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1 Synthèse du marché

1.1 Introduction

The virtual, augmented and mixed reality market in Italy represents a rapidly growing and evolving sector, encompassing a wide range of offerings and products that provide immersive and interactive experiences, both in the virtual and real world, including:

  • Virtual reality glasses and viewers: wearable devices that allow users to fully immerse themselves in simulated virtual environments.
  • Augmented reality glasses and viewers: devices that superimpose virtual elements onto the real world
  • Augmented realityapplications: software that superimposes virtual elements onto the real world through devices such as smartphones or tablets.

Augmented reality has a long history beginning in 1968 with the creation of the first visor by Ivan Sutherland. Over the years, software, hardware and games using this technology have been developed. In Italy, the augmented reality market has experienced significant growth. The introduction of Google Glass in 2013 marked a major turning point in the industry. Augmented reality has found application not only in gaming, but also in advertisement and in sectors such as industry, publishing, medicine and tourism. Since 2019, research has shifted to mixed reality, with the integration of artificial intelligence and augmented reality opening up new perspectives and challenges for the future of the industry.[Pikkart]

Globally, Microsoft, Google, Oculus, HTC Vive, Sony, Samsung, and Magic Leap are among the largest companies in the augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) industry.[Analyticsinsights]

The global augmented and virtual reality market was estimated at $41.56 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach approximately $859.35 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growthrate (CAGR) of 46.03% over the 2022-2030 forecast period.[Precedentresearch]

This study focuses on the virtual, augmented, and mixed reality market in Italy, analyzing trends, opportunities, and challenges specific to this growing sector. For information on complementary markets, such as artificial intelligence or the Internet of Things, please refer to the specific studies available in the businesscoot catalog.

1.2 The global market

The Extended Reality (***).

The Metaverse

These technologies constitute enablers and gateways to a new new frontier of social interaction and Internet development: the Metaverse. In a nutshell, it is an immersive digital environment where, potentially, any activity could take place. It describes a highly immersive *D virtual worlds experience achieved through ...

1.3 The European and Italian markets

The European XR market has matured over the past few years. One of the main reasons lies in the increasing relevance of XR technology for business applications. This is due to an availability of technologies with superior performance and increasing demand from companies interested in digitizing their processes.

The result is ...

1.4 The main producing countries

The geographical areas most involved in the immersive technology market are:

Asia Pacific North America Europe

In particular, for virtual reality,Asia Pacific accounted for the largest revenue share of more than **% in ****. The growth in the market can be attributed to countries such as China, which is among the leading ...

1.5 The impact of Covid-19

In addition to the huge investments of big tech companies such as Google, Meta and Amazon, a consistent push toward the improvement and spread of immersive technologies has come from the Covid-** epidemic.

Forced distancing and the spread of smart working have forced companies to rapidly digitize and use online channels ...

2 Analyse de la demande

2.1 Demand characteristics

According to a survey conducted by The Innovation Grourp and Web* Alliance, **% of the Italian companies involved say they are interested in the phenomenon of Web *.*, a new frontier of the Internet that includes Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, NFT (***), Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and thus, generally speaking the Metaverse.

Specifically, ** percent of ...

2.2 Demand drivers

Immersion and sense of presence

These are the elements that best characterize extended reality (***)

Variety of application areas

Although initially the use of such technologies was associated with the world of gaming, currently such instrumentation is increasingly gaining a key role within various sectors, with even very different applications, due to ...

2.3 Demand trends

More affordable hardware devices

To work effectively, immersive experiences require powerful and expensive hardware. Not all users can afford high-end devices, which is also why large-scale adoption is currently limited. Solutions such as Oculus Quest * are making VR more accessible, but hardware limitation remains a significant obstacle. (***)

Motion sickness

"Motion ...

3 Structure du marché

3.1 The main market players

Several projects related to XR technology can be found in Italy, the most promising companies in this landscape are listed below in descending order of turnover.

Hevolus s.r.l: is an innovative digital company specialized in creating phygital customer experiences. Founded in **** in Molfetta (***), it has become among the leaders ...

3.2 The value chain

The value chain related to immersive technologies reflects the complexity of these innovations, which are closely connected to and enabled by other technologies, which are shown in the following graphic.

In particular, with regard to hardware devices , which constitute the human interface, two examples are given: HTC Vive (***), with related ...

3.3 Distribution

The Milan Polytechnic Observatory identified and analyzed *** XR projects in the B*C sphere and *** in the B*B sphere, active in Italy as of **** [***]

The sectors with the highest number of consumer-facing projects are Art&Tourism (***). In the Tourism&Art sphere, the opportunity is given to virtually visit museums, such ...

3.4 International market leader

The following are the major players in Extended Reality internationally.

Meta: Reality Labs is the division of the company responsible for the development of immersive technologies, with the ultimate goal of building a metaverse in its fullest definition. Among the products and services provided are virtual reality hardware dispositions and platforms ...

4 Analyse de l'offre

4.1 Supply analysis

The generic term of"Extended Reality" or in abbreviated form"XR" describes an existing set of immersive technologies that enable us to "extend" reality and our senses through the addition of digital elements or by creating virtual worlds. The "X" denotes any possibility offered by technologies also known as Spatial Computing, ...

4.1 Main devices and prices

Immersive experiences are made possible by hardware systems, thus by devices that enable the different types of extended reality.

Augmented Reality - it is essential to have a display to view the output video stream. In addition to computer monitors and screens for portable devices, there are more specific tools, namely ...

4.3 New supply trends

The field of immersive technologies is constantly evolving; the following are the main development trends in the offering of such innovations with their applications.

Evolution of the retail sector through immersive technology

The Retail sector has been experiencing a continuous and constant digital transformation for years, driven by the growing demand ...

5 Règlementation

5.1 Legislation

There is no specific, uniform legislation for immersive technologies globally. However, such innovations may raise legal and ethical issues in different areas, so many nations are considering the development of ad hoc legislation and regulations. With regard to Italy and, more generally, Europe, it is necessary to understand what existing laws ...

5.2 The incentives

The national Transition *.* plan provides a series of incentives to support the digital transformation of enterprises. The enabling technologies of the Industry *.* paradigm include immersive technologies.

The plan comes about by providing tax credits that incentivize:

purchase of simple tangible and intangible capital goods purchase of tangible and intangible capital goods ...

6 Positionnement des acteurs

6.1 Segmentation

  • Hevolus s.r.l
  • Over holding s.r.l
  • Invrsion s.r.l
  • Pikkart s.r.l
  • Impersive s.r.l
  • Coderblock s.r.l

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Hevolus s.r.l
Over holding s.r.l
Invrsion s.r.l
Pikkart s.r.l
Impersive s.r.l
Coderblock s.r.l

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The augmented, virtual, and mixed reality market | Italy

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