
The global market for aesthetic medicine and surgery has continued to show robust growth since 2020, with the market valued at $13.9 billion in 2022 and expected to grow at a CAGR of 11% to 2027 to reach around $23.4 billion. This growth is driven by the increasing importance attached to physical appearance, the acceptance of aesthetic procedures and technological advances. By 2021, non-surgical procedures accounted for 54% of the global market, with an estimated value of $7.5 billion. The United States remains the market leader, particularly for non-surgical procedures, with 5.3 million treatments performed in 2021.

Aesthetic medicine market trends in Italy

The aesthetic medicine landscape in Italy has evolved rapidly, with a number of socio-demographic factors such as an ageing population and a growing emphasis on physical appearance propelling market growth. The Italian aesthetic medicine market, estimated at around 160 million euros, is increasingly popular among younger Italians, who are turning to aesthetic treatments to treat the first signs of aging and to improve their overall appearance. In Italy, a large majority, between 80 and 90%, of aesthetic medicine procedures are requested by women. However, interest from men has grown considerably, with requests for non-surgical treatments increasing by over 25%. This shift towards a more diverse demographic can be attributed to the increasing normalization and acceptance of aesthetic treatments among both men and women. A significant proportion of demand in the Italian market comes from the 19-34 age group, which accounts for around 40-45% of procedures. This indicates a trend towards early adoption of aesthetic practices among young adults. The next age bracket, 35-50, follows closely behind with almost 35-40% of procedures, suggesting that preventive treatments are also in high demand among those approaching or in middle age. Injectable products, such as botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid, are the main procedures, with their popularity extending to various demographic categories. However, interest in botulinum toxin is slightly eclipsed by demand for hyaluronic acid, suggesting a certain level of reticence among Italians due to concerns about the safety of botulinum toxin, despite its proven safety in numerous studies. In the facial rejuvenation segment, chemical peels and skin tightening represent substantial pockets of demand. Meanwhile, the "other" procedures segment is largely driven by permanent hair removal, followed by anti-cellulite treatments and non-surgical fat removal. These segments collectively contribute to the dynamic and evolving nature of the aesthetic medicine landscape in Italy. In addition, Italy has also become a destination for medical tourism, with between 10 and 15% of aesthetic surgeries performed on international patients by 2021. The country's reputation, combined with competitive prices compared to neighboring countries, has made it an attractive destination within the EU for medical treatments.

Key players in the aesthetic medicine market

The aesthetic medicine market is defined by a multitude of influential entities, each contributing to the diversity of offerings for consumers seeking non-invasive cosmetic enhancements. Here's a look at the key players shaping this dynamic industry:

  • Injectable manufacturers: These companies are key suppliers in the field of aesthetic medicine, offering products such as botulinum toxins (famous brands include Vistabex, Azzalure and Bocouture) and dermal fillers (including Juvederm Ultra, Ultra Plus, Voluma, Perlane, Restylane and Belotero). Their portfolio typically includes a variety of hyaluronic acid formulations, addressing different cosmetic needs such as wrinkle reduction, lip enhancement and facial contouring.
  • Energy-based equipment suppliers: These manufacturers produce the essential technological devices that doctors use to perform a range of aesthetic treatments. Their inventory covers a range of application-specific machines such as lasers for hair removal, fat reduction devices like cryolipolysis machines, and systems for skin rejuvenation. The full range of solutions they offer is the cornerstone of the diverse procedures available in aesthetic medicine clinics.
  • Cosmeceuticals brands: Like SkinCeuticals, these entities merge the fields of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, providing highly effective products with high concentrations of active ingredients to complement professional treatments. These cosmeceutical products address a variety of skin problems and help maintain and improve post-procedure results.
  • Independent medical practices: These are establishments where medical professionals offer specialized aesthetic treatments using products and equipment from the aforementioned manufacturers. They are the direct point of contact for consumers seeking aesthetic services, and play a key role in tailoring treatment plans to individual needs.
  • Hospitals and aesthetic centers: In addition to private practices, hospitals and specialized aesthetic centers are the main institutional providers of aesthetic medicine procedures. They often have a multidisciplinary team offering a holistic approach to patient care in the field of aesthetic enhancement.
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  • Formato : Versione PDF e digitale
  • Ultimo aggiornamento : 04/03/2024
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1 Market Summary

1.1 Definition and presentation

The aesthetic medicine and surgery market includes two different segments:

  • Aestheticmedicine: a less invasive branch that does not use surgery to correct a patient's blemishes or defects. Aesthetic medicine treatments are characterized by noninvasive treatments and usually short and painless recovery times.
  • Cosmetic surgery: a branch of plastic surgery that allows a patient's appearance to be improved or physical defects to be permanently eliminated, either totally or partially, through surgeries. Cosmetic surgery procedures are quite invasive, in most cases produce permanent results, and involve longer and more painful recovery times.

This market study focuses mainly on the first segment.

The global cosmetic surgery and medicine market is growing rapidly, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11% through 2027. The aesthetic medicine market still remains predominantly dominated by the United States, where a record 5.3 million non-surgical procedures were performed in 2021.

The Italian market is also growing, thanks in particular to the increasing popularity of so-called "non-invasive" methods of aesthetic medicine, placed on the borderline between medical treatment and simple aesthetic procedures. Italy is in fact the country in the world with the highest number of aesthetic medicine procedures in proportion to its population. In recent years, due to covid, this growth has come to a halt from which Italy is recovering more slowly than other countries.

The Italian market is still predominantly driven by women, with 75.8% of procedures, but interest from men has grown in recent years. In fact, it is estimated that requests for non-surgical treatments by men have increased by 25.4 percent since 2008 .

Italians are resorting to aesthetic medicine from an increasingly younger age, as they prefer to prevent the signs of aging, instead of treating them, in the best possible way and with optimal results.

In Italy, the injectables segment dominates the aesthetic medicine market, with 79.8% of all procedures. In fact, Hyaluronic acid fillers and botulinum toxin are the most popular nonsurgical procedures among Italians.

The aesthetic medicine market requires high entry costs and advanced technology , and most manufacturers specialize in manufacturing. The market is constantly renewing, and in recent years there have been major technological advances that have enabled the spread of increasingly less invasive and more effective procedures, such as CoolSculpting and Rhinofiller .

1.2 The global market driven by the United States

The aesthetic medicine and surgery market consists of two segments:

aesthetic medicine (***) cosmetic surgery (***)

The global aesthetic medicine and surgery market was valued at $**.* billion in **** and is expected to grow at a CAGR of **% through ****, reaching a value of $**.* billion at the end of the period.

Market growth is encouraged ...

1.3 Domestic market

According to ISAPS, the Italian market represents *.*% of the global aesthetic medicine and surgery market, which gives us an Italian market size of ***.** million euros (***)

In Italy, the aesthetic medicine segment is one of the most developed in the world, accounting for **.* of the total market. Therefore, we can estimate the ...

1.4 The rise of medical tourism

Medical tourism refers to the phenomenon whereby patients travel abroad to undergo medical treatment. In the past, this term usually referred to those who traveled from developing countries to major medical centers in more developed countries to undergo treatment to which they would not have access in their own country. However, ...

1.5 The impact of Covid

The impact of COVID-** on the aesthetic medicine sector in Italy was significant. Compared to the global average, Italy had a higher percentage of temporarily closed clinics (***). Other consequences include reduced clinic hours, decreased demand for aesthetic treatments due to both safety and virus concerns and loss of income, and increased ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand remains confined to a small part of the population

Demographics of demand

In Italy, demand for aesthetic medicine treatments has been growing steadily for several decades, thanks to several socio-demographic factors such as an aging population, the increasing importance of physical appearance, the normalization of aesthetic treatments, and the expansion of the male market. As we have seen, the sector ...

2.2 The reasons why Italians turn to cosmetic medicine

The main reason why men and women decide to undergo aesthetic medicine surgery is the need to feel good about themselves: almost * out of ** patients (***) stated this. An interesting fact that reflects the change in our society in recent years is the one related to the importance of image on social ...

2.3 Demand trends

The needs and demands of Italians have changed profoundly in recent years, redefining the existing dynamics within the world of aesthetic medicine and surgery.

There are three main trends in demand: the influence of social media on young people who choose to resort to aesthetic medicine, the growing focus on the ...

2.4 The impact of the Covid-19 emergency on demand

The lockdown caused by the Covid-** pandemic has generated a renewed interest in self-care among Italians. After months of carbohydrate-rich diets, lack of exposure to the sun and outdoors, accumulated stress and the effect of blue light from screens, Italians began to see the effects of the pandemic on their skin. ...

3 Market structure

3.1 A market structured around equipment manufacturers and medical professionals

The value chain of aesthetic medicine includes several stages. First, raw materials are supplied to manufacturers, who process them to produce medical equipment. The latter is then purchased by independent medical practices, hospitals, and aesthetic medicine centers, and is finally used to perform nonsurgical procedures on final patients.

We can distinguish ...

3.2 Production of aesthetic medicine equipment

Aesthetic equipment manufacturing includes the production of injectables, energy-based machinery, and cosmeceuticals. The aesthetics market requires high entry costs and advanced technology , and most manufacturers specialize in producing one of these segments.

The main players in the market international companies, and most production sites are located abroad with the exception of ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Overview of the offer

The supply in the aesthetic medicine market can be summarized as follows:

*. Injectables

Botulinum toxin : Botulinum toxin works by inhibiting the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine: by blocking its release in the muscles, it reduces excessive facial expressions and thus stops skin sagging, the primary cause of wrinkles and stretch ...

4.2 Injectables segment leading the market

In Italy, the injectables segment dominates the aesthetic medicine market, accounting for **.*% of all procedures. In contrast, facial rejuvenation and other procedures account for only a marginal share of the market, *.*% and **.*%, respectively.

Distribution of the aesthetic medicine market by macro segment Italy, ****, in % Source: ****

Analyzing the distribution of the injectables ...

4.3 Characteristics and prices of procedures

The following table summarizes the characteristics of commercially available nonsurgical aesthetic procedures:

Source: ****

it is important to note that prices vary widely depending on the medical facility, physician, or region.

4.4 Supply trends

The aesthetic medicine market has undergone profound changes in recent years that have been driven by changing customer demand. The supply has adapted to these trends by developing new techniques or advanced machines. Thanks to the continuous technological research conducted by market players, procedures are increasingly dynamic and allow for effective, ...

5 Rules and regulations

5.1 Italian regulations

Title required to perform aesthetic medicine treatments

The aesthetic physician has a degree in Medicine and Surgery , but it is not essential that he or she have any other type of specialization. There is not yet an EEC-compliant University Postgraduate School for aesthetic medicine, and therefore there is not yet a ...

5.2 Off-label prescribing

Any pharmaceutical company that introduces a new drug to the market must have approval from its relevant ministry. The drug is authorized for the particular clinical indication required, calling it "on label." A physician who uses a drug outside of its usual use, uses it out of indication or "off label." ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation


  • Procédures esthétiques chirurgicales et non chirurgicales
  • Évolution du nombre et de la part des interventions non chirurgicales
  • Taille du marché mondial de la médecine et de la chirurgie esthétiques
  • Évolution du marché mondial des interventions esthétiques chirurgicales et non chirurgicales
  • Interventions non chirurgicales par pays
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L’impegno di Ipsen nell’area delle malattie rare - 29/02/2024

Performance e alle strategie dell'azienda biofarmaceutica Ipsen nel 2023: 1. **Incremento delle vendite:** Nel 2023, Ipsen ha registrato un incremento delle vendite globali pari al 3,4% rispetto all'anno precedente. 2. **Margine operativo:** L'azienda ha registrato un margine operativo del 26,1%, che evidenzia un aumento del 2% in confronto al 2022. 3. **Fattori di crescita:** La crescita è stata supportata dagli asset storici dell'azienda, dai nuovi farmaci, dall’espansione della pipeline e dall’accelerazione degli investimenti in ricerca e sviluppo, particolarmente beneficiati dalle recenti acquisizioni focalizzate sull'area delle malattie rare. 4. **Ingresso nel settore delle malattie rare:** Nel 2023, Ipsen ha acquisito Albireo, una società leader nello sviluppo di modulatori degli acidi biliari per il trattamento delle malattie epatiche colestatiche pediatriche e adulte, introducendo nel mercato odevixibat, il primo trattamento approvato contro la colestasi intraepatica familiare progressiva (Pfic). 5. **Piani futuri:** Per il 2024, Ipsen prevede il lancio mondiale di quattro terapie innovative e l'ampliamento della pipeline, supportato da una strategia di innovazione esterna nelle sue tre aree terapeutiche principali. 6. **Impegno nel campo delle malattie rare:** Con nuovi sviluppi come odevixibat e una pipeline in evoluzione, Ipsen segna il suo ingresso ufficiale nel settore delle malattie rare, puntando a portare innovazioni terapeutiche che possano cambiare il decorso delle malattie, con un focus su farmaci con nuovi meccanismi d’azione.

Medicina, Allergan Aesthetics lancia il centro di formazione per professionisti sanitari - 26/06/2023

Inaugurazione del Center of Excellence di Allergan Aesthetics in Italia, precisamente a Roma. Questo centro rappresenta il primo e unico spazio dedicato completamente alla formazione sia teorica che pratica dei professionisti sanitari. La sua fondazione è sostenuta dalla competenza di un comitato scientifico multidisciplinare composto da 21 esperti di fama nazionale e internazionale. L'obiettivo principale del centro è quello di offrire una formazione di alta qualità ai professionisti sanitari attraverso 4 curricula complementari, al fine di garantire la massima soddisfazione dei loro pazienti.

Fidia Farmaceutici: è online il nuovo sito web corporate - 11/05/2022
  • **Azienda**: Fidia Farmaceutici
  • **Settore**: Farmaceutico
  • **Specializzazione**: Leader mondiale nella ricerca, sviluppo, produzione e commercializzazione di prodotti a base di acido ialuronico e suoi derivati.
  • **Iniziativa**: Lancio di un nuovo sito web corporate realizzato da Isobar, con restyling dell’immagine aziendale.
  • **Obiettivo**: Migliorare l'esperienza di navigazione e aggiornare l'immagine del gruppo, seguendo il concept "Regenerate & Evolve". -
  • **Innovazione e Sviluppo**: L’azienda possiede oltre 1.100 brevetti sull’acido ialuronico, principalmente nell’area osteoarticolare, e continua a investire in ricerca e sviluppo, esplorando nuove applicazioni terapeutiche per l'acido ialuronico.
  • **Posizione dell’azienda**: Un posizionamento ambizioso nell'innovazione terapeutica, con un messaggio forte verso tutti gli stakeholder, inclusi i dipendenti globali.

Aziende citate in questo studio

Questo studio contiene un panorama completo di società di mercato con le ultime cifre e le notizie di ogni azienda :

Fidia Farmaceutici
ITS Group
EME Estetica
Merz Pharmaceuticals
Allergan plc

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the aesthetic medicine market | Italy

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Aggiunte e aggiornamenti

  • 20/09/2023 - All'interno dello studio sono stati aggiornati i dati relativi al valore del mercato mondiale ed Italiano, aggiunte informazioni sul turismo medico in Italia e sui principali interventi scelti dagli Italiani
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