Turnover: 234.82 million EUR (2022)

Country: France

Delpeyrat is a French agri-food company specializing in the preparation of products based on duck meat (foie gras, magrets, ready-made meals, etc.), ham, smoked salmon and caviar.

Products sold by the company are mainly based on duck and pork meat (ham), although the company is diversifying its product range with smoked salmon in 2013 and Bordeaux wine for export in 2014.

The company has been a subsidiary of the Maïsadour Cooperative Group since 1998.


Foie gras: French competition authority to investigate major merger project 16/12/2022

  • Maïsadour (Delpeyrat brand) and Euralis (Rougié and Montfort) want to create a new duck cooperative
  • Both cooperatives have been severely affected by the four bird flu outbreaks, the last of which alone forced the slaughter of over 20 million birds
  • The number of foie gras palmipeds has fallen drastically Industrial facilities have too much capacity for the number of animals to be processed

Delpeyrat invests to modernize Saint-Pierre-du-Mont 15/11/2022

  • Automation of Delpeyrat's packaging facility in Saint-Pierre-du-Mont
  • Investment of 4.3 million euros in the automation program
  • Three production lines concerned: foie gras in jars or preserves and canned confits
  • Project objectives: productivity gains and improved working conditions.

Financial Data

DUNS: 645680026



Number of employees: Entre 1 000 et 1 999 salariés (2020)

Capital: 90 000 000 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 266 822 390 305 880 933 310 290 176 289 440 340 321 856 410 342 131 200 396 474 580
Gross margin (€) 104 750 510 117 947 705 130 515 580 129 806 727 127 786 679 120 217 604 132 817 694
EBITDA (€) -9 650 529 -9 620 162 84 343 10 601 802 2 668 301 -5 539 690 3 806 397
Operating profit (€) -22 923 878 -27 023 589 -10 427 137 2 041 427 -6 264 533 -16 931 459 -7 777 315
Net profit (€) -16 769 087 -33 964 153 -22 571 028 3 488 229 865 010 -14 615 510 -31 901 720
Turnover growth rate (%) -12,8 -1,4 7,2 -10,1 -5,9 -13,7 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) -3,6 -3,1 - 3,7 0,8 -1,6 1
Operating margin rate (%) -8,6 -8,8 -3,4 0,7 -1,9 -4,9 -2
Working Capital (turnover days) 48,3 53,7 65,5 41,6 18,4 53,9 62,9
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 60,6 73,5 69,4 57,4 40,1 66,8 72,9
Net margin (%) -6,3 -11,1 -7,3 1,2 0,3 -4,3 -8
Added value / Turnover (%) 11,7 13 16,6 20,3 17 13,9 15,2
Wages and social charges (€) 36 009 118 43 782 937 46 083 332 43 557 463 43 411 281 46 364 161 50 671 275
Salaries / Turnover (%) 13,5 14,3 14,9 15 13,5 13,6 12,8

Studies mentioning this company

The market for local products - Belgium

Other companies mentioned:

  • Bistrot de Terroir
  • Streekproducten
  • Delpeyrat
  • Boucherie Uyttersprot-Saeys
  • Savencia Fromage & Dairy groupe
  • De Ster
  • Brasserie Palm
  • Van Ouytsel
  • Ahold Delhaize
  • Au comptoir des Belges
The smoked salmon market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Labeyrie
  • Delpeyrat
  • Marine Harvest Kristen (Mowi group)
  • Moulin de la Marche
  • Saumextra
  • William & James
  • Delpierre (Labeyrie Groupe)
  • Thai Union groupe - Petit Navire
  • Mer Alliance Armoric (Groupe Thai Union)
  • Guyader Gastronomie
  • Auchan groupe
  • Monoprix
  • Pure Salmon
  • Cermaq (Mitsubishi Corp)
The market for local products - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Delpeyrat
  • Maïsadour
  • St Sever
  • LDC Groupe
  • Comtesse du Barry
  • Ducs de Gascogne (Qua Terra)
  • La Cloche à fromage
  • Inter Caves
  • Vins sur 20
  • Savencia Fromage & Dairy groupe
  • Compagnie du Bocage
  • Tripoux d'Auvergne - Uniplaneze
  • La Ferme de chez nous
The foie gras market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Valette Foie Gras
  • Feyel Artzner
  • Conserverie artisanale Larroque
  • Castel Foie gras
  • Arcady’s Restauration
  • Duperier et fils
  • Labeyrie
  • Jean Larnaudie Groupe
  • AFG Foie Gras
  • Pomona Groupe (Passion Froid)
  • Comtesse du Barry
  • Lou Castelou
  • Pierre Laguilhon
  • Euralis
  • Delpeyrat
  • Maïsadour
  • Maison Biraben
  • Pré aux Canards
  • Maison Dubernet (Groupe Bertrand)
  • Lafitte Foie Gras
  • Maison Montfort
  • Ernest Soulard
  • Maison Dandieu
  • Maison Sudreau
  • Maison Paris
  • Les Délices de Saint-Orens, Ferme de Jeansarthe
  • Grolière
  • Foie Gras Luxe - Foie Gras & Co
  • Foie Gras Gourmet
  • Euralis Gastronomie - Rougie Fois Gras
  • Cavac Coopérative groupe