Summary of our market study

The global fast food market, valued at approximately $691 billion in 2022, has been undergoing significant growth, particularly in emerging economies, where Western brands are increasingly popular. Despite growing health concerns, fast food sales are thriving due to its convenience and expanding product range, including healthier options. In the UK, the fast-food sector, part of a £14.7 billion industry, continues to grow by encroaching on traditional diners' sales.

UK consumers are demanding healthier choices, as evidenced by a 168% increase in vegan restaurant offerings on Deliveroo. Market leaders like McDonald's maintain dominance, as Internet searches reflect the strong presence of major chains like Domino's and KFC. The market structure includes a mix of independent outlets and established chains, with the former making up a significant presence in the UK. The demand for fast food is shaped by various trends and consumer preferences, such as a shift towards ethical eating habits, as indicated by 22 million UK individuals considering reducing meat consumption. Regulatory changes, such as the UK's ban on advertising unhealthy foods pre-9pm and mandatory calorie counts on menus, also influence the market.

Fast Food Market Trends in the UK: A Dynamic Landscape of Evolving Consumer Preferences

The fast food industry in the United Kingdom is witnessing a vibrant period of growth and transformation, driven by changing consumer habits and preferences. Recent studies indicate a robust upward trajectory in the demand for fast food and takeaway meals, with sales experiencing a significant increase of between 15 and 25 percent as opposed to full-service restaurant sales which showed a more modest growth of approximately 5 to 10 percent. Despite the traditional dominance of sit-down restaurants, which still account for a predominant market share of between 60 to 70 percent, the rapid surge in fast food sales is reshaping the industry landscape. One of the compelling demand drivers for the UK's fast food market is the consumers' growing penchant for "quick bites," reflecting an inclination towards convenience in dining experiences. This trend dovetails with the upswing in online food delivery services, buoying fast food restaurants that offer home delivery options. As a result, digital platforms such as Deliveroo and Uber Eats are becoming ever more integral to the market's growth dynamics, fostering an ecosystem where fast food can be enjoyed both on the premises and from the comfort of one's home. Another noteworthy aspect of the UK's fast food scene is the consumer's rising consciousness about health, sustainability, and ethical production practices.

Reflecting this shift, major players in the market are adapting their menus to include health-conscious options such as vegan meals, which have seen a staggering increase in popularity on delivery platforms. These burgeoning consumer attitudes are not only influencing the offering of traditional fast food giants but are also encouraging the growth of independent outlets that focus on healthy, organic, and sustainable food options. As for consumer demographics, there is a clear age-related pattern in fast food consumption. Young adults, particularly those between the ages of 18 to 25, exhibit the highest frequency of dining at fast food establishments, while interest appears to wane with the advancing age of consumers. Additionally, socioeconomic status also plays a role, with varying tendencies among different income groups concerning takeaway and restaurant meals. Capitalizing on these demand patterns, certain cities in the UK are emerging as hotspots for fast food growth, with Manchester leading the charge exhibiting a double-digit growth rate closely followed by Cardiff, Birmingham, Newcastle, and Chelmsford - all outpacing London in terms of market expansion. This geographical variation in demand underscores the heterogeneity of the market and hints at regional preferences that could influence future market strategies.

Market Dominance: The Titans of the UK Fast Food Scene

The landscape of the UK fast food market is characterized by a few heavyweights that have established themselves as the go-to options for quick-service dining. These titans represent the pinnacle of convenience, brand recognition, and culinary consistency, catering to millions of customers who seek familiar flavors and speedy service. Let's take a closer look at the main players that have made an indelible mark on the UK's fast food culture.

  • McDonald's: The Golden Arches Reign Supreme At the apex of the fast food hierarchy in the UK sits McDonald's, an American import that has become synonymous with fast food itself. Known for its Big Macs, iconic fries, and Happy Meals, McDonald's has woven itself into the fabric of British dining culture. It's where families congregate for an easy meal out, where teenagers gather after school, and where workers dash for a quick breakfast or lunch. With its expansive menu and ubiquitous presence, McDonald's never fails to cater to a wide array of tastes and preferences.
  • Domino's: The Pizza Pioneer A slice above the rest, Domino's has solidified its position as the premier pizza-delivery service in the UK. Famous for its wide variety of toppings and the promise of hot and delicious pizza delivered promptly to customers' doorsteps, Domino's has become the go-to solution for pizza cravings. Their savvy use of online ordering, combined with promotional deals, has kept them at the forefront of the pizza segment in the fast food market.
  • KFC: Fried Chicken Fervor KFC has carved out a significant niche in the UK with its finger-lickin' good fried chicken. With a secret blend of herbs and spices, KFC's buckets, fillet burgers, and wraps offer a distinct taste that has garnered a dedicated following. Its southern-inspired menu items continue to satisfy those in pursuit of comfort food indulgence.
  • Subway: The Healthier Alternatives Champion Subway has made substantial inroads in the UK market by positioning itself as the healthier alternative among fast food giants. Known for its made-to-order sandwiches, wraps, and salads, Subway allows customers to watch as their meals are prepared, with a choice of fresh ingredients laid out before them. This customer involvement in meal customization, combined with a focus on healthier options, has earned Subway a unique spot in the fast food arena.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Fast food is defined as food that is prepared quickly and which is ready to be taken away for consumption.

This market study includes all types of fast food restaurants, stalls, and tea shops. It does not include retail sales through vending machines.

The global fast food market has experienced years of positive growth, driven mainly by emerging markets and the increasing penetration of fast food restaurants, together with higher disposable income. On the other hand, the US’s growth has been low whilst Europe demonstrated moderate growth.

In the UK, the fast-food industry has been growing strongly over the last couple of years, cannibalizing on the sales of traditional diners. This growth has been driven by a wider product offering as well as susceptibility to societal trends, including healthier products.

The UK fast food market is highly fragmented with a large supply of different chains and independent distributors within different food segments such as pizza, burgers, tacos, and sandwiches. Notable market players include McDonalds, Starbucks, Costa, and Domino’s.

Trends within fast food are impacted by the growing health consensus in society; in response to this, several distributors for example offer vegan friendly meals together with alternatives which are less rich in sugar, fat, and salts. For example, in 2019 Deliveroo reported a 168% year-on-year increase of vegan restaurants on its platform. [aviko]

2.1 The Global Fast Food Market

Global fast food market ****-****, world, in billions of dollars Source: ****

The global fast food market is expected to grow rapidly to reach nearly $*** billion by ****, growing at a CAGR of *.*% between **** and ****. This growth is mainly driven by emerging economies, where Western brands are becoming more prominent. In the Western ...

1.3 The domestic market

 The fast-food market in the UK was valued at **.* billion GBP in **** and was expected to experience positive growth in the upcoming years.

Combined, branded fast food restaurants generated the largest share of fast food market value in ****. Traditional branded restaurants were worth *.* billion British pounds in ****, while branded restaurants with ...

1.4 Covid Impact

The COVID-** pandemic has had devastating effects on many markets and industries. Due to the nature of the virus (***) sanitary measures were put in place, the most significant of which were mandatory, government-mandated closures that kept people home and halted most economic activity. 

Fast-food chains in the UK  reacted positively to ...

2 Demand Analysis

2.1 Demand Characteristics

Demand for fast food and takeaways is steadily increasing, with overall sales growth of **.* per cent compared to *.* per cent growth in ‘full service’ restaurant sales. While traditional restaurants still represent the largest portion of the market at **.* per cent, this represents a *.* per cent decline over the last year. By ...

2.2 Top 5 Growth Spots for Demand of Fast Food Meals

The Barclays report mentioned in the previous paragraph, shows how, in the UK, demand for fast food and takeaway meals is divided between the North and the South of the country, as, while the latter accounts for the largest overall share of sales (***), the first is generally performing stronger. On-premise sales ...

2.3 Consumer Profile

There is some evidence to suggest that patterns of eating out may vary by age and socio-economic status. The out-of home food environment (***) is increasingly a major part of the diet of younger adults and adolescents. On the other hand, home appears to be the most important location of food consumption ...

2.4 Demand Drivers

Having a look at the main trends which have been going on in the past years in food consumption in the UK, we can form a better idea of the most important demand drivers for this market. A study by Rand provides an excellent summary of these trends:

*. What people ...

2.5 New Trends in Demand

Consumers are more aware than ever about their food; where it comes from, whether it's organic, its carbon footprint and various other environmental factors. New and improved manufacturing regulations have been put in place to cope with these new demands; consumers are also willing to pay a premium for better quality ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market structure

The fast-food market is driven by independent fast food outlets and branded traditional ones. The UK hosts over ** thousand of the first kind and over * thousand of the second.

In terms of distribution, the map below shows the density of takeaways per **** people.  East Central London is the most takeaway-heavy area ...

3.2 Value Chain of the market

The value chain of the fast-food market is exemplified below.

3.3 Different fast food formats

Although fast food is often identified with mass produced food, the methodologies behind the transformation processes of the entire supply chain vary considerably depending on the type of fast food.

However, the common aspects for those companies are standardized products, limited service, limited equippement and skilled labour, and short waiting times, ...

3.5 Main payers

The most important players of the market are established fast-food chains, in particular:

McDonald's Domino's KFC Subway Burger King

The graph represents the proportion of searches for a given word in a given region during a given time period, compared to when it was most searched (***). Thus, a value of ** means ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Fast Food Subsegments

There are several sub categories into which one can decompose the fast food market. The most popular variable to distinguish those fast food categories is the type of food sold, which can essentially trace back to the country of origin. 

According to their geographical origin, fast foods are segmented into :

Asian ...

4.2 Pricing

The fast food market is characterized by an intense competition and a high product substitutability, which makes price a powerful weapon to start a war. The original success of the fast food business model lays in a double variable: price and speed. Those are strictly interconnected, as in order to make ...

4.3 9 Fast Food Restaurants made in the UK

Among the vast offer of international fast food chains, in the UK there are also some fast food restaurants made in Britain which have gained popularity over the years. BBC America lists ten of these chains and describes their success stories:

Leon: Leon can be considered the British healthy fast food ...

5 Regulations

5.1 UK Fast Food Laws

The new law on fast foods and junk food has been announced the **th of May **** among a raft of bills included in the Queen’s Speech outlining the Government’s legislative priorities. The new law will ban TV advertising of unhealthy foods – products high in sugar, salt and fat – before ...

5.2 The Foods Safety Act

The main legislative body in terms of administration of food in the UK is the Foods Safety Act ****.

The Food Safety Act **** (***) provides the framework for all food legislation in the England, Wales and Scotland. 

The main responsibilities for all food businesses under the Act are to ensure that:

Businesses do ...

6 Positioning of the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Leon
  • Prêt à manger
  • Yo! Sushi
  • McDonald's
  • KFC France
  • Subway
  • Burger King Restauration
  • Gregg's

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Fast-food les plus visités
  • Fast-food les plus visités
  • Marché mondial du fast-food
  • Réponse à la question : "Dans lequel de ces fast-foods avez-vous acheté de la nourriture au cours du dernier mois ?"
  • Valeur du marché de la restauration rapide, par type
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Latest news

KFC gains ground in France - 22/03/2024
  • 40 additional franchised restaurants in 2023
  • 363 establishments by early 2024
  • Market share of 8.3% in 2023, compared with 7.8% in 2021 and 2022, and 6.9% in 2019, for the fast-food burger segment as a whole, including chains and independents.
  • last year, sales on a like-for-like basis rose by 4.4% to 850 million euros
How KFC made its mark on the French fast-food scene by focusing on chicken - 31/10/2023

Burger King, which has just opened its 500th restaurant

KFC, the American chain specializing in fried chicken prepared on site, opens its 350th location this Tuesday

The chain has gone from 300 to 350 restaurants in less than a year and a half,

In 2022, opening of 25 restaurants. 26 in 2023

KFC, owned by American Yum! Brands (Pizza Hut, Taco Bell...)

Introduced in 1991, the chain counted just 11 restaurants in 2001. By 2010, it had grown to 120

At KFC, chicken accounts for 95.4% of orders

740 million euros in sales last year

KFC is now one of the top three fast-food chains in France, behind McDonald's (over 1,500 restaurants) and Burger King.

In 2017, KFC chose to rely exclusively on franchising. That year, 42 company-owned restaurants were taken over by Polish giant AmRest, its biggest franchisee with 70 restaurants.

The three largest franchisees (AmRest, ProNoïa and Groupe Heude) now manage 120 KFC restaurants in France

"A code-breaking challenger": how Burger King makes life difficult for McDonald's - 30/10/2023

The McDonald's challenger has just passed the 500-restaurant mark, half of which are former Quick 1980,Burger Kingarrived with great fanfareby 1997, however, it had just 39 locationsand McDonald's takes over two-thirds of the business,in late 2012:a few days before Christmas, the brand reappeared at Marseille-Marignane airport. After a fifteen-year absencethis new restaurant is a test run, launched under a franchise agreement with Italy's Autogrill, which specializes in airport and freeway catering.olivier Bertrand is already a successful entrepreneur in the restaurant business, at the helm of numerous chains (Lipp, Volfoni, Au Bureau, Café Leffe, Bert's, Angelina...). at the time, he was also Quick's first franchisee, and a disgruntled one at, after numerous acquisitions (Groupe Flo, Léon de Bruxelles, Pitaya...), Quick has sales of 3 billion euros.between 2016 and 2021, around 250 Quick restaurants will have disappeared from the landscape, transformed into Burger King.Burger King belonged to the Diageo conglomerate. It was a sub-subsidiary of its Géant Vert subsidiary.since 2010, Burger King has been owned by the 3G investment fund,in a burger chain market worth over 8 billion euros (+18% by 2019), there's room for everyone. With over 1,500 restaurants, McDonald's remains the market leader,we expect between 50 and 70 openings a yearsince 2013, McDo has opened nearly 300 restaurants in FranceSince 2010, Burger King has been owned by the 3G investment fund, which has relaunched international development through master franchising. With the Olivier Bertrand Group, France has become its new showcase: the brand's second-largest market after the United States,

Subway to change ownership - 25/08/2023
  • Roark Capital has offered approximately $9.6 billion for the purchase of Subway.
  • Subway was founded in 1965.
  • Subway currently has 37,000 outlets in some 100 countries, with 21,000 in the United States.
  • In France, Subway has around 400 locations.
  • In 2020, Dunkin Donuts was sold for $11.3 billion.
KFC speeds up restaurant openings in France - 20/03/2023
  • - Sales in 2022: 740 million euros
  • - 327 outlets in total and 25 new outlets
  • - 50% of sales by drive-through and takeaway
  • - 33% on-site consumption
  • - 17% deliveries
  • - 40% of chicken sourced from France
  • - Vegetarian burger represents one in five Colonel burgers sold
  • - 20 restaurants or "dark kitchens" this year in the Louisiana cuisine niche
KFC & Waze: National and local orchestrations to boost sales - 16/12/2022
  • Chicken specialist
  • Subsidiary of the Yum! Brands Group (Pizza Hut)
  • KFC has been present in France for 30 years
  • 320 restaurants throughout France
  • 12,000 employees
  • More than 200,000 customers a day. ,

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Prêt à manger
Yo! Sushi
KFC France
Burger King Restauration

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