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1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

The market for fire safety systems includes all those products that are related to both the detection and extinguishment (automatic or manual) of a fire and the acoustic and luminous signaling of smoke. Among these well-known systems, we find the fire extinguisher and smoke detectors. The fire detector market can be segmented by product outlook, type (flame detectors, smoke detectors, and heat detectors), alarm type (audible, visual, and manual), application (commercial, industrial, and residential), and regional area.

The global fire detector market size has been estimated at $42.24 billion in 2020, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.1 percent during the period from 2021 and 2028.

While local laws in the United States and the United Kingdom require the installation of fire detectors in homes, there are no regulations on this yet in Italy. However, it is advisable to have at least one device mounted on the ceiling of each floor of the house and, where possible, to place smoke detectors in every room of the house where there is fire danger and to connect all alarms to each other. Smoke detectors, however, are affordable and can be easily purchased from many specialist retailers. However, in Italy there is still difficulty in spreading such devices evenly in public places, so the proposal for fire prevention systems in private homes is still decontextualized.

Despite the limited growth in the Italian market, some innovative solutions have been introduced by companies operating in the sector. For example, the latest trend of IoT (Internet of things) has enabled the spread of smart smoke detection services, which can help customers in the prevention of false alarms and offer enhanced safety with advanced risk monitoring and immediate intervention in any adversity. Fusion with smartphones and other technologies is also a major driver of the fire detector market in the forecast period.

1.2 The world market

The global market size for fire alarms and detection systems was valued at $**.** billion in **** and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.* percent from **** to ****, to exceed ** billion.

Fire alarm market value World, ****-*****, in billions of dollars Grandviewresearch

Demand for advanced fire safety systems in ...

1.3 The Italian market

In Italy, facilities that house a large number of people, such as, for example, hospitals, hotels, businesses, public places, etc., are required by law to be equipped with fire safety devices[***].

No data are available on the size of the market for fire detectors in Italy, so an estimate will be ...

1.4 Import-export

The most specific category available for fire alarm trade analysis is that with HS code **.**: Electrical sound or visual signaling equipment (***).

Italy is a net importer of these devices.

The value of imports shows a fluctuating trend. After a decrease from **** (***). Although there was a slight increase in **** and ****, exports remain ...

1.5 The impact of covid

As we have seen, the market for fire alarm devices is closely linked to that of real estate development, especially nonresidential. This sector has been deeply affected by the pandemic:

**** marked a period of deep crisis for the construction sector in Italy, exacerbated by the Covid-** pandemic. According to Ance ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 The question

The demand for fire alarm devices is closely linked to housing development projects, especially non-residential.

The total area of new nonresidential construction showed an increase during **** compared to the last quarter of ****. Starting from *.** million square meters in the fourth quarter of ****, the area increased to *.** million square meters in the ...

2.2 Fires in Italian buildings

Fires affecting Italian buildings are an underestimated problem. Although their number is by no means negligible, such fires come to the fore only when they affect particular buildings, such as the Torre dei Moro in Milan at ** Antonini Street, which suffered a major fire on September **, ****, fortunately without casualties.

The most ...

2.3 The geographical distribution of demand

To identify geographic areas with the greatest demand for fire alarm systems, in this section we will display the geographic distribution of manufacturing, retail, and office properties.

Manufacturing properties:



3 Market structure

3.1 The market structure

Fire alarm manufacturing is part of Ateco category **.**.**: Manufacture of burglar and fire alarm systems. Because it is a very specific category, no data are available on it. In fact, the supracategory in which it is contained, **.** MANUFACTURING OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT, is already very small, containing only *** companies. This section will ...

3.2 The value chain

3.3 Distribution

Fire alarms are distributed rincipally by fire alarm installers; these companies are responsible for selecting and installing fire equipment and devices, such as smoke detectors, sprinklers, alarm sirens, and extinguishing systems. They may also be involved in creating safe evacuation routes and training people on how to properly use fire protection ...

3.4 The main players

The main companies producing fire sysitems in Italy are:

Teledatone: founded in ****, designs, develops and manufactures specialized electronic equipment for the security and industrial automation market. Inim: founded in ****, specializes in burglar and fire alarm systems. Sanco: founded in ****, sanco specializes in the production of fire protection systems, is based in ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 The offer

There are different types of fire detectors[***]:

optical beam detectors ionizing chamber detectors flame detectors heat detectors camera systems

4.2 The prices

The price range for a sprinkler system can vary depending on the specific needs and size of the building. A basic fire sprinkler system can have a minimum price of around *** €, while a more complete system can average around *,*** €. For larger projects, the maximum price for a complete sprinkler system can ...

4.3 The smart alarm devices

Smart fire alarms represent an important evolution in terms of home and work safety. These smart devices use sophisticated sensors to detect both smoke and a rapid rise in temperature, immediately triggering an alarm system in the event of a possible fire.

A crucial aspect of these alarms is their ability ...

5 Regulations

5.1 The regulation

For civil-dwelling buildings, thus condominiums, the fire regulations set forth in Decree No. **/**** bearing the title: "Amendments and additions to the annex of Decree No. *** of May **, **** on fire safety standards for civil-dwelling buildings."

The fire regulations establish differentiated measures based on the height of buildings. Taller buildings will be subject ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation



  • Inim Electronics S.r.l.
  • Sanco S.p.a.
  • Johnson Controls Italia S.r.l.
  • Teledatone
  • Ultrafog S.r.l.
  • Sebino S.p.a.
  • Air Fire S.p.a.

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Inim Electronics S.r.l.
Sanco S.p.a.
Johnson Controls Italia S.r.l.
Ultrafog S.r.l.
Sebino S.p.a.
Air Fire S.p.a.

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the market for fire detectors | Italy

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