
According to the data from Fact.MR, the global equestrian equipment market, valued at over $2 billion, is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 4.1% from 2023 to 2033, eventually reaching a value of $3.3 billion by 2033. This growth trajectory reflects improvement over the 3% CAGR observed from 2018 to 2022. The market's expansion is attributed to increased disposable incomes and expenditure on leisure activities like horse riding, with a particular highlight on the rising popularity of the sport among women. Notable is the significant market share held by the UK due to its pioneering status in equestrian activities, alongside the expanding interest in countries such as India where colonial influence has long established the groundwork for equestrian sports. Moreover, the North American market benefits from a high number of clubs and enthusiasts fueling the demand for equestrian gear. Key drivers also include heightened awareness from international sporting events and championships. (Please note that there were no specific data provided for the years post-2020 and prior to 2023; hence, only the projections from 2023 onwards have been cited.).Title: Flourishing Future for Equestrian Equipment Market: Trends and Growth Prospects The global market for equestrian equipment is set to experience a robust growth trajectory between 2023 and 2033, with predictions indicating it will rise from a value of over 2 billion dollars to reach the 3 billion dollar mark, specifically between 3 and 3.5 billion dollars by 2033. This signifies a notable surge from the rates experienced during the 2018-2022 period, as the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is projected to climb from 3% to around 4 to 4.2%. Driving this accelerated growth are several influential trends. The rising disposable incomes among individuals and their increased expenditure on recreational activities, particularly horse riding, is a major factor. Additionally, horse riding's growing popularity among women is further catalyzing market expansion. Equestrian sports events like championships and tournaments hosted across various countries, including notable ones in Japan, are enhancing the sport's visibility and appeal, consequently fostering a greater demand for related equipment. A geographic analysis reveals that the United Kingdom is at the forefront of the market for equestrian equipment, thanks to its pioneering role in the sport both as a recreational and competitive activity. The colonial influence has extended the appeal of horse riding into countries such as India, where the sport is deeply entrenched and continues to gain popularity among the youth, thus sparking a thriving equipment market. Over in North America, the large number of clubs and enthusiasts is significantly boosting the demand for equestrian gear, which in turn, is propelling the development of the market in that region. In conclusion, the future of the global equestrian equipment market is bright, with a forecast suggesting that the value could potentially reach between 3 and 3.5 billion dollars by 2033. This growth is underpinned by increasing personal wealth, recreational spending, growing popularity among the female demographic, and the visibility accorded by international sporting events. With the UK leading the charge and countries like India and regions like North America contributing significantly, the market is poised for an impressive upward trend in the coming decade..### I Cavalieri del Mercato Equestre: I Principali Attori del Settore In un mondo in cui l'equitazione cresce a passi da gigante, cavalcando l'onda di redditi più elevati e un interesse crescente per le attività ricreative, il mercato delle attrezzature equestri si sta espandendo considerevolmente. All'epicentro di questa crescita ci sono alcuni protagonisti chiave, pionieri nelle forniture per cavalieri ed equini, che guidano l'innovazione e alimentano le passioni degli appassionati di tutto il mondo. **Ariat International**: Conosciuto per la sua attenzione verso calzature e abbigliamento di alta qualità, Ariat ha conquistato il cuore di molti cavalieri grazie alla fusione di tecnologia e tradizione. La loro gamma di stivali, sia per il lavoro che per la competizione, insieme a una linea di abbigliamento pensata per massimizzare il comfort e la performance, li rende un punto di riferimento per gli amanti del settore. **Decathlon**: Questo colosso dello sport non ha bisogno di presentazioni. Con una filosofia incentrata sull'accessibilità, Decathlon ha reso l'equitazione più raggiungibile per tutti, attraverso una vasta offerta di attrezzature e abbigliamento a prezzi competitivi. Che si tratti di sellini, abbigliamento protettivo o accessori vari, il loro marchio Fouganza è diventato un alleato affidabile per cavalieri di livello introduttivo e intermedio. **Charles Owen & Co**: Protagonista indiscusso nella produzione di caschi di sicurezza per l'equitazione, Charles Owen incarna la dedizione verso la protezione e l'eleganza. La loro specializzazione nella sicurezza li ha resi un pilastro nel settore, con cavalieri di tutto il mondo che scelgono i loro caschi per combinare stile e sicurezza ineguagliabile. **Pikeur**: Rinomata per la sua moda equestre di alta gamma, Pikeur delizia i cavalieri con abbigliamento che spaz
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  • Last update : 10/06/2023
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