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1 Synthèse du marché

1.1 Introduction

The global bicycle rental market is experiencing significant growth, with the market size starting at $2.1 billion in 2021 and expected to reach $11.3 billion by 2031. This development is based on several key factors, including the rise of micro-mobility and the demand for affordable and sustainable transportation solutions.

In Italy, the bicycle rental market is following this positive trend, driven by innovations in the sector and a growing interest in environmentally friendly and practical mobility. The sector is characterized by a variety of models and rental options, meeting the needs of a diverse customer base, from urban commuters to tourists.

The study offers an in-depth analysis of the market, covering crucial aspects such as market structure, key players, supply and demand trends, and the impact of legislation on the sector. It presents detailed and up-to-date data on the Italian market, including production, import-export and market segmentation statistics. It also explores new trends that are shaping the future of bicycle rental, including e-bike adoption and sustainable mobility initiatives.

1.2 The global market

The global bicycle rental market is showing strong growth, with positive forecasts for the coming years.

The market size has been estimated at $*.* billion in **** and is expected to reach$**.* billion by ****, growing at a CAGR of **.* percent from **** to ****.

This development is supported by several factors, including therise of micro-mobility, ...

1.3 The Italian market

Despite the physiological slowdown in production volumes after the exploit of the last two years, revenues in the Italian bicycle manufacturing sector still appear to be on the rise in ****, thanks to the push of pedal-assist and the higher value-added models on which our country's manufacturers specialize. But it's not just ...

1.4 Import-Export

In terms of foreign trade, reference is made to hs code **** , which covers bicycles and other cycles, non-motorized.

Comparing import-export from **** to ****, the value of export is confirmed as higher than imports, with a coverage rate always above unity. Despite a decline in units produced of about ** percent in ****, the export/import ...

1.5 The impact of Covid-19

With the onset of the lockdown, demand for bicycles exploded in the spring of ****. The lockdown and the subsequent boom in sales were two factors that led to the upheaval of all logic for those who make or want to buy a bicycle.

After the boom of May ****, which transformed the ...

2 Analyse de la demande

2.1 Demand in Italy

Bicycle rental in Italy, which moves about *** million a year, is a popular choice for economic and convenience reasons, especially on vacation or for limited periods of use.

Daily bicycle rental in Italy is used by awide variety of users, with different needs and interests. Among the public interested in this ...

2.2 Demand drivers

The following are the main drivers of the bicycle rental market.

Growth of Cyclotourism: Cyclotourism is deivnted one of the main drivers stimulating or development of the bicycle market in Italy. Cyclotourists doubled from **** to ****, with an economic impact of * million euros. There were * million tourists in **** who made bicycling the ...

2.3 The geographical distribution of demand

In order to get an overview of the geographical distribution of demand for bicycle rental, reference is made to the most popular destinations for both Italian and foreign bicycle tourists.

Northeast (***) turn out to be the areas most chosen by bicycle tourists. Among Italians , there appears to be a particular interest ...

2.4 New trends in demand

According to several bicycle dealers, there are specific customer demands in terms of new products.

In fact, customers demand innovation, customization, and service, but with afocus on price that remains relevant, according to ** percent of Italian distributors. Below are the percentages for the most common requests among the different clientele.

Demand ...

3 Structure du marché

3.1 The market structure

In order to investigate the structure of the bicycle rental market, reference is made to the broader category of Bicycle Trade and related distributors, which undoubtedly includes those operators more specialized on the rental formula.

In terms of the number of businesses active in the sector, they are fairly evenly distributed ...

3.2 The value chain

The value chain in bicycle rental can be described through several key stages, depicted in the figure below.

3.3 The main players

The following are the main players involved in bicycle rental in Italy (***).

Ridemovi spa: a leading company in the shared micromobility sector in Europe. It offers bicycle, e-bike and e-scooter rental services through a digital platform that allows users to find, unlock, use and park vehicles easily and flexibly. RideMovi is ...

3.4 The main players in the province of Trento

The following are the main players involved in bike rental in the province of Trento.

Danger zone srl: an Italian company with over ** years of experience in mountain bike rental and sales. The company has contributed to the development of the Dolomiti Paganella Bike project, also designing and implementing related infrastructure ...

4 Analyse de l'offre

4.1 Supply analysis

In Italy, there are several bicycle rental formulas to suit various needs and preferences. The main options include:

Short-term rental-common among tourists, it allows you to rent bicycles for a few hours or for the entire day;

Long-term rental (***) - suitable for those who need a bicycle for a more extended ...

4.2 The prices

Below are prices for short-term bicycle rentals from some of the players mentioned above, plus additional sites that are among the top in SERPs.

Papin Sports


Val di Sole Bike Center

Ebike store Brescia (***) [***]

D.F Bike (***) [***]

4.3 New supply trends

Rent to Buy Formula

One of the formulas that is enjoying good success with a sub-niche of the ebike market. It provides for a fixed-fee "rental" for up to * months, which opens up the possibility of getting a clear and practical idea of the actual use of the ebike (***) without necessarily ...

5 Règlementation

5.1 The legislation

The following are the laws and regulations that fall under the scope of rental and bicycles.

E-bikes: current legislation on e-bikes

There are two main sources of regulations governing the circulation of e-bikes:

european Regulation No. ***/**** article ** of the Highway Code

From the analysis of these regulatory provisions, precise limits on ...

6 Positionnement des acteurs

6.1 Segmentation

  • Ridemovi spa
  • Lime Italia
  • Papin Sport srl
  • Helbiz Italia srl
  • Birorent srl
  • Danger Zoe srl
  • Bikeasy srl
  • Centro Bike Vds srl

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Global bicycle rental market
  • Bicycle market and composition
  • Import-Export of Bicycles
  • Main suppliers of bicycles
  • Main destinations of bicycle exports
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Ridemovi spa
Lime Italia
Papin Sport srl
Helbiz Italia srl
Birorent srl
Danger Zoe srl
Bikeasy srl
Centro Bike Vds srl

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The bike rental market | Italy

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