
The global do-it-yourself (DIY) market has demonstrated a steady growth trend, having reached a value of €594 billion in 2018, with North America and Europe being the dominant players accounting for 87% of the market in 2018. The Belgian DIY market in particular has shown structural growth but experienced some instability, with a 3.3% growth in 2019, and a notable surge in consumer interest in DIY activities during the 2020 pandemic lockdowns. Specifically, the Belgian market saw a 37% turnover loss in DIY shops due to compulsory closures in March 2020, but consumer engagement in DIY rose by 12 percentage points during confinement, leading to a sales increase of 11% post-confinement, particularly in paint and garden categories. The growing trend of online purchases in DIY products, which stood at 4.7% in 2017, is accelerating, although Belgium lags behind the European average. Top players such as Brico, Hubo, and Gamma are investing in digital services like e-commerce platforms to capitalize on this shift. Despite the notable digital growth, Belgians still show a preference for in-store purchases. DIY product prices have outpaced inflation, rising by 2.11% between September 2019 and September 2020 in Belgium, influenced by the desire for more sophisticated and personalized products. .Belgian Do-It-Yourself Market: Evolving Demand and Consumer Preferences The Belgian do-it-yourself (DIY) market is a significant sector that has seen both growth and volatility in recent years. As of 2019, this market can be valued at approximately 4.5 billion euros, marking its importance in the country's economy. It is important to note that this market encompasses a range of categories including building materials, plumbing, gardening, paint, and tools, making it a diverse field with numerous players. Consumer interest in DIY in Belgium has shown an upward trend, and a significant percentage of Belgians are opting to undertake home improvement projects themselves rather than hiring professionals. Factors such as personal skill improvement, cost savings, perceived ease of product use, and time availability drive this DIY inclination. Despite this rising interest, the market is also subject to cycles, where elements such as the weather and the attachment to physical stores can influence sales, revealing the complex dynamics of consumer behavior. The typical Belgian DIY consumer profile includes a strong desire to learn and improve DIY skills. The internet serves as a primary source for DIY information and inspiration, with Google and online retailer websites being most consulted by consumers. Furthermore, online videos and practical sessions with experienced individuals are popular methods of learning new DIY skills among Belgians. Although the DIY market has been traditionally dominated by large chains like Hubo, Brico, and Gamma, there has been a noticeable push toward digital platforms. However, the e-commerce penetration in the Belgian DIY market remains low but is expanding rapidly, with the online share reaching between approximately 4 to 5 percent in 2017. Established retailers are enhancing their online presence with Brico, for instance, hosting over 46,000 product references on their webshop. Despite this growth, the Belgian consumer still shows a preference for in-store purchases, which could be attributed to the desire for personal advice and service from shop staff. Manufacturers and distributors play pivotal roles in the market, with leading global brands like Bosch in tools and AkzoNobel in paints being significant players in the DIY segment. Retail chains, both large and small, form the primary sales channels, with some pure online players making their entry and slowly gaining interest. The product offerings in the Belgian DIY market reflect a mix of both traditional and emerging trends. Personalization of offers and advanced category management have been strategies adopted by key chains to accommodate the increasing sophistication of consumers' needs. Examples include the differentiation of store formats by Brico and bespoke shelf designs by Gamma based.### Key Players Shaping the Belgian DIY Market Landscape In the realm of the Belgian do-it-yourself (DIY) market, a few key companies have emerged as leading figures, offering a wide array of products and services to cater to the growing trend of home improvement enthusiasts. Below, we embark on a journey through the profiles of the main players who have played significant roles to satisfy the DIY cravings of Belgians. #### Flourishing Chains and Their Diverse Formats **Brico** stands tall as one of the flag bearers in the DIY store chain segment. Having evolved over the years, Brico has diversified its shop formats to meet the varying needs of its clientele through Brico Planit, Brico, and Brico City, each designed to cater to large-scale projects, general convenience, and quick shopping, respectively. **Hubo** is another name that resonates in the halls of the DIY market. As a home improvement store chain, Hubo makes its presence known across Belgium with its customer-centric approach, allowing DIYers access to an extensive range of products for all sorts of home renovation projects. **Gamma** is not to be overlooked in the market, taking pride in its category management strategy that streamlines the shopping experience for consumers. Focusing on individual shelf design and data analysis, Gamma strives to meet specific customer needs with precision and care. **Mr Bricolage** has a reputation that accompanies its name across Belgium, providing a comprehensive selection of DIY goods that has made it a popular choice amongst the local populace looking to undertake their own home improvement tasks. A mention goes to **Handy Home**, which although smaller in size compared to its competitors, offers a range of products that appeal to DIY enthusiasts looking for a more personalized shopping experience. #### Independent Dealers Standing Their Ground **BigMat, Galico,** and **Gedimat** represent the independent dealer's response to the evolving Belgian DIY market. They manage to carve their niche by offering specialized products and services that cater to the unique requirements of their customer base. These dealers hold their ground, showcasing the importance of diversity in shopping options for consumers. #### The E-Commerce Disruptors The pure players, such as **ManoMano** and **Bricozor**, have entered the market with a digital-first approach, capturing the attention of the tech-savvy DIY crowd. These online platforms have started to make significant inroads by providing ease of access and convenience for shoppers looking to purchase DIY products from the comfort of their homes. #### Exploring
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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 01/09/2023
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1 Market summary

1.1 Market definition and structure

Do-it-yourself refers to non-professional manual activities, repair, creation, improvement and maintenance of small objects in the house. This study concentrates on the DIY market and therefore excludes the BtoB activity of retailers and DIY stores

The do-it-yourself market therefore covers a wide variety of items. The Union Nationale des Industriels du Bricolage (Inoha) lists 11 main categories: building, plumbing/sanitary, garden, paint/glue, wood/joinery, coatings, tools, electricity, hardware, decoration and thermal comfort.

The world market for DIY products amounted to 594 billion euros in 2018 and the market has been growing steadily for several years. The United States are largely dominant, accounting for about half of the world market by value. In Europe, the biggest DIY markets are the United Kingdom, Germany and France. 

The Belgian do-it-yourself market grew by 3.3% in 2019 and by 16,4% between 2008 and 2017 but is characterised by relative instability.

The growth of the market can be explained by a growing interest in do-it-yourself, particularly in Belgium. The market is highly concentrated and dominated by a few large players, the main ones being the DIY chains Hubo Belgium (Bricoalliance), Brico (Maxeda) and Gamma (Intergamma).

The Belgian market is also characterised by an attachment to physical shops and digitalisation is therefore still weak but growing. This is one reason why the market is cyclical, the sales being largely dependant on the weather and the consumer will to visit the physical shops. One other reason is that the garden category is the most important product category sold by DIY shops in Belgium. Bad weather thus means less sales in the garden category which affect the turnover of DIY shops.

Liste des graphiques

  • Taille du marché du bricolage
  • Part de marché du bricolage par continent
  • Chiffre d'affaires de la vente au détail de quincaillerie, peintures et verres dans les magasins spécialisés
  • Évolution des ventes sur le marché belge du bricolage
  • Principales motivations pour faire du bricolage
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Dernières actualités

Mr.Bricolage en recul attendu en 2023 - 14/03/2024
  • Volume d'affaires du groupe Mr.Bricolage en 2023: 2,31 milliards d'euros
  • En France, 902 magasins ont généré 1,96 milliard d'euros de volume d'affaires en 2023
  • Nombre de magasins selon l'enseigne en 2023:
    • - Mr.Bricolage: 331 magasins
    • - Les Briconautes: 101 magasins
    • - Enseignes indépendantes : 470 magasins
  • Nombre total de magasins au 1er janvier 2024: 1088 magasins
Bricolage : ManoMano met son service ManoMano Pro en avant dans sa nouvelle campagne TV - 14/02/2024
  • ManoMano a créé son service pour les professionnels du BTP, ManoMano Pro, fin 2020.
  • Trois ans plus tard, ManoMano a attiré environ la moitié des artisans du secteur en France, soit environ 200.000 entreprises.
  • ManoMano propose plus de 19 millions de références de produits sur son site.
Face à la déprime du bricolage, ManoMano réduit ses effectifs d'un quart - 18/10/2023
  • ManoMano est une plateforme de vente d'articles de bricolage avec 16 millions de références.
  • Co-fondé par Christian Raisson et Philippe de Chanville.
  • L'entreprise est en concurrence avec Leroy Merlin et Castorama.
  • Elle envisage de supprimer un maximum de 150 postes en France et 80 en Espagne sur un total de 900 employés dans le cadre d'une réorganisation.
  • En 2020, ManoMano a réalisé un volume d'affaires supérieur à un milliard d'euros dans cinq pays européens (France, Espagne, Italie, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne).
Bricolage : bonne résistance pour Mr.Bricolage - 15/03/2023
  • En France le volume d’affaires atteint 2,02 milliards d’euros (un recul de 1,6% sur l’année )
  • A l’étranger, Mr.Bricolage, présent dans dix pays à travers 74 points de vente, a réalisé un volume d’affaires de 322,5 millions d’euros, en hausse de 5,4%
  • Au 31 décembre 2022, Mr.Bricolage comptait 920 magasins, 846 en France, dont 319 Mr.Bricolage, 97 Les Briconautes et 430 magasins affiliés sous enseignes indépendantes.
  • Au 1er janvier 2023 Mr.Bricolage pouvait compter sur 977 magasins, dont 903 en France (ralliements d’adhérents et d’affiliés négociés en 2022)
  • Objectif affiché des 1000 points de vente avant la fin 2025.
Mr.Bricolage franchit la barre des 2 milliards de chiffre d'affaires - 16/03/2022
  • Le groupe Mr.Bricolage a connu une belle année 2021
C'est la troisième fois en trois ans que ManoMano a levé des fonds, et elle a encore récolté 355 millions de dollars. - 06/07/2021
  • ManoMano revendique une valorisation de 2,6 milliards de dollars
  • Son objectif pour 2021 serait d'atteindre 600.000 clients, et pour 2025 : 800.000 collaborateurs 
  • ManoMano a levé 355 millions de dollars après avoir récolté 110 millions d’euros en 2019 et 125 millions en 2020, c'est la troisième opération en trois ans pour la plateforme e-commerce de produits de bricolage, maison et jardin
  • Les 60 millions levés en 2017 paraissent dérisoires aujourd’hui tant la startup a connu une ascension fulgurante, avec pas moins de 725 millions de dollars levés en huit ans
  • Le but de ManoMano est de devenir la destination de référence pour tous les projets de bricolage, jardinage et aménagement de la maison
  • ManoMano tire les enseignements de la crise en recrutant 350 personnes
  • Pour soutenir ces ambitions, l’entreprise prévoit d’en recruter un millier d’ici fin 2022
  • L’entreprise comptera bientôt 2000 collaborateurs et s’approche à grands pas du seuil de 5000 salariés à partir duquel une entreprise française est considérée comme un grand groupe

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Brico Belgium
Gamma Belgique
Mr. Bricolage
BigMat Belgique
Gedex Gedimat Gedibois
Bourrelier Groupe

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Nos offres :

the DIY market | Belgium

89 € HT
  • Quels sont les chiffres sur la taille et la croissance du marché ?
  • Quels leviers tirent la croissance du marché et leur évolution ?
  • Quel est le positionnement des entreprises sur la chaine de valeur ?
  • Comment se différencient les entreprises du marché ?
  • Données issues de plusieurs dizaines de bases de données

Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 19/04/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise ManoMano
  • 14/03/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Bourrelier Groupe
  • 21/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Mr. Bricolage

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