Summary of our market study

Since 2020, the German parking market, as part of the broader global parking industry, has faced evolving trends, primarily influenced by increasing car ownership and the number of licensed drivers. With 44.861 million people holding driver's licenses in 2022, a 45.8% increase from 2012, and parking management being a highly lucrative business dominated by key players like Apcoa, Contipark, and Q-Park, the demand for convenient parking solutions has intensified. The German market has witnessed a considerable spike in turnover, reaching €1.469 billion in 2019, representing a 33.4% increase over the decade. Additionally, the global parking market is projected to grow to $140 billion by 2025. Despite the high demand, motorists spend significant time seeking parking spaces, with an estimated 41 hours per year lost on average, leading to potential opportunity costs. In metropolitan areas, parking costs can be quite steep; Frankfurt residents may pay up to €290 per month for a parking space. Regulations play a pivotal role in shaping the industry, with precise geospatial and safety standards required for both on-street and off-street parking facilities. As of 2013, in municipalities with over 20,000 inhabitants in Germany, approximately two-thirds of the 7.574 million parking spaces were on-street..### Trends in the German Parking Market Demand The German parking market has exhibited an upward trend, driven by the soaring number of automobiles and licensed drivers. The last decade has seen a surge in car ownership with a peak in passenger car sales just before the onset of the health crisis in 2020. With an increasing number of drivers—rising from approximately 30 to 45 million between 2012 and 2022—demand for parking has intensified. In particular, holders of the widely popular B and C driving permits are also climbing each year with figures well in the tens of millions. Geographically, there's a remarkable contrast in the distribution of car permits and consequently, in parking demand, with the Western and Southern regions outstripping the North and East. Interestingly, despite a decline in probationary licenses, the overall growth in licensed drivers suggests a robust demand for parking. On a global scale, the parking market's trajectory seemingly shadows the expansion of urbanization and vehicular proliferation with projections indicating a leap from about 44 to 140 billion euros from 2015 to 2025. Particularly noteworthy is the advent of smart parking, a sub-segment poised for dramatic growth, potentially unlocking a value of 40 billion euros by 2025. Zooming in on the German landscape, average motorists spend a considerable chunk of time—ranging from 41 to 65 hours annually—searching for parking, translating into substantial lost opportunity costs in the vicinity of 900 to 1410 euros per individual. Consequently, cities with the most time spent looking for parking, such as Frankfurt and Berlin, signal markets ripe for improved parking solutions. In terms of pricing, parking costs vary widely with cities like Munich commanding the highest fees for two-hour parking. Monthly rental prices also showcase dramatic disparities, underscoring parking as a "luxury item" in prime localities. At the top end, rates can reach as high as 290 euros per month, while more affordable outskirts may only demand 15 to 25 euros. The German market itself has ballooned over the past decade, with a reported turnover increase from just over 1 billion to nearly 1.5 billion euros. This growth trajectory mirrors the escalating need for parking spaces to accommodate the burgeoning population of vehicles and their drivers. Reflecting on the market structure, major players like Apcoa dominate with their expansive reach and innovative digital parking solutions. Apcoa, for instance, boasts around 230,000 spaces in Germany, indicative of the company's stronghold on the market..### Prominent Players Steering the German Parking Sector Navigating the intricacies of Germany's parking market are several key operators, each distinctive in its service offerings and strategic positioning. Central to the arena is Apcoa Parking, renowned as Europe's parking colossus with an imposing presence in 13 European countries. Their vast network encompasses a staggering 12,000 locations, quantifying to almost 1.8 million parking berths, of which approximately 230,000 are situated within the confines of 80 diverse cities in Germany. Apcoa is not just a number juggernaut but a tech innovator as well, marrying digitalization and infrastructure through its avant-garde digital platform that consolidates on- and off-street parking solutions with an array of end users and vehicles. This convergence of technology and service transforms Apcoa's premises into bustling mobility hubs that cater to a future-oriented clientele seeking beyond just parking—the amalgamation of convenience and mobility services. Meanwhile, Contipark secures its foothold as a formidable force with more than 425 locations under its wing exclusively in Germany, marking it as the front-runner in sheer site count. While Contipark might take the local crown for locations, another player, Q-Park, emanating from the Netherlands, prides itself as the second-largest European operator by space. With 640,000 spaces in about 3,300 locations across the continent, they have carved a noticeable niche, though in Germany, they trail behind Contipark, slotting into third place. Other notable entities in the sector embody a mix of well-established operators and nimble-footed newcomers. Park One flaunts a lean portfolio of just 29 parking lots but has already clinched acclaim in customer relations and boasts a growth chart that rivals veterans. Additionally, specialized services like Parkfuchs24 and Parkflair demonstrate agility and niche mastery with offerings tailored for the specific needs of air travelers—exemplifying a focused strategy that undercuts the pricey airport parking with nearby, value-driven alternatives. This competitive landscape is home to diversity, innovation, and strategic depth. It's not just a matter of who provides the most parking spaces or the widest distribution of sites; the decisive factor is understanding customer needs, staying agile in an evolving market, and leveraging technology to provide seamless parking and mobility solutions. The players mentioned herein embody these principles and continue to shape the direction of the market, driving both urban convenience and the economic engine of the parking industry.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Introduction and scope of the study

The need for parking appeared with the democratization of the automobile in Europe and the United States, and the need to solve the first problems of urban congestion. The private parking market is a segment of the regulated parking market, i.e. involving the payment of a fee for a limited period of parking.

There are different types of parking lots:

  • Private parking lots, managed by a person, a company or any other private organization
  • Private parking lots for public use such as supermarket parking lots with free access
  • Public parking lots, managed by the state and the Länder (roadside, underground and overhead parking lots)

Parking management is a highly profitable business, dominated by a handful of players. Two factors have profoundly changed the sector: the end of concessions for parking lots built between the 1960s and 1980s and the policies implemented in recent years that have largely reduced the number of on-street spaces.

Municipalities are the main demanders of parking facilities. They are increasingly turning to private parking operators .

The main German players are Apcoa, Contipark and Q-Park, which strongly dominate the market with parking lots in most German cities.

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Passenger car sales by volume
  • Number of general licenses by ZFER by category of permit
  • Number of licensed drivers
  • Number of people with probationary licences
  • Value of the parking market
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

APCOA Parking Holdings GmbH
Q-Park Deutschland
Contipark Parkgaragengesellschaft
B+B Parkhaus GmbH
Indigo Park Deutschland GmbH

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