Summary of our market study

The French dropshipping market is estimated at between €3 and €3.5 billion.

The global dropshipping market, valued at $200 billion in 2022, is expected to grow by an estimated 25% between 2023 and 2032, reaching $1.9 billion in 2032. This trend is driven by the growing adoption of online shopping, with e-commerce penetration rising from 58.30% in 2016 to 65.20% in 2021.

Growth in e-commerce and dropshipping

In France, the dropshipping model is thriving and making a substantial contribution to the growth of e-commerce. Its success is fueled by ease of market access. Sellers avoid traditional logistical challenges. Dropshipping directly connects consumers and suppliers.

This model not only gives customers a wide range of choices, but also enables sellers to streamline their operations and dispense with inventory. The dropshipping business model is favored for its low barriers to entry.

The structure of the dropshipping market in France reflects this reality, with 207,000 e-commerce sites by 2022.

E-commerce sales are rising steadily, from 90 to 95 billion euros in 2018 to 145 to 150 billion euros in to 2022.

Around a third of consumers shop online 2-3 times a month. The average French online shopper carries out more than 50 transactions a year, representing expenditure of between 3,000 and 3,500 euros. The average purchase is around 65 euros.

More than half of online shoppers buy fashion and clothing, beauty products and homeware. Vacations and transport tickets also account for a significant proportion of French consumers' purchases.

More than a fifth of total e-commerce sales are now made via mobile devices. Food and clothing are the main drivers of this trend.

Social commerce is gaining momentum, with platforms like Facebook and Instagram accounting for more than three-quarters of purchases on social networks.

Dropshipping market players

  • Amazon, leader in e-commerce and dropshipping
  • eBay: many dropshippers use eBay's auction marketplace to sell products directly to consumers.
  • Shopify offers a comprehensive toolbox for those wishing to launch a dropshipping business.
  • AliExpress connects dropshippers with manufacturers. AliExpress is part of the Chinese giant Alibaba.
  • Oberlo: owned by Shopify, Oberlo is a dropshipping application that streamlines the process of finding products and adding them to a Shopify store.

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  • Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Market definition and scope

Dropshipping offers an opportunity to launch an online sales business without the need to stock every product. In this model, sales are made via the merchant's website, but it is the the supplier who takes care of shipping the products ordered by the initial customer. Consequently, the site owner, also known as the dropshipper, focuses primarily on marketing and product presentation to optimize online visibility and increase sales.

Whether international or domestic, the dropshipping market is experiencing positive growth. In fact, by 2022, the global dropshipping market will be worth several hundred billion dollars, with growth forecasts estimated at 25 % between 2023 and 2032. In France, e-commerce sales are growing at a rate of 13,8% in 2022.

The market attracts sellers and suppliers thanks to its positive points. Indeed, dropshipping offers significant advantages for the seller, these include the absence of inventory management and shipping logistics, and the potential to launch an e-commerce business without investing in initial stock. It also eliminates the risk of unsold stock, and enables rapid creation of a rich and varied catalog. For suppliersthe advantages are just as attractive. They don't have to set up a website to market their products, maximizing sales opportunities and distribution channels. This approach allows them to concentrate effectively on their core business.

Dropshipping is often associated with marketplaces, although they are not the same thing. Marketplaces are web platforms that bring together competing offers, whether specialized (such as Manomano for DIY) or general (such as Amazon). These platforms act as trusted third parties, bringing together supply and demand, with a commission deducted from each transaction. In dropshipping, unlike marketplaces, the identity of suppliers is not transparentsuppliers' identity is not transparent to buyers. The customer carries out the transaction without knowing that the dropshipping site does not have the product in stock, thus eliminating the risk of users bypassing suppliers directly.

Our study focuses on dropshipping in France, which is one aspect of e-commercesome references and figures will focus on French e-commerce.

1.2 A growing global market

By ****, the global dropshipping market has been estimated at *** billion dollarsand is forecast to grow by an estimated ** % between **** and ****. The market is projected to reach a value of *,***.** billion by ****. This significant increase is attributed to the growing preference for online shopping, which is a key growth driver for the ...

1.3 The domestic market

The dropshipping market in France represented *.* billion euros in sales by ****.

Evolution of e-commerce sales France, ****-****, Billions of €, % (***) Source: ****

From **** to ****, e-commerce sales in France have shown steady growth, rising from from €**.* billion to €***.* billion. Positive year-on-year growth rates confirm this trend, reaching a peak of **,* % in ****. These robust results ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 French online consumption habits

Internet shopping frequency France, ****, % of total Source: ****

Consumer purchasing frequency shows a diversity of behaviors, with the majority making online purchases on a regular basis. These include, ** % of participants say they shop online * to * times a monthfollowed closely by those who do so at least once a week (***). These results suggest ...

2.2 M-commerce, a trend among the French

M-commerce is the term used to describe online purchases made using a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet, and has gradually become an integral part of the daily lives of French consumers.

Breakdown of French consumers by tools used to place online orders France, ****, % (***) Source: ****

Recent analyses of the ...

2.3 Social commerce to meet growing demand on social networks

Social networks have had a major impact on the e-commerce landscape in France. They add an extra dimension to online sales, facilitating interaction between buyers and sellers. According to a study byOxatis/KPMG, nearly **% of online stores actively use social networks as a sales channel. Over **% of consumers have made purchases ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Dropshipping value chain

The first stage takes place when the customer places an order on the seller's website, after which the seller sends the order to its supplier. The supplier then processes the order, prepares the parcel and sends it directly to the customer.

Also, the website is linked to a CSM, a software ...

3.2 The number of e-commerce sites and jobs in France

Number of sites :

Growth in the number of active merchant sites France, ****-****, in value and % Source: ****

Over the period from **** to ****, a look at the number of merchant sites in France reveals a steady upward trend. In ****, the number was *** ***rising significantly to *** *** in ****, representing growth of **%. This positive momentum ...

3.3 Profile of French dropshippers

As a reminder, the reseller, also known as the dropshipper, is the actor who puts his or her supplier(***)' products on sale on his or her e-commerce site. Essentially, the dropshipper acts as a service provider whose main responsibility is to market the products supplied by a supplier, with the ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 The main product segments sold through dropshipping

The number of products with great potential on the dropshipping market is incalculable, but certain categories are much more present on dropshipping sites a top ** list of the best-selling product categories:

*. Clothing: Fashion is a particularly wide-ranging niche that can be subdivided into several sub-categories, such as women's clothing, shoes ...

4.2 Dropshipping services

E-commerce can be divided into two categories: e-commerce services and e-commerce products, so it's interesting to compare the two in terms of sales and turnover. Dropshipping sites can also be divided in the same way.

sales trends for e-commerce products and services France, ****-****, € billions Source: ****

The chart shows the evolution ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Legal status of dropshipping sites

To launch a dropshipping site, you need a legal status to be able to sell online. Various legal solutions are available to dropshippers, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

The main legal forms for dropshipping :

Sole proprietorship (***) Companies (***) Micro-entrepreneur scheme

Characteristics of each status :

Source: ****

Advantages and disadvantages of each ...

5.2 The seller's information obligations

Providers of distance selling contracts, such as dropshipers, are obliged to provide consumers with information in the French language, as specified in articleinformation in French, as specified by article L.***-* of the French Consumer Code. This information must be presented in a clear and comprehensible manner. Specific information to be ...

5.3 Compliance with RGPD

The acronym RGPD stands for "General Data Protection Regulation (***). This regulation governs the processing processing of personal data within the European Union.

The collection of information must take place with the aim of facilitating online purchases for the customer, so care must be taken to ask only for laking sure that ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation of dropshipping suppliers

As explained above, the seller does not hold any stock, but only sells the products of his supplier(***) on his website. The supplier is therefore the sole owner of the products and is also responsible for order delivery and customer returns.

A relationship of trust and quality between vendor and supplier ...

6.2 CMS (content management system) segmentation

The Content Management Systemalso known as content management system is software that enables thethe complete creation and management of a website. It is an open source system, generally available free of charge, as is the case for platforms such as Prestashop, WordPress, Magento and others. Paid content management systems (***) are also ...

  • PrestaShop
  • Wordpress
  • Shopify
  • Webdrop market
  • Vida XL

List of charts presented in this market study

  • E-commerce penetration rate
  • Growth in e-commerce sales
  • Internet shopping frequency
  • Website satisfaction criteria
  • Breakdown of physical products purchased online
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Latest news

Éric Senechal: "Our monthly revenues increased by 60% in 2022" - 05/06/2023
  • Share of recurring revenues in total sales by 2022: 60%.
  • Subscriptions to PrestaShop's cloud-based e-commerce solutions tripled.
  • Launch of offers based on PrestaShop open source software: 2018.
  • Increased deployment in Spain and Italy: two dynamic markets for PrestaShop.
  • Size of PrestaShop teams in 2022: from 200 to 300 employees.
  • Number of PrestaShop modules: 7,000.
  • Number of modules running the ChatGPT generative AI solution: 8.
WordPress accentuates its CMS dominance in 2021 - 05/01/2021
  • WordPress will account for 39.5% of all websites in 2021, compared with 35% in 2020.
  • Non-CMS websites represent 38.3% of all existing websites.
  • WordPress holds 64.1% of CMS market share in 2021.
  • Shopify became the second most popular CMS in May 2020, accounting for 3.2% of all websites in 2021, up from 1.9% in 2020.
  • Ranking of the most popular CMS in 2021 and their market share: - WordPress (64.1%) - Shopify (5.2%) - Joomla (3.5%) - Drupal (2.5%) - Wix (2.4%) - Squarespace (2.4%) - Bitrix (1.7%) - Blogger (1.6%) - Magento (1.2%) - OpenCart (1.0%) Other well-known names further down the ranking: - Prestashop (11th, 0.8%) - Weebly (12th, 0.5%) - TYP03 (13th, 0.5%) - Bigcommerce (14th, 0.4%)

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Webdrop market
Vida XL

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