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1 Synthèse du marché

1.1 Introduction

The stone, sand, and clay mining market in Italy includes the extraction activities of stone, sand, and clay materials used in various sectors, such as construction, manufacturing, and civil engineering. The market includes:

  • Building stone: Includes stone quarried for construction purposes, such as making walls, flooring and cladding. Building stone is widely used in the construction industry for its durability and strength.
  • Ornamental stone: This type of stone is quarried for decorative and artistic purposes. It is used for creating sculptures, monuments, architectural cladding and design elements within buildings.
  • Construction sand: Construction sand is a key material in the construction industry. It is used for the production of concrete, mortar and plaster. Its grain size and chemical composition are important in ensuring the quality and performance of building materials.
  • Foundry sand: Foundry sand is a specific type of sand used in the metal casting process. it is essential for creating molds and patterns for the production of metal parts in various industries, such as automotive and aerospace.
  • Ceramic clay: Ceramic clay is mined for the production of ceramic materials, such as bricks, tiles, tableware and sanitary ware. Its plasticity and ability to withstand high temperature make it ideal for processing and firing ceramic artifacts.

Italy is famous for the variety and quality of its stone materials. Among the best known are Carrara marble, Ligurianslate, and Latium travertine. In addition to these, there are numerous other types of local stones that have become more widespread over time. For example, serpentine, quarried in Valmalenco, is a durable rock used for cladding and flooring. Barge stone and quartzite are used for road work in Piedmont, while Luserna stone is widely used for interior cladding.[Infobuild]

The study focuses on the stone, sand and clay mining market in Italy. For information on related markets, such as mineral extraction, see the specific studies available in the Businesscoot catalog.

1.2 The global market

The market for sand, stone and clay is a crucial sector in the world economy, playing a key role in multiple industries. Demand for these materials is growing steadily, fueled by their use inconstruction, building, glass and ceramic production, and numerous other applications. These natural components form the essential basis in ...

1.3 The local market

The value of turnover of enterprises engaged in stone, sand, and clay extraction between **** and **** is considered below. During the time frame under analysis, there is an overall growth in turnover from * billion euros in **** to *.* billion euros in ****. This increase translates into +**.*%. The growth appears to be constant throughout the ...

1.4 Foreign market analysis

The analysis of trade flows related to imports and exports of the analyzed sector is broken down by product type. In particular, natural sands(***) are considered.

Regarding the value of the foreign market for natural sands, there is an oscillating flow in the value of both imports and exports. There is ...

1.5 Impact of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has had a significant impact on the global economy, including Italy's, also affecting thestone, sand and clay mining sector. The tensions and uncertainties generated by the military crisis have grafted onto a picture already made difficult by the continuing pandemic and upward pressure on the prices of various ...

2 Analyse de la demande

2.1 Demand characteristics

By analyzing the production sold in tons, it is possible to obtain a quantitative measure of the demand for a product, allowing one to assess its popularity and level of demand in the market. Specifically below is the production sold of stone, sand and clay during the last few years available ...

2.2 Demand drivers

To carry out a drier analysis of the demand for stone, sand and clay extraction, the evolution of the number of construction companies (***) thanks mainly to the introduction of tax bonuses for renovation andmodernization of buildings starting in ****.

Construction companies Italy, ****-****, in thousands Istat

2.3 Geographical distribution of demand

To analyze the value of the geographical distribution of demand, enterprises active in the construction sector are taken into consideration. Specifically, the Northwest collects the largest share of enterprises, accounting for **.* percent of the total; followed by the Northeast with **.* percent and the Center with **.* percent. In the South , the share ...

3 Structure du marché

3.1 Market structure and dynamics

Enterprises involved in the extraction of stone, sand and clay in Italy play a key role in the national economy. These materials are used in various sectors, such asconstruction,manufacturing, and the infrastructure sector. Mining contributes to the production of construction materials essential for the construction of buildings, roads and infrastructure. ...

3.2 Value Chain

The value chain in the stone, sand and clay mining market involves several stages. Initially, extraction takes place in quarries, followed by processing and transformation of materials. Then, companies distribute the finished products to builders, building material manufacturers and other related industries. Success depends on the quality of the extracted materials, ...

3.3 Geographical distribution of mining sites (quarries and mines)

In order to know the geographical distribution of active mining sites, a map is proposed with the share of quarries and mines present in each macro-region in relation to the national total. The Northeast and Northwest concentrate the highest percentage of the mining sites present in Italy, **.* percent and **.* percent, respectively; ...

3.4 Main actors

The following is a list of the main players involved in stone, sand and clay mining in Italy:

Stone quarrying:

Cava Leonepietra - extraction from natural stone quarry in Gorgoglione: a company operating in the extraction and processing of extra-hard Arenite nautral stone from Gorgoglione for over ** years. Founded in **** as ...

4 Analyse de l'offre

4.1 Type of Offering

The cultivation of quarry material deposits is subject to the issuance of a permit for quarry activity; the latter is subject to the provisions of R.L. March **, ****, No. ** - "Rules for the regulation of quarry activity." The types of extractable materials are classified by Article * of the said law as ...

4.2 Prices

To analyze the prices forstone, sand, and clay extraction, we consider the producer price indexes over the time period from **** to ****. When analyzing the producer price index for stone, sand, and clay extraction, a significant increase can be seen between January **** and October ****. During this period, the producer price index increased ...

5 Règlementation

5.1 Rules and regulations

Italian and European regulations governing sand, clay and stone mining vary depending on the material being mined.

In Italy, sand mining activities are regulated by specific regulations that focus on the safety and health of workers in this sector. Relevant general regulations include Legislative Decree No. ***/**** and Legislative Decree No. **/****. These ...

6 Positionnement des acteurs

6.1 Segmentation

Italian enterprises

Foreign enterprises

  • Ranieri Pietra Lavica srl
  • Menegoni srl
  • O.M.G. Ossola marmi e graniti srl
  • Odorizzi soluzioni in pietra srl
  • RUGGI - materie prime per industria e ceramica
  • Castiglia Inerti
  • Sibelco Italia spa

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Ranieri Pietra Lavica srl
Menegoni srl
O.M.G. Ossola marmi e graniti srl
Odorizzi soluzioni in pietra srl
RUGGI - materie prime per industria e ceramica
Castiglia Inerti
Sibelco Italia spa

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The stone, sand, and clay extraction market | Italy

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