Summary of our market study

The French battery market is valued at more than480 million

The global battery market is estimated at $7.8 billion

the French battery market is expected to grow significantly after 2020, with production in France increasing by 25% between 2020 and 2022. Sales have followed suit, rising sharply by 17% in 2021, representing a sales volume of €1.51 billion in 2021 for the French battery market.

Demand for different battery types continues to vary, with alkaline batteries dominating sales, accounting for 70.2% of the market in 2022. The French market has also seen volatility in the number of establishments manufacturing batteries and accumulators, which has risen to 62 in 2022, while the sector's workforce has increased by 24.6% to 5,157 employees in ten years. Exports of French batteries and accumulators have risen steadily to reach 1,415.5 million euros in 2022, with Germany the leading export partner. However, imports have also increased, reaching 3,335.5 million euros in 2022, resulting in a trade balance deficit with a coverage ratio of 0.42.

Overall, the battery market is expanding, with a notable trend towards increased recycling efforts and a growing number of players in the manufacturing sector.

Dynamic trends in the French battery market

The French battery market is a complex, multi-faceted industry, reflecting the diverse needs of consumers and the technological advances driving demand. With the global battery market forecast to grow at an annual rate of between 7 and 9%, it's no surprise that the French market reflects this positive trajectory.

It's clear that larger living spaces accommodate more devices, and therefore require more batteries. as consumers become more aware of the importance of sustainable development, the issue of battery recycling becomes increasingly relevant. The increase in the volume of used batteries collected for recycling reflects this trend, with a rise of around 1,000 tonnes to a total of over 10,000 tonnes by 2021.

The market landscape is not just about the types of batteries sold, but also about the popularity of brands with consumers. Duracell is the favorite brand of the French, with around 70% of respondents expressing a preference for this brand. Energizer and Varta also hold significant market shares, but with lesser degrees of brand recognition and favorability. In terms of consumer battery recycling profiles, there is a clear segmentation, with the "assiduously committed" constituting the largest group, accounting for around 35-45% of respondents. They are followed by the "conscientious", who account for around 20-30% of consumers. These figures augur well for the industry's sustainable development initiatives, with a large proportion of consumers inclined towards recycling.

In summary, the French battery market is characterized by strong demand for alkaline batteries and growing interest in rechargeable batteries, reflecting a consumer base that is not only substantial in size but also diversified.

Battery market players

  • Energizer: holds a strong position in the battery sector, particularly in alkaline batteries, where it had a notable market share of 32.7%.

  • Duracell: another major player, with a market share of 29.7% in 2023.

  • Private labels hold a 28.9% market share.

  • Varta: maintains its market presence.

  • Corepile and Screlec: the guardians of the environment Corepile and Screlec are eco-organizations taking the lead in battery collection and recycling initiatives.


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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Market definition and scope

Batteries and accumulators are electrochemical generators used as primary or secondary power sources in many appliances, machines and vehicles. There are different types of battery: alkaline batteries, button cells, rechargeable batteries, special batteries and salt batteries.

Overa billion batteries are put on the market every year, representing over 200,000 tonnes of material, raising the problem of how to recycle battery waste every year. In France, two eco-organizations are responsible for organizing battery collection (COREPILE and SCRELEC), with several hundred members (including manufacturers, importers and distributors of batteries and accumulators).

In regulatory terms, since 2010, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe) has required manufacturers, importers and producers of this type of product to make a declaration via a National Register of Battery and Accumulator Producers, as part of the implementation of the Order of November 18, 2009. This order is one of the decrees implementing Decree 2009-1139 of September 22, 2009 on the marketing of batteries and accumulators and the disposal of spent batteries and accumulators, which transpose European Directive 2006/66/EC. The Register is the successor to the former Batteries and Accumulators Observatory. The aims of the Register are to identify producers in France and to compile annual declarations from producers and treatment operators: regulations require them to report annually to the Register on the quantities of batteries and accumulators placed on the market, collected and treated.

Worldwide, the battery market is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 8.03% over the period 2023-2028.

Competition is fierce, as the ecological stakes are colossal, as is the effort required in terms of research and development. With the prospect of an energy transition, the future lies in devices that use fewer batteries and more " portable batteries and accumulators ". players are therefore looking for the most reliable and inexpensive business model and technology. For several years now, the trend has been for portable batteries to be replaced by portable accumulators in many devices. This phenomenon is essentially linked to the sale of electrical and electronic appliances with built-in accumulators. On the other hand, the replacement of alkaline and saline batteries by accumulators, commonly known as "rechargeable batteries", is proceeding more slowly.

1.2 The global market

As mentioned above, the global battery market has relatively high growth potential:

Sales trends in the battery market World, **** - **** Source: ****

The global battery market is expected to grow steadily from **** to **** (***). Sales in the sector are expected to reach $**.** billion in ****.

1.3 The French market: volatile

Battery production trend France, **** - ****, volume index base *** in **** Source: ****

French battery production is fairly volatile. Well below its **** level, production fluctuated upwards and then downwards between **** and ****. From ****, a period of growth began, but was interrupted by the pandemic. Between **** and ****, production increased again, growing by **%.

Sales index for battery ...

1.4 Foreign trade

France's battery trade with other countries can be studied using NAF code **.** :

Exports of batteries and accumulators France, **** - ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

Main battery-receiving countries France, ****, in thousands of euros Source: ****

Exports have been rising steadily since ****, posting an increase of over ** points compared to ****, to reach *,***.* million euros ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand varies depending on the type of battery

There is a wide variety of batteries on the market. To better understand the subtleties of each type of battery, we need to distinguish its specific requirements.

Quantities of batteries sold by type France, ****, in millions of units Source: ****

Despite the diversity of batteries available on the market today, alkaline batteries ...

2.2 Battery demand: a function of housing type

The number of batteries varies according to the type of dwelling (***). Logically, more batteries are found in homes. This type of dwelling is generally larger, with more rooms, and therefore more equipment and batteries.

Breakdown of cells and batteries in residential households France, ****, in units Source: ****

Breakdown of batteries in an ...

2.3 An essential element of demand: recycling

Pollution is a major problem with battery use. Recycling is therefore a key factor in satisfying a demand that is increasingly concerned about environmental issues. Concerned about these issues, or simply about their brand image, many companies join an eco-organization for the collection and recycling of batteries and accumulators (***).

Trend in ...

2.4 France's favourite battery brands

To gain a better understanding of demand, it may be useful to look at the battery brands preferred by the French.

"Which of these battery brands do you like?" France, ****, in % Source: ****

Duracell is the most popular of the three brands surveyed. It appealed to **.*% of respondents. It is also ...

2.5 Consumer profiles on battery recycling

The COREPILE eco-organization distinguishes five sociotypes in the attitudes observed among battery consumers:

The committed assiduous: they recycle all or almost all batteries, are more knowledgeable about the recycling process and organizations, and are more committed to the environment (***). The conscientious: they recycle all or almost all batteries, but are less ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Battery market value chain

Source: ****

3.2 Number of establishments and employees

Number of establishments manufacturing batteries and accumulators France, **** - ****, in units Source: ****

The graph shows an increase in the number of establishments over the last decade. In ****, the number of establishments was **. This number remained stable until ****, but then began to rise gradually. In ****, the number of establishments reached **, an increase ...

3.3 A few major players dominate the market

As with manufacturing, the distribution segment is fairly dense, with a few major players holding the majority of market share. But one player's dominance is often focused on a specific type of battery, rather than the market as a whole.

Alkaline battery market share by value France, ****, in Source: ****

In the ...

3.4 Battery recycling eco-organizations

There are currently two eco-organizations responsible for collecting and recycling batteries: Corepile and Screlec. The growing number of members of these two organizations bears witness to the growing environmental concerns of companies involved in the battery sector.

Growth in Corepile membership France, **** - ****, in units Source: ****

In just four years, *** new ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Types of batteries on the market

It's possible to distinguish between different types of battery, depending on how they are used (***).

The following table lists many of these different battery characteristics:

Source: ****

4.2 Price trends

Price index for batteries and accumulators France, **** - ****, index base *** in **** Source: ****

The price of batteries and accumulators has not been spared inflation. After stagnating for three years, prices began to rise in ****. However, this increase remains very limited, and relatively low compared to general inflation. In the first half of ...

4.3 Supply trends: rechargeable batteries

Faced with the environmental challenges of recycling conventional batteries, rechargeable batteries are an attractive alternative for a number of reasons[***]:

Energy efficiency: rechargeable batteries provide reliable energy, covering around ** to **% of the needs usually met by disposable alkaline batteries, the most commonly used. What's more, they last longer in wireless devices. Positive ...

5 Regulations

5.1 European regulatory framework

The regulations governing the battery sector are very often the same as those governing accumulators, hence the recurrence of this term in the following paragraphs.

European Union Directive ****/**/EC lays down rules for the collection and treatment of waste batteries and accumulators. Here is a breakdown of the main points of ...

5.2 French regulatory framework

Decree no. ****-**** of September **, ****, codified in articles R. ***-*** to R. ***-*** of the Environment Code, transposes EU Directive ****/**/EC and provides important clarifications. It was supplemented by decrees n°****-*** of July **, **** and n°****-*** of May *, ****.

This decree extends extended producer responsibility to all batteries and accumulators placed ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Iten
  • Panasonic
  • Tyva Energie
  • Clhynn
  • Inocel
  • Varta
  • BeFC
  • Horiba France
  • Duracell France
  • Maxell France
  • Energizer France
  • Qérys (Bricodeal -Torro)
  • Upergy

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Battery production trends
  • Sales index for battery manufacturers
  • Estimated sales growth in the battery market
  • Quantities of batteries sold by type
  • Breakdown of battery sales
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Latest news

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  • - Target markets: stationary power generation, land-based heavy mobility (trucks, construction equipment, trains, shipping).
  • - Purchasing intentions: 1 billion euros, to be converted into firm orders between 2024 and 2030.
  • - Sales forecast for 2024: between a few hundred thousand euros and 2 million.
  • - Expected revenues in 2025: over 10 million euros.
  • - Sales target for 2030: 100 million euros.
  • - Workforce: around 80 at present, more than a hundred expected by the end of 2024
  • - The Belfort site is designed for 700 employees
Hydrogen: Japan's Horiba moves closer to Symbio batteries - 19/09/2023
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  • Number of employees at Tethys Instruments, owned by Horiba: around twenty
  • Family group sales: close to 2 billion euros Share of the automotive sector in Horiba's business: one quarter
Inocel's plan to conquer the fuel cell market - 29/06/2023
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  • Their first product is a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) with a power output of 300 kW, a volume of 110 liters and a weight of 100 kg.
  • Inocel's future production site will be located in Belfort.
  • Production of the first units will start in the third quarter of 2024.
  • The production target for 2030 is 30,000 fuel cells a year, with an intermediate target of 10,000 in 2027.
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  • Inocel has already booked orders worth almost a billion euros.
  • Inocel expects the heavy mobility market (trucks and buses) to become its main source of revenue from 2026 onwards.
BeFC to industrialize its ecological low-power batteries - 08/06/2023
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  • Production capacity target: one million units per day
  • Production cost target for 2024: competitive with alkaline batteries
  • Potential applications: medical sensors, Bluetooth chips for package tracking
  • Sales 2022: 319,000 euros
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Fuel cell production at Belfort by Inocel - 11/05/2023
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Tyva Energie
Horiba France
Duracell France
Maxell France
Energizer France
Qérys (Bricodeal -Torro)

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