Turnover: 45.35 billion EUR (2023)

Country: France

  • Veolia is a French company that operates in three main areas of public services and utilities traditionally managed by public authorities:
    • water management
    • waste management
    • energy services
  • It employs over 220,000 people worldwide
  • Its subsidiary Veolia Transport became Transdev in 2019.
  • Before 1998, Vivendi was known as Compagnie Générale des Eaux.
  • Between 1998 and 2003, the company was known as Vivendi Environnement, a subsidiary of the Vivendi conglomerate
  • In 2014, following a major restructuring, the company adopted the name Veolia for all its activities.


Veolia's plan for growth in energy 13/01/2024

  • The group already generates a quarter of its sales (just over 10 billion out of almost 43 billion euros in 2022) from the operation of heating networks, the recovery of energy from waste and wastewater, and energy-related services.
  • The Group, which has positioned itself in the field of "decarbonizing local energy", estimates that it will be worth 500 billion euros in Europe by 2030
  • Services related to energy efficiency in buildings and industry could represent a market worth 200 billion euros by 2030
  • Green energy supply and heating/cooling networks could be worth 150 billion euros by 2030.
  • The operation of heating networks is Veolia's main energy business (revenues of 5.9 billion euros in 2022),
  • Veolia operates more than 500 networks.

Veolia to sell its engineering subsidiary SADE 27/11/2023

  • SADE's annual sales are expected to reach around 1.1 billion euros in 2022.
  • SADE employs around 6900 people.

Veolia aims to triple recycled water production worldwide 03/07/2023

  • Veolia is committed to tripling its production of recycled water by 2030, bringing it to 3 billion m3 in the long term.
  • The group produced 1 billion m3 of recycled water last year, equivalent to the annual consumption of 18 million people.
  • Veolia has 250 water recycling sites in 18 countries.
  • Worldwide water recycling is estimated at just 11%.
  • Wastewater reuse rates reach 89% in Israel, 40% in Singapore, 15% in Spain and less than 1% in France.
  • The potential for wastewater reuse in France is 1.6 billion m3.
  • Veolia acquired additional expertise in membrane filtration through its takeover bid for the Suez group.

Veolia: "The merger with Suez is a real success" | Veolia and Suez: A success! 18/06/2023

  • 40,000 new employees.
  • Employee shareholding rate: 42%.
  • Employees holding 6.5% of group capital.
  • Additional sales from the acquisition: approx. 10 billion euros.
  • Total sales of the new Veolia in 2022: 43 billion euros.
  • Group present in the top 3 of their businesses: France, Spain, Australia, United States, Chile, etc.
  • Global market for ecological transformation: 2,550 billion euros.
  • Veolia's organic growth in 2022, excluding the Suez takeover: 15%.

Veolia, the white knight of the environment 29/05/2023

  • Veolia is present in 58 countries
  • Business breakdown: water management (42.2%), waste (36.5%), energy (21.3%)
  • Acquisition of Suez official in January 2022
  • Veolia revenues: 42.8 billion euros, up 14.1% on a like-for-like basis
  • Branch growth: Energy (44.7%), Water (8.2%), Waste (6.9%)
  • Net income: up 29.7% to 1.16 billion euros

Veolia benefits from the ecological revolution 04/03/2023

  • Sales of 42.9 billion euros in 2026 23% of business in France, 40% in Europe (excluding France) and 37% in the rest of the world
  • The main business is in water (17.2 billion euros), the second in waste management and recycling (14.6 billion) and the third in energy (10 billion euros)

Veolia has come to terms with the absorption of the former Suez 03/03/2023

  • Sales of around 42.9 billion euros, up 50.4% and 14.1% on a pro-forma basis.
  • The Group now employs some 220,000 people
  • France now accounts for only 23% of sales
  • 70% of sales generated by price-indexed contracts
  • Veolia is present in all three major "ecological transformation" markets: decarbonization, resource conservation and regeneration, and pollution control.
  • In the field of electric battery recycling, our objective is to have a 15% market share in Europe by 2030

Veolia employees become the group's largest shareholder 16/01/2023

  • Veolia employees now hold 6.5% of the company's capital, making them its largest shareholder

Financial Data

DUNS: 403210032


Address: 21 RUE LA BOETIE , 75008 PARIS 8

Number of employees: Entre 1 000 et 1 999 salariés (2020)

Capital: 3 572 871 835 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 512 206 000 526 656 000 505 580 000 524 879 000 485 306 000 427 626 000 472 764 000
Gross margin (€) 618 190 000 686 118 000 616 331 000 670 262 000 617 813 000 599 703 000 -
EBITDA (€) -146 560 000 -90 336 000 786 285 000 -25 421 000 -48 295 000 -108 877 000 -
Operating profit (€) -171 098 000 -56 705 000 -56 966 000 -27 308 000 -95 896 000 -59 487 000 -
Net profit (€) 1 248 830 000 620 913 000 1 058 299 000 883 060 000 314 498 000 513 840 000 343 600 000
Turnover growth rate (%) -2,7 4,2 -3,7 8,2 13,5 -9,5 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) -28,6 -17,2 155,5 -4,8 -10 -25,5 -
Operating margin rate (%) -33,4 -10,8 -11,3 -5,2 -19,8 -13,9 -
Working Capital (turnover days) 2 268,8 1 194,1 1 014,5 1 086,7 1 387,3 1 090,2 -
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) -100 -26,6 -5,2 28,6 -35,9 -23,3 -
Net margin (%) 243,8 117,9 209,3 168,2 64,8 120,2 -
Added value / Turnover (%) 23,1 32,3 43 47,9 40,1 30,5 -
Wages and social charges (€) 226 157 000 206 562 000 208 919 000 221 712 000 191 178 000 195 904 000 -
Salaries / Turnover (%) 44,2 39,2 41,3 42,2 39,4 45,8 -

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président du conseil d'administration Antoine FREROT 66
Administrateur Maryse Bettan 75
Administrateur Nathalie Volle 67
Administrateur Marion Charpin 69
Administrateur Clara Lejeune 64
Administrateur Isabelle Courville 61
Administrateur Guillaume Texier 50
Administrateur Pierre André De Chalendar 66
Administrateur représentant les salariés Pavel Pasa 60
Administrateur représentant les salariés Franck Le Roux 60
Administrateur représentant les salariés actionnaires Agata Mazurek-Bak 47
Directeur général,Administrateur Estelle Brachlianoff 52

Studies mentioning this company

The light commercial vehicle market (LCV) - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Fiat Ducato
  • Volkswagen Group
  • La Poste
  • UPS
  • Véolia Groupe
  • Nissan
  • Daimler Trucks and Buses (Mercedes)
  • Stellantis (Groupe PSA et Fiat)
  • PSA Peugeot Citroen
  • Opel (Stellantis)
  • Isuzu
  • Fuso
  • Piaggio
  • Maxus (Saic)
  • Seat (Vokswagen group)
  • Skoda (Vokswagen Group)
  • Goupil (Polaris Group)
  • Liberty Electric Motion LEM
The nuclear decommissioning market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Orano
  • Véolia Groupe
  • Bouygues Construction
  • Eiffage Groupe
  • Engie
  • ONET Groupe
  • CEA
  • TechnicAtome groupe
  • Vinci Groupe
  • EDF
  • NUVIA (Vinci Groupe)
  • Derichebourg Environnement
  • IRSN
  • Framatome
The plastic recycling market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Paprec Groupe
  • Véolia Groupe
  • Suez Groupe
  • Eastman
  • Loop Industries
  • Earthwake Entreprise
  • Skytech
  • &Repeat
  • Galloo Recycling
  • Plasticlean
  • Recyclex
  • Plastus
  • Infineo
  • Aloxe
  • Green Dot Bioplastics
  • Südpack
  • Buitex (Semin groupe)
  • Léko
The market for heating and cooling networks - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Dalkia
  • Coriance
  • Véolia Groupe
  • Cerema
  • Barriquand
  • CPCU (Engie Groupe)
  • Compagnie de Chauffage
  • Ademe
  • Firalp
  • Idex
The water treatment market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Suez Groupe
  • Saur
  • Sogedo
  • SCP– Société du Canal de Provence
  • Agur (Groupe Etchart)
  • BRL
  • RWE - Thames Water
  • BWT
  • Wel Enterprise
  • BIO UV Group
  • Véolia Groupe
  • Azuvia
  • Valgo
  • NKE Groupe
  • Aquatech Innovation
  • SIAAP Syndicat interdépartemental pour l'Assainissement de l'Agglomération Parisienne
  • Diamidex
  • KF Unternehmenst Group
  • Dupont De Nemours France
  • UV Germi
The organic waste recycling market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Cocycler
  • Love your Waste
  • Axibio
  • Helioprod
  • Val'Id
  • Moulinot Compost et Biogaz
  • Ecosec
  • BioMiMetic
  • NextAlim
  • Gecco
  • Suez Groupe
  • Véolia Groupe
  • Paprec Groupe
  • Biogaz Vallée
  • Méthafrance
  • Passenaud Recyclage
  • ReStalk France
  • Guyot Environnement
The waste management market - Italy

Other companies mentioned:

  • Derichebourg Groupe
  • Paprec Groupe
  • Recylex Groupe
  • Econord
  • Alia Servizi Ambientali SPA
  • Consorzio Nazionale Per La Raccolta Il Riciclo E Il Recupero Degli Imballaggi In Plastica (Corepla)
  • Gruppo Veritas
  • Azienda Milanese Servizi Ambientali SPA (AMSA)
  • HERAmbiente
  • Véolia Groupe
The waste management market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Guy Dauphin Environnement (GDE Ecore)
  • Séché Environnement
  • Coved (Paprec)
  • Paprec Groupe
  • Pizzorno Groupe
  • Sepur
  • Recylex Groupe
  • Suez Groupe
  • Waste Market place
  • Derichebourg Groupe
  • Véolia Groupe
  • Veolia Propreté (Groupe Veolia)
  • Vanheede Environment Group
  • Guyot Environnement
  • Brangeon Groupe
  • Aktid
  • Neolithe
  • Néos
The seawater desalination market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Dow Chemical
  • Doosan
  • Circulair
  • Sweetch Energy
  • Mascara Renewable Water
  • Suez Groupe
  • Véolia Groupe
The asbestos removal market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Suez Groupe
  • Snadec
  • DI Environnement
  • Serfim Groupe - Serpol
  • Wig France Entreprises
  • Desamiantage France Démolition
  • Valame
  • Véolia Groupe
  • Valgo
  • Codepa (Livio groupe)
  • Ouest Contôle Environnement CICEA OCE
  • Baelen groupe 3DNext
  • Agirent