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1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Credit mediation is a regulated activity that involves bringing credit institutions or financial intermediaries into contact with potential customers in order to facilitate the conclusion of financing contracts. Credit brokers act as intermediaries between banks (or other financial institutions) and customers, without assuming credit risk and without being able to provide financing directly. Their main role is to facilitate access to credit by providing advice and assistance to both financial institutions and end customers.

The value of the global credit mediation market shows steady growth from 2024 to 2028. Starting from $2079 billion in 2024, the market reaches $2807.5 billion in 2028. This represents an increase of 35 percent over the forecast period, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.8 percent. The expected growth over the forecast period can be attributed to factors such as global regulatory advances, increased emphasis on cybersecurity, changes in investor preferences, cross-border trading initiatives, and the adoption of tokenized securities. The most significant trends expected over the forecast period include algorithmic trading, increased retail investor participation, integration of ESG investing, use of market data analytics, and emphasis on cross-border trading.

The size of the European market in terms of the value of gross written premiums is expected to grow from €261.19 billion in 2024 to €370.90 billion by 2029, with a CAGR of 7.27 percent over the forecast period. The outlook for 2024 indicates an increase in M&A transactions, despite economic and geopolitical uncertainties.

The forecast of the value of the Italian credit brokerage market showed growth from 2022 to 2029. The total value of the market will increase by 63.9 percent. According to the 2023OAMreport, there are 327 companies registered in the List of Brokers, while the total number of employees of credit brokers grew by 38.7 percent, most working in large companies with more than 200 employees.


1.2 The global market

The value of the global credit brokerage market shows steady growth from **** to ****, with a compound annual growth rate (***) investing, use of market data analytics, and emphasis on cross-border trading.

Global Credit Brokerage Market Value World, ****-****, in US$ million MondorIntelligence

The projected growth of the securities and stockbroking services markets ...

1.3 The European market

The European credit mediation market shows a CAGR of *.**%. Starting from a value of $*.** billion in ****, the market reaches $**.** billion in ****, a total increase of **%.

European Credit Mediation Market Value Europe, ****-****, in US$ billion ResearchAndMarkets

The value of the European credit mediation market continues to grow, supported by strong markets ...

1.4 The Italian market

The Italian credit mediation market is expected to show steady growth from **** to **** to reach *.** billion, marking an overall increase of ** percent. The compound annual growth rate is assumed to be the same as the European rate of *.**%.

Italian credit brokerage market value Italy, ****-****, in € billion Company Register, Businesscoot ...

1.5 Inflationary trend suffered by the sector post Covid-19

Price trends for fixed- and variable-rate mortgages in Italy from **** to **** show an increasing trend. Fixed-rate mortgages start from a value of *.**% at the end of **** and show an initial decline to *.*% in mid-****. From there, rates begin to rise steadily, reaching *.* percent at the end of **** and peaking at *.** percent ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Overview of demand

Istat published in **** a report on the housing market in Italy in the first quarter of that year.

In Italy, mortgages are broken down by region as follows:

The geographical distribution of mortgages in Italy shows a significant disparity between regions. The Northwest records the highest value with **,*** mortgages, followed by ...

2.2 The profile of mortgage applicants

At the end of the year ****, the credit mediation company ** Max published a report with the most important data regarding the credit mediation market. Among them, a profile of those who turn to credit mediation to apply for a mortgage also emerges. The most important data are summarized as follows:

Typologie ...

2.3 Notoriety of the figure of the financial broker

A ****OAM survey highlighted Italian consumers' habits of services offered by agents in financial activity. The survey used a sample of *** individuals with incomes ranging from * to more than ***,*** euros, varying levels of education (***) occupations.

The survey unveiled the level of respondents' knowledge of the Financial Business Agent:

Level of Knowledge ...

2.4 Online search trends

Between July **** and June ****, online searches for mortgages and loans in Italy show varying trends with some interesting trends.

For mortgages, a strong fluctuation is observed. After an initial peak of ** in September ****, the index reaches a high of **.* in January ****, followed by fluctuations with another peak of **.** in January ****. However, ...

3 Market structure

3.1 The market structure

In ****, the situation of lists of financial agents and brokers in Italy shows interesting changes from ****.

Source: ****

*AGENTS P.F. (***) represent the numbers of financial agents registered as individuals or legal entities. MED P.G. refers to credit brokers as legal entities, while AGENTS IP P.F. and AGENTS IP ...

3.2 The main players in the industry

The main companies in the industry are:

Kiron Partner: It is one of the leading credit brokerage companies in Italy, part of the Tecnocasa Group. With more than ** years of experience in the industry, Kiron Partner offers a wide range of consulting services for mortgages, personal loans and insurance. Among the ...

3.3 Geographic distribution of credit brokers

Credit brokers must take an aptitude exam in order to then be registered on theOAM List and then practice. Credit brokers, by rule, carry out their activities without being linked to any of the parties by relationships that could compromise their independence

Geographic distribution of credit brokers:

Concentration of credit brokers Italy, ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Products offered by the credit brokerage market

An important feature of the credit intermediary is that he or she carries out his or her activities without tying himself or herself to any of the parties involved. In this way, the broker's independence is preserved. Therefore, no relationship of collaboration, representation or dependence can exist between the parties. The ...

4.2 Enterprise products

Credit mediation and all related activities (***) are not only available are for particulars, but an important part is also reserved for companies. In fact, all brokerage and especially consulting activities for corporations are an important part of the market. In current parlance, this segment is called corporate.

According to OAM's **** report, ...

4.3 Price trends

For the individual, as for businesses, it is essential to understand interest rates at the time of a loan to know what is most convenient. There are several rates to consider when applying.

The APR is the main transparency tool in consumer credit agreements. It is an EU-harmonized index that in ...

4.4 Real estate prices

There are two definitions to keep in mind:

Newdwellings: newly built or existing dwellings renovated and sold by construction companies.

Existing housing: existing housing sold by households or other institutional sectors.

Istat in a published **** report on housing prices highlights the evolution of new and existing housing prices, keeping in mind ...

5 Regulations

5.1 General overview

Since the housing crisis of ****, regulation has greatly affected the credit broker profession. Indeed, on the one hand the Basel III accords published on December **, ****, imposed limits on risk-taking by banks, leading to the withdrawal of specialized banks from the brokerage segment.

On the other hand, national regulations follow European directives, ...

5.2 The Cartabia reform of June 30, 2023

The Cartabia reform, which went into effect on June **, ****, made significant changes to civil and commercial mediation in Italy. Here are the main changes introduced:

Powers of the Judge: The new Article *c of Legislative Decree **/**** allows the judge to order an attempt at mediation during the trial, including at the ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Kìron Partner
  • Euroansa
  • Auxilia Finance
  • Più Mutui Casa
  • Mediazione Creditizia
  • Credipass
  • Signor Prestito
  • Nsa
  • We Unit Group
  • Affida

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Value Global credit brokerage market
  • European Credit Brokerage Market Value
  • Change in real estate purchases and sales compared with the same period in the previous year
  • Type of applicants
  • Gender division of loan applicants
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Kìron Partner
Auxilia Finance
Più Mutui Casa Mediazione Creditizia
Signor Prestito
We Unit Group

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