Summary of our market study

The global bioenergy market is growing steadily, reaching a value of $271.17 billion in 2023. Global bioenergy production capacity will reach 148,912 megawatts in 2022, an increase of 176% since 2008.

In Europe, total capacity increased by 64% between 2010 and 2022.

In France, bioenergy production capacity has increased by 85%, from 1.11 megawatts in 2011 to 2,051 megawatts in 2022. This expansion is part of a broader European commitment to renewable energies, where bioenergy represents around 60% of the renewable energy mix.

The French bioenergy market: a path to self-sufficiency in renewable energies

Bioenergy is derived from solid, liquid and gaseous biomass. French consumers and authorities are showing a keen interest in this sector. The use of resources such as wood, manure, cereal straw and organic waste underlines the potential of bioenergy as a versatile and renewable energy source, particularly in the form of wood energy, biogas and biofuels.

The French feel particularly concerned by local energy issues: over three-quarters are interested, and almost a third consider themselves well informed in this field.

French people's energy control practices are mainly motivated by financial and environmental reasons.

Rising natural gas prices make biogas a particularly attractive alternative. The promise of a stable biogas price, hovering around 90 euros per megawatt-hour, positions it competitively against fluctuations in the energy market.

The country's balance of trade in wood energy and biodiesel is heavily in deficit, with biodiesel imports rising from €1,350 million in 2018 to €3,127 million in 2022.

Heat pumps account for 40% of investment aid, and bioenergy and biogas just 11%.

Pioneers and innovators: players in the bioenergy sector

Veolia and Suez: champions in waste-to-energy conversion, pioneering sophisticated methods for collecting, processing and transforming organic waste into valuable bioenergy.

Engie and TotalEnergies: two long-standing players in the energy sector, supporting the bioenergy cause through sustained investment in research and development

Mintenergie, Ilek and Ekwateur are essential cogs in the bioenergy machine. As specialized suppliers of bioenergy, they are the link between production and the consumer.

Enedis, RTE and ELD:energy transmission networkmanagersensure that the bioenergy produced reaches consumers unhindered.

Paprec and Urbaser: are waste generalists, managing the collection and processing of waste throughout the world. Their role in recycling and recovery is essential in the bioenergy life cycle, transforming what was once waste into a sustainable energy source.

Altawest: At the cutting edge of technology, Altawest designs equipment and services designed to increase energy and environmental efficiency. It provides energy producers and consumers with the tools they need.

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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Bioenergy encompasses all forms of energy derived from biomass. The nature (solid, liquid or gaseous) of bioenergy is determined by the initial biomass used and the transformation processes it undergoes. Wood and its derivatives, for example, are the main source of solid biomass, giving rise to solid bioenergies and wood energy in particular. Biogas, derived from processes such as landfill methanization, represents a gaseous form of bioenergy. As for biofuels obtained from cereal straw, they illustrate the liquid form of bioenergies derived from solid biomass.

Biomass encompasses all materials of animal or plant origin, and are therefore renewable. It has a wide range of applications, from food and feed to textiles, materials and energy production. The components used in bioenergy are numerous, including forest and agricultural residues such as wood, manure and cereal straw, as well as organic waste, green waste and sewage sludge.

The main bioenergies in France are wood energy, biogas and biofuels. The study will therefore focus on the latter.

The size of the global bioenergy market is set to increase over the next few years, with a compound annual growth rate of 9. 4% between 2023 and 2028. In France, total bioenergy production capacity has been steadily increasing for over 10 years, reaching 2051 megawatts in 2022. This reflects the country's commitment to diversifying its energy mix in order to reduce its environmental footprint.

The French bioenergy market benefits from a number of factors. Firstly, the French take a keen interest in local energy issues, and appear to be vigilant about the environmental impact of their energy consumption. Bioenergies have a production cycle that has less impact than fossil fuels, which is advantageous in terms of meeting today's environmental challenges. What's more, this market is strongly supported by the public authorities, who are setting up various schemes and investing heavily in R&D. Last but not least, there is a high level of investment in this market, enabling companies to innovate and remain competitive.

1.2 The global bioenergy market

According to The Business Research Company, the size of the bioenergy market has risen sharply in recent years, and was estimated at $***.** billion in ****. The market size is expected to continue to increase over the next few years, with a compound annual growth rate of *.*% between **** and ****. These data enable the ...

1.3 The European bioenergy market

European bioenergy production capacity Europe, ****-****, in megawatts Source: ****

Between **** and ****, Europe's total bioenergy production capacity grew relatively steadily each year, increasing by **% in ** years, from around **,*** megawatts in **** to **,*** megawatts in **** .

This gradual increase testifies to Europe's ongoing commitment to renewable energies and its transition to a greener, more sustainable ...

1.4 The French market

Total bioenergy production capacity in France France, ****-****, in megawatts Source: ****

France's total bioenergy production capacity has seen a gradual increase over the period ****-****. It increased by **% from *.** megawatts in **** to *.*** megawatts in ****.

This upward trend indicates a growing interest in renewable energies, particularly bioenergy, in the context of the ...

1.5 France's bioenergy trade balance

Data on foreign trade in bioenergies are scarce, but recent data on wood energy and biodiesel (***) can be analyzed.

Foreign trade in wood-energy :

Wood-energy trade balance France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****

France's wood-energy trade balance between **** and **** shows an upward trend in imports.

Import values rise significantly, from *** million ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 French people interested in local energy issues

French people's level of interest in energy-related issues in France France, ****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: ****

The results show that the majority of French people are interested in these issues, with **% claiming to be very interested and **% claiming to be fairly interested. This suggests a significant level of attention to energy issues among the French ...

2.2 Rising natural gas prices make biogas an attractive alternative for French consumers

Gas consumer price index France, ****-****, index Source: ****

The graph above illustratesthe upward trend in the gas consumer price index over the period January ****-January ****.

This gradual increase, marked by fluctuations, suggests increased pressure on gas prices for French consumers. Initial values in January **** are relatively stable, but from September **** onwards, ...

2.3 Investment and R&D expenditure in renewable energies and bioenergies

Capital expenditure by businesses, households and government :

Investment expenditure in renewable energies France, ****, % Source: ****

Heat pumps represent the renewable energy sector with the highest capital expenditure, accounting for **% of the budget. Solar photovoltaics and onshore wind power follow with **% and **% respectively. Bioenergy, wood energy and biogas follow with **% and *% of ...

2.4 Growing demand for wood heating in the home

The use of wood as an energy source for domestic heating has grown significantly in recent years, reflecting increased interest in sustainable, environmentally-friendly heating solutions. Indeed, more and more homeowners are turning to wood heating for its economic, environmental and practical benefits.

Annual sales of wood-energy heating appliances for single-family homes France, ...

2.5 Demand for bioenergy varies by region

Bioenergy connected capacity by region in France in **** reveals significant differences in bioenergy demand by region.

Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Île-de-France and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur stand out as the regions with the highest connected capacities.

These regions could be benefiting from a combination of factors, such as favorable public policies, favourable natural resources or ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Number of employees in the bioenergy market

It is interesting to analyze the evolution of the number of employees in the bioenergy market in France, focusing in particular on the three main bioenergies: biofuels, biogas and wood-energy. These bioenergies play a central role in France's energy transition, offering sustainable alternatives for energy production.

Number of employees in the ...

3.2 Geographical breakdown of bioenergy production

Bioenergy production by region in France in **** shows disparities, with some regions posting much higher production levels than others.

The most productive regions areÎle-de-France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Hauts-de-France and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, which together account for a significant share of total production, sharing almost half of total output (***).

These regions probably benefit from ...

3.3 A host of committed market players

In the bioenergy sector, a dynamic and diversified ecosystem is developing to meet the growing need for renewable energy. A variety of players contribute to the production, distribution and supply of bioenergy to end-users, whether individuals or professionals.

Each market player contributes its expertise and resources to promoting the use of ...

3.4 Market development strongly supported by public authorities

Bioenergy professionals benefit from a strong impetus from public authorities to develop their activities. Subsidies and grants are a major source of income for some professionals.Public authorities are represented by the State and local authorities, as well as public operators and establishments such as ADEME (***).these players have set up ...

3.5 A market that attracts investors

The bioenergy sector is a market that is attracting investors, and in recent years several fund-raising and financing agreements have been signed. Participatory financing of bioenergy projects is also becoming increasingly popular, thanks in particular to online platforms specializing in participatory financing of the energy transition.

Participatory financing of bioenergy ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 The different types of biomass used for bioenergy

In the energy sector, the term "biomass" encompasses all organic matter that can be used as a source of energy. These materials can be exploited directly, as in the case of wood energy, or after a methanization process to produce biogas, or after chemical transformations to create biofuels. They can also ...

4.2 The different forms of bioenergy

The form of bioenergy, whether solid, liquid or gaseous, depends on the nature of the initial biomass used and the transformation processes it undergoes.

Wood and its derivatives, for example, are solid biomasses, making them a major source of solid bioenergy. Biogas, produced by processes such as the biomethanization of waste, ...

4.3 The price of biogas

Biogas is emerging as a more environmentally-friendly solution than natural gas, since it is produced from the methanization process of organic waste.

These data highlight the diversity of offers on the energy market, providing consumers with a varied choice according to their environmental and economic preferences. The predominance of biogas in ...

4.4 Bioenergy: a more environmentally-friendly energy supply

Bioenergy is a promising renewable energy source, offering an alternative to fossil fuels such as oil and coal, whose reserves are gradually dwindling. Bioenergies are based on renewable raw materials available worldwide. What's more, they are rapidly renewable, thanks to the ability of forests to replenish themselves and the continuous production ...

5 Regulations

5.1 the Law on Energy Transition for Green Growth (LTECV)

The French Energy Transition Law for Green Growth, enacted in August ****, aims to help France combat climate change more effectively and increase its energy autonomy, while guaranteeing affordable access to energy. climate change and increase its energy autonomy, while guaranteeing affordable access to energy .

The Energy Transition for Green Growth Act ...

5.2 The European RED II Directive

Directive (***) ****/**** of the European Parliament and of the Council of December **, **** on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sourcescommonly known as RED II, establishes sustainability criteria for the use of renewable energies, in particular bioenergy. This directive follows on from a previous version in ****, and aims to ensure ...

5.3 Energy and Climate Programming Act

The French Energy and Climate Programming Act (***) sets out the objectives and priorities of the country's energy policy in response to the climate and ecological emergency. This law must be published every five years, before July *, and defines various objectives:

Objectives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Targets for reducing final energy ...

5.4 The APER law (accelerating the production of renewable energies) of March 10, 2023

The APER law of March **, **** aims to simplify the installation of renewable energies in order to make up for France's lag in this area. In ****, France was the only EU country not to have reached the target of a **% share of renewable energies. In a speech in Belfort, the French President ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Player segmentation

  • Ilek
  • Total Energies
  • Dyneff
  • Office National des Forêts
  • Ekwateur
  • Mint Energie
  • Tankyou
  • Ademe
  • BPI France

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Number of waste collection centers
  • Quantities of waste collected at waste collection centers
  • Type of materials collected at waste collection centers
  • Ways of recovering energy from renewable waste
  • Gross electricity production from renewable municipal waste
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With CPA, energy supplier Dyneff strengthens its presence in Northern France - 28/01/2024
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  • CPA has 5 employees and sales of 200 million euros.
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  • TotalEnergies' renewable generation capacity in Texas under development: over 3 GW

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Total Energies
Office National des Forêts
Mint Energie
BPI France

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