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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Crèches, also known as "établissements d'accueil du jeune enfant" (EAJE), are facilities for children up to the age of 6 that are not part of a family or school environment.

In France, there are several types of EAJE, depending on the nature of their managing body: association, local authority, company, etc. Private day-care centers run by companies are commercially-operated day-care centers.

There are several types of private day-care center, depending on their structure (multi-accueil day-care center, company day-care center, municipal day-care center under public-private partnership, or micro-crèche) and their type of financing (PSU, PAJE, etc.). The market is largely financed by the State via the Caisse Nationale d'Allocations Familiales (CAF).

The French market is characterized by an imbalance between supply and demand. Despite an increase in the number of places offered in recent years, the number of places available is still far from sufficient to meet national demand. The private sector in particular is booming, as it is more flexible and less costly than its public competitors. As a result, the number of places available in private day-care centers is increasing every year. As a result, the market should continue to enjoy double-digit annual growth by 2027 in terms of the number of places offered.

The French market is more mature than that of its European neighbors, and the French offer is diversifying to differentiate itself. For example, crèches with original pedagogical projects (ecological or musical) are on the rise. What's more, French nurseries are increasingly exporting their know-how abroad. The major players in the French market are finding new sources of growth and substantial outlets in European countries.

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Number of places offered by private day-care centers
  • Size of the private daycare market
  • Type of care desired at birth and used
  • Survey on the benefits of daycare for child development
  • Quality of daycare services
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Latest news

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  • - Christophe Durieux, founder of People & Baby, owns 80% of the group's capital.
  • - People & Baby has debts of 400 million euros.
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Workforce shortage: private daycare centers face training headache - 15/04/2024
  • les Petits Chaperons Rouges , one of France's largest private crèche groups. Headed by a network of 850 crèches under its own name, 2,200 partner crèches and 9,000 employees, the company, which generated sales of 450 million euros in 2023
  • the early childhood sector employs 150,000 people
  • the private childcare sector, which accounts for 40% of the 480,000 crèche places in France, does its best to offer training courses to its employees and students.
Tom & Josette develop intergenerational crèches - 15/10/2023
  • Tom & Josette was founded by Astrid Parmentier and Pauline Faivre.
  • The idea came from family experience, and aims to combat the isolation of senior citizens.
  • The idea was to create micro-nurseries in retirement homes.
  • The first crèche was opened just before the second confinement in 2020.
  • Nine crèches have already been opened in nine different départements.
  • The aim is to open fifteen crèches by the end of 2023 and 100 by the end of 2025.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Grandir Groupe -Les petits chaperons rouges
Babilou Groupe
Crèche Attitude Liveli (Sodexo)
People and Baby (Holding)
La Maison Bleue
Léa et Léo
Les P'tits Babadins
Rigolo Comme La Vie
Les Petites Canailles
Tom & Josette
Croc La Vie

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the market for private nurseries | France

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