Summary of our market study

The global car-sharing market has experienced rapid growth, with a projection of an average annual growth rate of 20% from 2022 to 2032, aiming to reach nearly $20 billion by 2032. This growth is fuelled by heightened public sector investment - responding to carbon emission reduction targets - and increased private investment, along with an anticipated rise in urban traffic congestion. Loop carsharing currently dominates the market, capturing over four-fifths of its share. In France, despite a 13% decline in carsharing usage in 2020 due to COVID-19, the market is recovering, with the fleet size increasing to almost 2,000 vehicles more than in January 2020 and unique user numbers recovering by 2023, reaching 423,000, a 43% increase from 2022. Carsharing users in France generally have specific profiles, with loop users being highly educated, urban, and less likely to own a car, while Getaround users tend to be younger and earn higher incomes.

Economic factors, such as the rising cost of car ownership (which was approximately €4210 per year in 2022), and environmental concerns serve as major demand drivers for carsharing services, with 77.4% of users indicating ecological impact as their primary motivation. On the supply side, the French carsharing market remains relatively stable in terms of operator numbers but is expanding through the growth of existing players. Furthermore, there's an evident push towards fleet electrification in response to legislative requirements and user preferences for environmentally friendly options.

The French carsharing market is reacting to regulatory changes such as the Mobility Orientation Act (LOM) and the establishment of low-emission zones (ZFEs), influencing fleet composition and market practices going forward.

Navigating the Dynamic Landscape of Car-Sharing in France: A Comprehensive Demand Analysis

In the rapidly evolving market of car-sharing, France has been witnessing a significant trend that is reshaping the landscape of urban mobility. With an increased focus on sustainability and economic pragmatism, the French car-sharing market has shown resilience and growth potential, despite temporary setbacks due to public health crises. Car-sharing services in France have become increasingly attractive, not just due to their convenience but also because of the substantial economic and environmental benefits they offer.

The stringent environmental policies and the rising costs associated with car ownership have prompted users to lean towards car-sharing as a viable alternative. The demand for such services has witnessed ebbs and flows, with the number of unique car-sharing users in France only recently surpassing pre-crisis levels. As of the beginning of 2023, there were an impressive one million registered users, up by about 30% since the beginning of 2020. This rebound suggests a robust potential for growing demand, especially in light of the definitive lifting of health restrictions.

Avoiding the costs of maintenance, insurance, and other ownership hassles, while also contributing to a lower environmental footprint, are compelling reasons driving users towards car-sharing options. Environmental motives have also come to the forefront, with a sizeable percentage of youths and adults alike wishing to limit their car use for ecological reasons.

The environmental impact of car-sharing – with each shared car potentially replacing between five to eight private cars – is significant, although the total kilometers reduced by car-sharing remain modest in comparison to overall traffic. The type of journey also plays a role in the choice of car-sharing service, with users typically relying on these for leisure, vacations, transporting items, or shopping.

The Movers and Shakers of the French Carsharing Landscape

In the dynamic arena of French carsharing, several key players have emerged, carving out their niches and shaping the direction of eco-friendly, shared mobility. Each company brings its own unique flair to the table, catering to various needs of the urban populace, be it loop, getaround, or free-floating services.

  • Citiz, a prolific name in loop carsharing, boasts service in 170 French towns. They are renowned for blending community-driven values with practical urban transportation solutions, making carsharing a convenient option for many.
  • Clem finds its forte in providing electric mobility options across numerous cities in France. Their focus on sustainability is paving the way for a greener future in carsharing services.
  • Communauto, stretching its roots to Paris, serves as a prime example of Canadian expertise localized for the French market. Not only do they provide carsharing options, but they also contribute significantly to reducing the number of vehicles on the city's congested roads.
  • Marguerite focuses its efforts on the city of Nantes, offering a locally tailored carsharing experience, bringing together the ease of urban commuting with the charm of personal service.
  • Mobilize Share, a venture of the Renault Group, spans many French cities. Their automotive industry prowess is reinvented in the carsharing space, providing users with not just a ride but a slice of innovation on the go.
  • Optymo, though regionally focused in the Belfort area, makes a substantial impact with its integrated mobility solutions that encompass carsharing as part of a broader transport network.
  • Ubeeqo, primarily servicing Paris, showcases how a blend of convenience and technology can lead to an efficient and user-friendly carsharing experience, indicative of their adaptable business model.

Moving into the getaround carsharing segment, Getaround Connect makes its mark with an impressive presence in various French cities. They've harnessed the power of technology to simplify vehicle rentals, making the process as straightforward as tapping on a smartphone.

The free-floating service sector is no less competitive, with Free2move establishing its dominance in Paris. They stand out with a tech-forward approach and a strong brand identity, underpinned by their dedication to smooth, hassle-free car access.


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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Car-sharing is the provision of self-service vehicles 24/7. Users have a car at their disposal for a limited time, and pay for their journey according to the duration of their stay. Car-sharing can be set up by a company, a public agency, an association or a cooperative. There are three main types of carsharing:

  • Loop carsharing: a vehicle can be borrowed and then returned to the same station, on reservation and for a set period of time;
  • Getaround" carsharing: this is also a loop service, but with a specific offer and use (the option of returning the vehicle to a different station from the one from which it was borrowed, or renting one's own car, for example);
  • Free-floating " car-sharing: operates without a station and requires no reservation.

Generally speaking, use of such a service is made via the operator's mobile application, or via a platform for private individuals (via Gatearound, for example).

This study does not cover scooters operating on the same principle (Yego, Cityscoot, etc.).

The carsharing market worldwide is growing rapidly, with the number of vehicles made available tripling between 2017 and 2018. This trend is set to continue in the coming years, with an increase of 20% per year until 2025.

In France, in 2020, the carsharing service saw a relative decline of 13% compared to 2019, despite a 30-40% drop in travel due to the health crisis. Today, growth prospects are enormous, and by 2050, 30% of vehicles are expected to be shared. There are many carsharing players, each with their own category and offering. They range from city-funded services (Autolib, Autobleue, Yélo...) to CtoC platforms (Ouicar, Drivy). The traditional players in the rental and car industry (PSA, Hertz...) are now being challenged by new players such as Zipcar and Virtuo.

Car-sharing is enjoying considerable growth thanks to its ecological impact. It reduces dependence on cars, energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The system is particularly well developed in cities, where it helps to reduce traffic (one car-sharing vehicle replaces around 5 to 8 private cars, freeing up 80% of public space).

1.2 The global market

The global carsharing market is booming, and promises to develop at a sustained pace over the next ** years. Estimates point to an average annual growth rate of **% over the period **** - ****. At a time of global warming and the depletion of fossil fuels, carsharing appears to be a life-saving mode of ...

1.3 The French market

As on a global scale, the French carsharing market is growing rapidly. In order to establish an overview of the French carsharing market, it may be interesting to visualize the evolution of the vehicle fleet and the number of unique users of carsharing services. Below is a graph showing the evolution ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Different profiles for different services

Thanks to a survey carried out on a representative sample of carsharing users,ADEME (***) has been able to draw up typical portraits of loop, free-floating and Getaround carsharing users.

Characteristics of loop service users

What's more, users of this type of service tend to be loyal. Over three-quarters of those surveyed ...

2.2 Determinants of demand: economic reasons

Given the evolution of vehicle technologies, the average price of a car is constantly rising. Let's take the example of the evolution of the price of a top-of-the-range Golf quoted by Fiches Auto: while a top-of-the-range Golf from **** (***) now costs **,*** euros. Even beyond the evolution of equipment in the car, there ...

2.3 Demand drivers: the environmental motive

In light of the environmental challenges facing the French and citizens of the world today, carsharing may appear to be a panacea, or at least an adjunct to the ecological transition of the transport sector. For example, one car in a car-sharing loop can replace between * and * private cars, and save ...

2.4 A specific request depending on the service offered and the nature of the journey

Carsharing is used in a number of specific situations. The ADEME study reveals trends in the types of journeys for which carsharing is used:

Reasons for renting a car-sharing vehicle France, ****, in Source: ****

in over **% of cases, respondents indicated that they use carsharing for four specific types of journey:

Leisure or ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Carsharing market value chain

There are many different players in the carsharing market. They include the public authorities, whose influence is reflected in the legislative framework they define (***) and finally the users. The following diagram shows the relationships between these different players:

Source: ****

3.2 A relatively small but growing market

The carsharing market numbered ** operators at the start of ****. Below is a graph showing the evolution of the number of operators.

Growth in the number of operators in the carsharing market France, **** - ****, in number of operators Source: ****

The number of operators has remained relatively stable over the past four years. ...

3.3 Operator typology

Loop, Getaround and free-floating car-sharing services meet different needs and each has its own specific customer base. Today, loop and getaround carsharing remain the dominant services on the market, but some operators are trying to diversify their offer.

Carsharing market players by service France, ****, in number of operators Source: ****

Thus, ** of ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer typology

The range of services on offer is heterogeneous, with some operators offering exclusively a loop service, others only a free-floating service, and still others a mixed service. But despitethe disparities in terms of services offered (***). The table below lists the prices of the main companies on the market:

Carsharing service pricing ...

4.2 Supply trends: the carsharing market's fleet transition

Constrained by changing environmental standards concerning vehicle pollution, operators are having to transition their fleets to environmentally-friendly vehicles. More than a constraint, this transition is also an opportunity and a marketing argument, insofar as many users choose carsharing to reduce their carbon footprint. As a reminder, the environmental reason for carsharing ...

5 Regulations

5.1 The Mobility Orientation Act (LOM) and the label

Published in ****, the Loi d'Orientation des Mobilités aims to make everyday transport easier, cheaper and cleaner. The LOM has prescribed colossal investments in the sector: **.* billion euros over the ****-**** period, with a particular focus on everyday transport. The law also aims to take advantage of digitalization to offer new ...

5.2 Low-emission zones (ZFE)

Low-emission zones are a tool for improving air quality. Their introduction is a response to the need to protect public health. Indeed, air quality is a major public health issue, particularly in large cities and their suburbs. It is therefore essential to pursue this dynamic throughout France. "The law provides for ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Lynk and Co (Geely)
  • Zity
  • Citiz
  • Ubeeqo
  • Getaround (Ex drivy)

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Carsharing market trends
  • Carsharing market share by type of carsharing used
  • Growth of the car-sharing fleet
  • Growth in the number of unique carsharing users
  • Average annual expenditure on a car
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Latest news

La marque Lynk & Co du constructeur chinois Geely veut se renforcer en Europe - 24/05/2023
Three years after acquiring Drivy, Getaround is preparing for its IPO. - 11/05/2022
  • Getaround, the world's leading car-sharing company, is about to take a major step forward in its history by completing its initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange via a SPAC.
  • In 2019, Getaround acquired Drivy , the French specialist in the sector, for $300 million.
  • Following layoffs in the United States, the company had to raise $140 million to give itself some breathing space.
  • The IPO enabled the car-sharing specialist to raise fresh money and set in motion a new dynamic.
  • The company claims to have achieved sales of 167 million by 2021, has a fleet of 66,000 vehicles registered on its platform and asserts that it is profitable "in certain cities", without specifying which ones.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Lynk and Co (Geely)
Getaround (Ex drivy)

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