless data in a matter of seconds. They are used in many areas such as quantum mechanics the forecasts meteorological , l’ oil exploration etc.

The supercomputer market represents more than 10 billion dollars of turnover per year worldwide. The global market is in growth for several years and forecasts are optimistic as significant growth is expected in the coming years. The market has several tens of thousands of supercomputers sold each year. The United States dominate the market and more than half of the 500 most powerful supercomputers are located in the United States.

The sector is highly concentrated with the two most important players accounting for two thirds of the market . With a few exceptions, the main manufacturers are American. The leading European manufacturer, Atos, is French, known for its Bull supercomputer. In 2015, Atos launched the Bull Seqana, aiming to achieve one million billion operations per second by 2020, making France the world leader with the most powerful supercomputer in the world. But until then, France, like Europe, remains far behind its Asian (Fujitsu, Hitachi, Nec in Japan) and American (IBM, Dell, Cray, SGI) competitors. The Seqana bull occupies a distant place in the world ranking of supercomputers, with one million billion operations per second.

Supercomputer manufacturers are IT giants. Companies in the sector are moving more and more towards the top of the range, gradually moving away from the low and mid-range. Each new level of power for data processing and storage is a victory and the race is continuous, which generates significant r costs .

International competition is gradually increasing in the face of American supremacy and is expected to increase at an increasingly rapid pace in the coming years. In terms of electricity consumption to operate and water to cool, supercomputers are still far from meeting environmental challenges . The other challenge for this market is energy-intensive consumption, hence the need for investment in R

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Latest news

Thales ready to invest in defense information systems and eavesdropping for Atos - 03/05/2024
  • - Value of recent Imperva acquisition by Thales: €3.6 billion.
  • - Thales' position in the world cyber rankings following the Imperva acquisition: Top 5.
  • - Estimated annual revenues for MCS (Mission Critical Systems): €200-300 million.
  • - Estimated total portfolio of Atos' BDS (Defense and Security) division: 1.5 billion euros.
Quantum Odinator delivered by start-up Quandela to OVHCloud - 19/03/2024
  • - Quandela delivers its first quantum computer to OVHcloud
  • - The quantum technology developed is set to revolutionize modern computing, with computing power far greater than that of conventional machines
  • - OVHcloud plans to use this technology to encrypt data and protect its infrastructure sites and servers
  • - The cost of the acquisition to OVHcloud exceeded one million euros.
  • - Quandela plans to produce three new quantum machines, with deliveries scheduled for 2024.
The five key axes of OVHcloud's strategic plan to 2026 - 20/01/2024
  • OVHcloud employs 2,900 people worldwide, including around 2,000 in France
  • 2023: sales of €897 million, with annual growth of 14%.
  • Public cloud accounts for 62% of sales
  • The public cloud market is estimated to be worth between 230 and 250 billion euros worldwide by 2023, compared with 16 to 19 billion euros for the private cloud.)
  • Development of PaaS (Platform as a service), increasing their number from 10 to 40
  • Public cloud accounts for 18% of sales
  • by the end of 2023, there will be 32 data centers worldwide; by the end of 2024, the figure should rise to 45, including 22 in France.
  • OVHcloud is tackling edge computing, which involves processing data as close as possible to where it is generated.It plans to open 150 local zones
Quandela installs its quantum computer at EDF. - 25/11/2023
  • First order signed with OVH Cloud in January.
  • 50 million euros raised on November 7.
  • Two of the company's three computing centers are located in Canada, the third in Normandy.
  • Partnership with Exaion, EDF's high-performance computing subsidiary. 50% of the SaaS market is in North America.
  • The start-up should be able to manufacture four calculators a year by 2024.
  • Next year, three calculators will go to Exaion, and the fourth will be put online on the company's cloud.
French Tech: Quandela, the other quantum computer champion - 08/11/2023
  • Pasqal raised 100 million euros earlier this year, a European record in the quantum computer sector.
  • Quandela has secured €50 million in funding from the French government and other investors.
  • Quandela was founded in 2017.
  • Quandela's cloud service has attracted 440 users.
  • Quandela inaugurated a factory in Massy, financed by France 2030 to the tune of 9.5 million euros.
  • Quandela built a computer recently installed in an OVHcloud datacenter.
  • Quandela takes six months to manufacture a photonic quantum computer.
  • Quandela plans to produce three new machines, with deliveries scheduled for 2024.
  • Quandela will generate over a million euros in sales this year.
  • The company currently has 80 employees and hopes to double this number within a year.
OVHcloud withstands fierce competition from US giants | OVHcloud faces US competition - 25/10/2023
  • OVHcloud sales in 2023: 897 million euros.
  • Growth in 2023: 13.4%.
  • Company valuation: approx. 1.3 billion euros.
  • Share of revenues from cloud: 80%.
  • Growth in private cloud: 15.1%.
  • Growth in public cloud: 22.8%.
  • Share of sales generated outside France: 52% (of which 80% in Europe).
  • Number of servers operated by the company: over 450,000.
  • Number of data centers worldwide: 37
  • Number of customers: 1.6 million.
  • Investments in new data centers in India, Singapore, Sydney and Toronto
  • Global market share of cloud leader AWS according to Gartner: approx. 40%.
  • AWS revenues: around 22 billion in just three months.
  • AWS growth trend: from 27% in autumn 2022 to 12% in summer 2023.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Atos Eviden
C12 QE
Exail (Gorgé Groupe)

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the quantum computer market | France

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