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1 Synthèse du marché

1.1 Introduction

Cosmetic surgery represents an increasingly prominent component in the landscape of modern medicine, positioning itself at the intersection of the desire for self-improvement and technological innovation. This field encompasses a wide range of procedures, both surgical and nonsurgical, intended to modify, enhance, or embellish the physical appearance of individuals. From rhinoplasty and liposuction to laser treatments and botox injections, cosmetic surgery has earned a prominent place in today's society, supported by a growing interest in aesthetic and personal well-being.

The global cosmetic surgery market is witnessing robust growth, valued at $13.9 billion in 2022 and projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate(CAGR) of11 percent through 2027, to reach $23.4 billion. This expansion is fueled by several key factors, including advances in medical technologies, increased purchasing power, improved surgical techniques, and a shift in social norms that increasingly value aesthetics.

The most requested procedures show a marked preference for surgeries aimed at body reshaping and improving facial features, with liposuction leading the requests, followed by procedures such as additive mastoplasty, eyelid surgery, abdominoplasty, breast lift, and rhinoplasty. This variety reflects a diverse demand that spans a broad spectrum of individual needs and desires.

Economically, the sector shows signs of vitality, with a significant increase in revenue in specialty medical services related to cosmetic surgery. Despite a temporary contraction in 2020, likely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the sector showed a ready recovery in 2021.

The costs associated with these surgeries vary considerably depending on many factors, including the type of procedure, the complexity of the surgery, the duration, the type of anesthesia used, and the site where the surgery is performed. This variation underscores the importance of detailed analysis by specialists to guide patients toward informed choices that meet their needs and expectations.

1.2 The global market

The global cosmetic surgery market is an ever-expanding field, fueled by a growing demand for aesthetic treatments that aim to improve the physical appearance of individuals. This market includes a wide range of procedures, both surgical and nonsurgical, ranging from rhinoplasty and liposuction to laser treatments and botox injections. The popularity ...

1.3 The local market

Although it may seem surprising, in Italy, Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery are legally categorized as offshoots of General Medicine and Surgery, without specific recognition as autonomous specializations.

This situation stems from an outdated regulatory framework that does not give 'Plastic Surgery' or 'Aesthetic Medicine' the status of universally recognized specializations, ...

1.4 Impact of Covid-19

The impact of the COVID-** pandemic on aesthetic medicine in Italy was marked, with a higher rate of temporary clinic closures than the global average(***). This period also saw a reduction in clinic opening hours, a decline in demand for aesthetic treatments due to both safety concerns and economic losses, as ...

1.5 Beauty Tourism: boom in cosmetic surgery abroad

Medical tourism represents a growing sector in recent years. The sector is flourishing enough to include dedicated portals and specialized travel agencies, which offer all-inclusive foreign vacations of stay and surgery. The trend attracts more patients from affluent areas in low-income countries: lower costs, no waiting lists and less restrictive laws. ...

2 Analyse de la demande

2.1 Demand characteristics

In the annual analysis of the Italian medical and surgical landscape, it shows that, on average, more than one million procedures are performed each year, with a surprising predominance of procedures for aesthetic purposes, which account for more than **% of the total.

The market for aesthetic treatments in Italy is significantly ...

2.2 Demand drivers

Young people's interest in cosmetic surgery is growing alarmingly, in a cultural context deeply influenced by ideals of aesthetic perfection conveyed by social media. This trend, particularly evident among adolescents as early as age **, is fueled by the desire to conform to the standards of beauty promoted by reference figures in ...

2.3 Research interest (regional analysis)

In analyzing the data on online search interest in different Italian regions for the keyword "cosmetic surgeon," it is observed that the distribution of searches varies significantly by geographic location. This interest is measured on a scale from * to ***, where the value *** represents the location with the highest search frequency proportional ...

2.4 New demand trends

In ****, the cosmetic surgery landscape promises to be full of innovations, with a growing interest in treatments that provide natural and harmonious results. The focus shifts to post-menopausal surgeries and breast reduction, testifying to a desire for balanced and comfortable proportions. In parallel, lipofilling is gaining acceptance for its versatile applications ...

3 Structure du marché

3.1 Market structure and dynamics

In the Italian surgery market, there are several players who play crucial roles in the provision of surgical services and the supply of medical devices and equipment. Reference is made to:

Public Hospitals: public hospitals represent a significant part of the surgery market in Italy. They provide a wide range of ...

3.2 Value Chain

The value chain in the cosmetic surgery market describes the stages through which a cosmetic surgery service passes, from start to finish, highlighting how value is added at each stage of the process. This chain consists of several key elements that together contribute to the delivery, implementation, and success of cosmetic ...

3.3 Main actors

To get an overview of the companies using the service taken under analysis, we consider Ateco Code **.**.**, which includes medical examinations and treatment in the field of specialist medicine performed by specialist physicians.

4 Analyse de l'offre

4.1 Type of Offering

Cosmetic surgery offers a wide range of treatments to improve the appearance and, in some cases, the function of various parts of the body.

Treatments for the face

Rhinoplasty: modifies the shape of the nose to improve cosmetic appearance or nasal function. Blepharoplasty: removal of excess tissue from the eyelids for ...

4.2 Prices

The cost varies depending on a number of factors that will be analyzed in detail by the specialist. The main ones are:

The type of surgery required; The difficulty of performance; The duration of the operation and the entire course, in the case of treatments that require multiple sessions; The type ...

4.3 The impact of artificial intelligence

The evaluation of aesthetic results in cosmetic surgery is characterized by broad subjectivity and lacks solid scientific evaluation. In fact, it mostly resides on objectives that are not seemingly well defined and on subjective measures that rest their bases in most cases on the point of view of patients or ...

5 Règlementation

5.1 Rules and regulations

In the context of cosmetic surgery in Italy and Europe, regulations are established to ensure the safety, effectiveness, and quality of services. In Italy, cosmetic surgery is regulated mainly by Italian law and by guidelines established by the Order of Physicians and professional plastic surgery associations, such as the Italian Association ...

6 Positionnement des acteurs

6.1 Segmentation

  • Cdi Centro Diagnostico Italiano
  • Centro di Medicina
  • C.D.C. Centro Polispecialisti
  • H San Raffaele Resnati
  • Centro Italiano Di Diagnostica Medica Ultrasonica S.p.a.
  • Poliambulatorio Dalla Rosa Prati
  • Centro Medico Privato Lazzaro Spallanzani
  • Affidea Plastica

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Global cosmetic surgery market value
  • Percentage breakdown number of surgical procedures performed
  • Evolution number of surgical procedures performed (by body part)
  • Share of surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures
  • Value of turnover enterprises active in services of specialist medical practices
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CDI Wins Digitalization Award at Assolombarda Awards | CDI Remporte le Prix de la Digitalisation aux Assolombarda Awards - 15/03/2024
  • **Project Name**: AIpostCOVID.
  • **Awarding Entity**: Assolombarda Awards 2024.
  • **Award Category**: Digitization.
  • **Tribute**: The award is dedicated to Domenico Zucchetti.
  • **Place of the Ceremony**: Teatro Lirico in Milan.
  • **CDI Representatives**: Andrea Mecenero (CEO) and Dr. Sergio Papa (Director of Innovation Research Development Unit).
  • **Project Objective**: To develop an artificial intelligence model capable of predicting the occurrence of long-term pulmonary complications in patients previously hospitalized for COVID-19 through analysis of clinical data at discharge.
  • **Technologies Exploited**: Deep learning and machine learning.
  • **Purpose**: To create personalized care and monitoring pathways to optimize post-hospitalization care.


**Collaborations**: ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco, IRCSS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation, Bruno-Kessler Foundation, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, University of Pavia, DeepTrace Technologies.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Cdi Centro Diagnostico Italiano
Centro di Medicina
C.D.C. Centro Polispecialisti
H San Raffaele Resnati
Centro Italiano Di Diagnostica Medica Ultrasonica S.p.a.
Poliambulatorio Dalla Rosa Prati
Centro Medico Privato Lazzaro Spallanzani
Affidea Plastica

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The cosmetic surgery market | Italy

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