Summary of our market study

The French retirement and employee savings market has experienced significant growth. The market has been influenced by the aging of the population and societal trends towards responsible savings, particularly with regard to the environment.

Traditional financial institutions such as Axa and Crédit Agricole, as well as insurance players, continue to dominate the market, although they now face competition from digital pure players such as Yomoni and Ramify. The adoption of digital platforms to manage retirement savings has been a notable trend, with providers offering automated financial services and human expertise. Despite economic challenges such as a significant rise in inflation in 2022, household savings rates were above pre-pandemic levels, thanks in part to public measures to support purchasing power.

French retirement and employee savings market: aging population and changing consumer preferences boost demand

The French retirement and employee savings market has seen substantial growth, driven by demographic trends and changes in consumer behavior. The market, which excludes life insurance, is divided into two categories: retirement savings and employee savings.

Over the past decade, retirement savings outstandings in France have increased by almost 66%, reaching around 250 billion euros by the end of 2020. The employee savings sector has also seen renewed growth, with a 13.7% increase in assets under management in 2021 compared to the previous year.

The ageing of the French population is an important factor in these trends: people over 65 will represent around 21% of the population in 2022. This demographic shift not only increases the number of beneficiaries, but also stimulates demand for retirement savings products, as individuals prepare for their future. Some 37.5 million people, or more than half the population, are in the age bracket most likely to contribute to supplementary pensions, suggesting a significant potential customer base for savings products.

In addition, there is a growing demand for responsible savings options, with more than half the French population taking ecological issues into account when making investment decisions. Retirement savings products, including the PER (Plan Épargne Retraite), benefit from this demand. Following the introduction of the PER, the number of policyholders rose by a remarkable 41% in less than a year.

Another major influence on the market is the Pacte law, which aims in particular to direct savings towards financing the real economy and to make companies more socially and environmentally responsible. This law has also shaken up the market by promoting competition and introducing unique retirement savings products such as the PER. While inflation trends and the financial impact of crises such as COVID-19 and geopolitical tensions may affect savings habits, the savings rate of the French is still high.paring rate is still high, reflecting an inherent preference for precautionary savings.

In short, an ageing population, changing savings preferences and new legislation are the main factors shaping the French retirement and employee savings market. With individuals increasingly turning to sustainable investment options, and robust market growth, French demand in this sector is on a clear upward trajectory.

Key players in the French retirement and employee savings market

The French retirement and employee savings market is home to a wide range of financial institutions, each playing an important role in shaping the landscape of this increasingly critical sector. Here are some of the key players who have actively contributed to and competed in the market:

  • Axa France: One of the market giants, Axa France is a leader in insurance and asset management. As well as offering conventional insurance products, it has made its mark in the field of retirement savings, demonstrating its ability to innovate and adapt to changing market dynamics.

  • Amundi: Thanks to its in-depth expertise and extensive reach, Amundi is recognized as a titan in the field of asset management. Offering a range of retirement and employee savings products, Amundi remains a preferred choice for individuals and companies wishing to invest wisely for the future.

  • BNP Paribas: One of the pillars of the banking sector, BNP Paribas does not limit itself to traditional banking services. The Group's asset management arm, BNP Paribas AM, plays a central role in the retirement and employee savings market, offering customers solid solutions to meet their financial planning needs.

  • Crédit Agricole Assurances: Crédit Agricole Assurances is a subsidiary of one of France's largest banking groups, known for its diverse portfolio of financial services. In the field of retirement savings, it stands out for its personalized formulas that meet the different preferences of its customers.

  • Swiss Life: Swiss Life is a trusted name in insurance and asset management. Offering comprehensive retirement savings solutions, Swiss Life reassures customers with its expertise in risk protection and customized financial planning.

  • Natixis Investment Managers: One of the world's leading asset management companies, Natixis Investment Managers offers a multitude of investment opportunities, including retirement and employee savings plans. With innovative strategies and a focus on sustainable investment, they meet the evolving demands of today's savers.

  • Malakoff Humanis: Specializing in employee benefits, Malakoff Humanis occupies an important place in the employee savings market. It offers comprehensive solutions that integrate retirement planning and employee savings with health and provident services.

  • Generali: This international insurance and asset management company offers a range of services and products, particularly in the field of retirement savings. Generali emphasizes personalization, ensuring that its offerings closely match individual and organizational objectives.

  • Société Générale Assurances: Within the Société Générale group, the insurance branch offers global solutions.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The subject of retirement and employee savings is increasingly topical in French society, driven in particular by the aging population and forthcoming reforms.

The retirement and employee savings market can be divided into 3 segments:

- retirement savings

- employee savings plans

- life insurance.

However, this study does not cover the life insurance segment, which is characterized by completely different logics and players. The scope of the study is therefore that of retirement and employee savings.

Globally, the retirement savings market is growing rapidly. between 2010 and 2020, assets under management rose by 86%. This rise is the result of an increase in the proportion of people covered by a pension plan worldwide, coupled with higher contribution rates in certain countries.

On a national level, outstandings in the retirement savings market have increased by 66% over the last decade. On the employee savings side, assets under management increased by 13.7% in 2021 compared with the previous year. The aging of the population and the French people's desire to save are driving growth in this market. In addition, demand is increasingly moving towards more responsible savings, particularly in environmental terms.

The national market was recently strongly impacted by the Pacte law, adopted and applied since 2019, which notably opened up asset management to competition, and harmonized the supplementary pension system with the introduction of a single product (the PER).

The main players in the retirement and employee savings market are insurers (AXA, Amundi, Natixis) and banking groups (Crédit Agricole, BNP Paribas). However, the latter are facing increasing competition from pure playerssuch as Yomoni and Ramify.

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Change in retirement savings supplements outstanding
  • Employee savings assets
  • Breakdown of contributions to supplementary pension plans, by type of organization
  • Breakdown of supplementary pension benefits by type of organization
  • Breakdown of mathematical reserves for supplementary pension plans, by type of organization
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Axa groupe
Crédit Agricole Groupe
Swiss Life France
Natixis Wealth Management
BNP Paribas Banque Privée
Crédit Mutuel
Malakoff Humanis
Boursorama Banque

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