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1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

The term dentist is defined as a health care professional who deals with diseases and problems of the oral cavity and related tissues. Dentists working either in public facilities such as hospitals or in dental offices, often private, primarily perform services of:

-Mobile prosthetics

-Fixed Prosthetics



Globally, the value of the dental market is worth about $29 billion with the forecast to reach $43 million in the future six years with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.7 percent. Globally, the industry is characterized by increasingly high growth rates, except for the 2009-2012 crisis period that also affected dentists and their practices.

In Italy the sector had a big growth in the post-crisis period continuing until 2018 where the profit curve started to slow down. Despite this setback in the last five years, the dental market has been growing strongly due, on the one hand, to the continuous technological innovation of machines and instruments and, on the other hand, to scientific and medical progress. Today in Italy in terms of the number of dentists compared to other European countries it ranks 19th with an average of 64 dentists per 100,000 inhabitants.

The trend in the dental market predicts continued growth in the number of dentists and dental practices with the trend toward the creation of ever larger groups and conglomerates. In addition, the factors on which the market will be based for the next few years will be: the advent of digitalization, higher demand for cosmetic surgery, and an increase in dental tourism due to dental clinics with increasingly competitive prices.

1.3 The Global Marketplace

The size of the global dental services market was estimated at $***.* billion in **** and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate(***) of *.* percent from **** to ****.

Some of the key factors contributing to the growth are the increasing awareness of dentistry among people, the rising prevalence of dental caries ...

1.3 The Italian Market

The Italian dental sector ranks among the world's leaders: a business worth *** million euros in studio and laboratory consumption (***), around *** million euros in equipment value, and around *** million euros in implantology.[***] A measure that helps even more to understand the value of the Italian market is given by the industry's turnover. ...

1.4 Covid-19 Impact

The dental sector has been severely affected by the pandemic. It was estimated that spending in **** decreased by about **% from the previous year and then recovered about *% in ****. Looking, however, at the decline in the ****-**** biennium, dental spending would be down approximately -**%.

Dentists' receipts also declined sharply, -**.*%, on ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand Drivers : Aging Population and Income Evolution

Income and Population Aging strongly influence demand; in fact, it is both older people who get dental care more often and those who are more affluent. The age distribution and median age of the Italian population are also important factors to consider in order to better understand this market and its ...

2.2 Italians and Dental Care

The snapshot regarding the oral health of Italians currently shows that ** percent do not visit the dentist. The main reason lies in the costs of dental care, which, in **% of cases are managed by private institutions for a total of *.* billion charged to citizens and just *** million managed by the National ...

2.3 The geographical distribution of demand

regarding average monthly household spending on dental services, a map regarding the distribution in different geographical areas is shown below.

The highest value is recorded in the North, particularly in the Northeast area, with **.** € of average spending, followed by the Northwest with **.* €. In the Center, spending decreases more noticeably, to a ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market Structure

The field of dentistry has changed very rapidly in recent years, and the scenario is evolving in many respects, including legislation and the market. One of the main vectors of this change is the strong growth of organized dentistry, which has more than *** dental centers (***), about *,*** dentists and hygienists engaged on ...

3.2 Geographical Distribution

The number of dental practices (***) is distributed differently according to geograpical area.

The greatest concentration is found in northern Italy, particularly in the Northwest area where there are ***** dental practices. This figure can be considered bearing in mind that the regions with the highest rate of elderly population are present in ...

3.3 The Professional Registrants

The number of dental registrants also appears to be growing in ****, in line with previous years. It turns out to be **,***, +*.* percent compared to ****, of which **,*** are also registered in the Register of Doctors.

The number of new members is stable, turning out to be *,*** in ****, of which *** are women, or ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Health Expenditure and Dental Care

Dental care is among the treatments that Italians most often put off for economic reasons, and * in * people in Italy cannot afford to go to the dentist. This is due, as we will see, to the poor assistance of the National Health Service for expenses involving this type of care.

Based ...

4.2 Prices

Trends in consumer prices for dental services over the past * years are shown below.

As can be seen from the graph, there has been a linear increase regarding the average annual indices for dental services. In particular, a considerable increase can be seen in the year ****, when there was an increase ...

4.3 New supply trends

As with traditional medicine, dentistry constantly strives for innovative solutions. In the field of implant dentistry, research is mainly focusing on preventing possible complications after surgery. In early ****, a new weapon was made available to prevent the two most common inflammatory diseases, mucositis and peri-implantitis, which affect ** percent and ** percent of ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulation

To practice dentistry in Italy, it is necessary to be registered in a special professional register and to pass a special examination.

Those who hold a diploma from one of the following degrees are eligible for the examination:

-master's degree in class **/S - dentistry and dental prosthetics;

-bachelor's degree in ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Recordati
  • Farmaceutici Dottor Ciccarelli
  • DP Dent
  • Primo srl
  • Caredent Italia spa

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Evolution Number of Dental Practices in Italy
  • Evolution of Employees in the Dental Sector
  • Studi odontoiatrici per tipologia

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Farmaceutici Dottor Ciccarelli
DP Dent
Primo srl
Caredent Italia spa

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the market for dentists and dental practices | Italy

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