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  • Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The dematerialization of a document consists in moving it from a physical support (most often paper) to a digital support. Specifically, invoice dematerialization solutions offer the ability to convert paper invoices to digital format or to directly edit and manage all invoices of an individual or organization on a software. These solutions allow to manage an invoice throughout its lifespan, from its issuance to archiving, including sending it to the customer.  

Praised for their efficiency, paper savings and document traceability, these solutions have become popular among economic players such as companies, local authorities, government and individuals. 

Although the Italian invoice dematerialization market is not one of the most developed in Europe, it is growing rapidly. In fact, since 2015, in Italy it has been mandatory to use this type of service for all Public Administrations and, from 2019, the obligation has also been extended to all private companies.  

In Italy, the channel that allows communication between the various invoicing processes implemented by operators along the supply chain is represented by the Interchange System, and is managed by”Agenzie delle entrate”.

The advantages that are most recognized to this type of service, and that make it particularly appreciated, are certainly attributable to the prevention and contrast of tax evasion, to the reduction of the fulfilments required in the field of taxation and the consequent simplification of the tax system. Italian companies today differ on the basis of the level of dematerialization they choose to implement: on the one hand, there are those who, with the aim of reducing investment costs, limit themselves to establishing a process of mere document replacement in digital format. On the other hand, there are those that take full advantage of the benefits offered by dematerialization by choosing to implement intelligent solutions that enable efficient management of document flows. 

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the invoice dematerialization market | Italy

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