Summary of our market study

The global metal packaging market has experienced robust growth, with forecasts indicating a CAGR of 3.3% in 2022, reaching a value of US$153 billion by 2022. One of the key drivers of this demand is the unique characteristics of metal packaging, such as extended shelf life and recyclability. Steel and aluminum currently boast the highest recycling rates of all packaging materials, in line with the current trend towards sustainable development. In addition, demand for metal-based healthcare products has increased. While Western countries have historically led demand, Asia, particularly India, has seen substantial growth due to rapid urbanization and sustainable development initiatives, with the aim of increasing the use of aluminum cans from 5% to 25% by 2030.

Nevertheless, metal packaging holds only a modest share of the global market (12.2%), with cardboard and plastic combined dominating nearly 60% of the packaging industry. In Europe alone, metal packaging production amounts to around 98 billion units a year, with Germany the main importer from the first half of 2020. Despite challenges such as the decline in the value of the domestic market in Germany (down 21% to 1.07 billion euros in exports), the enduring appeal and environmental benefits of metal packaging suggest its potential for expansion, particularly if we consider its competitive export performance.

Shifting Tides: The Complex Landscape of Germany's Metal Packaging Industry

The metal packaging market in Germany presents a nuanced picture, demonstrating both robust growth in some segments while facing challenges in others. Aluminum cans, tubes and wine stoppers are in high demand, thanks to their convenience and recyclability. For example, consumption of cans for soft drinks in Europe has been growing by over 4% a year, fuelled by the boom in energy drinks and the general appeal of aluminium's recyclability. Similarly, the pharmaceutical industry's reliance on aluminum tubes, which offer excellent protection against environmental factors, should support growth, not least because of Germany's aging population, whose need for medicines is greater. By contrast, the canned food sector, which had enjoyed increased popularity, is now facing a potential decline, as consumer preferences shift towards fresher or frozen alternatives. Nevertheless, canned foods are expected to retain a significant market share, albeit with gradual declines over time. Germany's metal packaging industry, which accounts for between 10 and 20% of the country's total packaging market, faces a complex set of challenges at national level. Over the past fourteen years, the number of companies and the number of jobs in the sector have fallen by around 20% and 17% respectively.

This indicates a consolidation of the sector and potential market saturation, or a move towards more efficient operations requiring fewer employees. However, despite a domestic market down by around 21%, German metal packaging exports remained resilient and even recorded growth. Representing more than half of the industry's sales, exports testify to Germany's strong international presence in the industrial goods trading space. Stable export figures, combined with markedly reduced domestic demand, indicate that Germany plays a leading role in metal packaging production, focusing on foreign markets rather than domestic consumption. German exports are evenly divided between euro zone and non-euro zone countries, reflecting a balanced approach to trade and a desire to integrate into the global market. Exports to non-euro zone countries in particular rose sharply, doubling over the period under review. Although the German metal packaging market is experiencing some contraction, the country's manufacturers continue to play a vital role in the wider European area, where environmental considerations and recycling capacities are likely to positively shape future market trajectories. The third-largest player in the European metal packaging market, Germany, could still leverage its environmental friendliness and technological advances to reinvigorate domestic demand and continue to win markets abroad.

Main competitors of the German metal packaging industry

  • Greif Packaging An influential player in the German metal packaging market, Greif Packaging is a testament to the sector's innovation and resilience. The company is renowned for its comprehensive range of industrial packaging solutions for sectors such as chemicals, petroleum and lubricants. With a global footprint, Greif has managed to maintain a strong market presence by focusing on product quality, customer service and sustainability in its operations.
  • PIRLO Gesellschaft specializes in metal and plastic packaging. With many years' experience in providing first-class packaging solutions, PIRLO offers a diversified portfolio that includes metal cans, tubes and a whole range of industrial containers. The company's focus on versatility and meeting customers' tailor-made needs keeps it at the forefront of the industry.
  • silgan Metal Packaging Silgan Metal Packaging is another big name in the metal packaging industry, renowned for its high-quality metal containers for food, beverage and consumer health products. The company stands out for its relentless pursuit of technological advances, enabling it to offer cutting-edge packaging that preserves the freshness of contents and extends shelf life.
  • Tecnocap A leader in metal closure solutions, Tecnocap draws on its expertise to produce a variety of metal twist caps, closures and lids for food and beverages. The company stands out for its commitment to sustainability and the circular economy, aiming to provide the market with environmentally-friendly solutions that are both functional and aesthetically appealing.

These leading companies, with their unique specializations and commitment to quality and sustainability, play a crucial role in driving the German metal packaging market forward. As the industry evolves, these players are likely to adapt and innovate, which could lead to increased market share and new developments in this dynamic sector.

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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Metal packaging includes packaging made of steel and at aluminium such as cans, which preserve food, hygiene products, beverages, etc.

The market for metal packaging is divided between several players: the mineral and petrochemical producers (bauxite, soda, carbon), the suppliers (steel, aluminum), packaging producers and end-users (industry, trade, transport-storage). In this study, we cover the last three categories.

The global metal packaging industry is burgeoning in terms of size and sales thanks to the attractive features of durability, space efficiency, metal preservation and recycling. Nevertheless, metal packaging accounts for a rather small share of total packaging (12.2%), which implies that this material has great potential for development . [ all4pack This development will most likely come from developing countries and Asia, where the I nde The aim of this project, for example, is to increase the use of aluminium cans from 5% to 25% in 2030 .

In Germany the market is decreasing, yet metal packaging accounts for a significant proportion (16%) of all packaging. Germany has 14.4% of the European market for metal packaging in 2016, making it the third largest country behind Italy and the United Kingdom. [ MEP ...However.., the advantages of metal packaging, particularly in ecological terms, should encourage its development instead of plastic, for example.

The main companies in the metal packaging sector in Germany are Greif Packaging, PIRLO Gesellschaft, Silgan Metal Packaging and Tecnocap .

1.2 A booming global market

The metal packaging industry is booming; between **** and ****, the market is expected to grow at an average annual growth rate of *.*% to reach US$*** billion in ****.

Size of the global metal packaging market World, ****-****, in millions of US dollars Source: ****

There are several factors behind this demand. Firstly, the intrinsic ...

1.3 A declining domestic market

Sales in the metal packaging and closures market Germany, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

The turnover of the German metal packaging industry fell by **% between **** and ****. This decline is not continuous, as there have been periods of increasing turnover, for example between **** and ****. However, the long term trend is towards ...

1.4 German exports of metal packaging

Breakdown of sales in the metal packaging and closures market Germany, ****, in % Source: ****

**% of the turnover of the German metal packaging industry comes from exports. In ****, a total of *.** billion euros worth of metal packaging will have been exported.

Exports of metal packaging and closures Germany, ****-****, in billions of ...

2 Demand Analysis

2.1 Contrasting demand by segment

The market for metal packaging in Germany is rather buoyant. However, not all segments are affected in the same way. While aluminium cans, aluminium tubes and aluminium wine closures are popular with customers, cans are more difficult.

Metal cans

Consumption of cans for non-alcoholic beverages has grown significantly by more than ...

2.2 The share of metal in packaging in Germany

Packaging production by segment Germany, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****

The market for metal packaging grew between **** and **** (***).

Breakdown of packaging raw materials Germany, ****, in % Source: ****

In ****, metal packaging accounted for **% of the total packaging used in Germany (***), which together account for two thirds of the German packaging market.

3 Market structure

3.1 The metal packaging supply chain

Source: ****

Raw material suppliers: Steel is made from iron . It is produced either from iron ore and coal (***). Aluminum is made by two processes: either the Bayer process of refining bauxite ore to obtain aluminum oxide, or the Hall-Heroult process of smelting aluminum oxide to release pure aluminum. Raw material processing ...

3.2 The metal packaging sector in Germany

Packaging companies and metal closures Germany, ****-****, in number of enterprises Source: ****

In fourteen years, the number of companies in the metal packaging sector in Germany has fallen by **%. There were ** such structures in **** compared to ** in ****.

Employees in the metal packaging and closures sector Germany, ****-****, in number of employees ...

3.3 Metal packagings ahead of other types of packaging in terms of environmental protection

The Verband Metallverpackungen (***) has published the industry's various results in terms of the sustainability of its activities and the reduction of environmental damage:

Closing the loop Metal packaging is recycled, melted down and transformed into new products. In this way, the resources used are kept in circulation. Recyclable design Metal packaging: ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 The different types of metal packagings

Les emballages métalliques peuvent prendre des formes très différentes. Quelle que soit la forme utilisée ce sont toujours la praticité, la polyvalence et la fiabilité du métal qui sont recherchées (***).

Boîtes de conserve

Emballer des denrées alimentaires est un exercice compliqué qui doit ...

4.2 The many advantages of metal packaging

Metal packaging has many advantages which explain its current use and future potential.


Metal is an optimal solution, whatever the volume of products to be packed

In addition, metal packaging is available in a wide variety of shapes, diameters and applications. They can be used for delicatessen, paint, cosmetics, glue, ...

4.3 A downward trend in metal production prices since 2011

Producer Prices of Metal and Aluminum Products World, ****-****, index base *** in **** Source: ****

Over the last ten years the prices of metal (***) and aluminium have fallen by **% and **% respectively. This decrease can easily be explained by the graph below illustrating the strong increase in the production of steel and aluminium in ...

4.4 External Factors Leading to Uncertainty for the Industry

Parallel to Donald Trump's inauguration, an international trade war erupted against a backdrop of perceived injustices in world trade and tariffs.

The European Union has also been affected by this strategy, in which steel in particular has been identified as an economic hotspot and therefore targeted. On ** March ****, the United States ...

5 Regulation

5.1 Regulations

Germany is subject to European Community law. Within this legal framework there are Directive **/**/EC on packaging and packaging waste as a central element. This Directive was created in **** and has been in force since ****. Some of the points included in its scope and which relate to metal packaging in general ...

6 Positioning of the players

6.1 Segmentation of players

  • Crown Holdings, Inc
  • Ball corporation
  • Ardagh Group
  • Massilly
  • Silgan Holdings
  • Greif Packaging
  • Tecnocap

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Taille du marché mondial des emballages métalliques
  • Marché mondial des emballages, par matériau
  • Entreprises d'emballages et fermetures métalliques
  • Employés du secteur des emballages et fermetures métalliques
  • Chiffre d'affaires du marché des emballages et fermetures métalliques
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Crown Holdings, Inc
Ball corporation
Ardagh Group
Silgan Holdings
Greif Packaging

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