Turnover: 3.09 billion EUR (2023)
Country: Italy
- Founded in the 50s, Ariston Thermo is an Italian appliance and heating equipment company.
- The group owns 11 brands and employs over 7,400 people
- 81% of its product range is dedicated to thermal comfort.
- The group invests nearly 80 million euros in R&D every year.
- It operates in 150 countries and has factories on 4 continents.
- It is seeking to position itself in the market for ecological, connected appliances and heat pumps
- The Dutch company ATAG Chauffage belongs to the Ariston group, as do the French Chaffoteaux and the German Centrotec Climate System (branded Wolf)
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Ariston Thermo
- BDR Thermea (De Dietrich, Remea, Baxi)
- Daikin (France)
- Systemair
- Lennox International
- Saint-Gobain Quartz
- Rexel
- Comafranc
- Richardson
- Hervé Thermique groupe
- Atlantic Groupe
- Vaillant Group (Saunier Duval)
- Carrier Global
- Airwell (Systemair Groupe)
- Systemair Groupe
- Viessmann (France)
- Airvance
- Mitsubishi Electric France
- Carrier Refrigeration France
- LG Electronics France
- Frisquet
- Idex
- Soler & Palau

Other companies mentioned:
- Vaillant Group (Saunier Duval)
- Atlantic Groupe
- Poujoulat
- Butagaz
- Intuis (Muller Groupe)
- Saunier Duval (Groupe Vaillant)
- Ariston Thermo
- Axenergie
- Eisox
- Yahtec
- Cedeo
- Chappée (BDR Therma)
- BDR Thermea (De Dietrich, Remea, Baxi)
- Chaffoteaux (Ariston)
- Wilo
- Fauché Groupe
- Noirot (Groupe Muller)
- Varela design

Other companies mentioned:
- Atlantic Groupe
- BDR Thermea (De Dietrich, Remea, Baxi)
- Daikin (France)
- Vaillant Group (Saunier Duval)
- Systemair
- Comafranc
- Richardson
- Hervé Thermique groupe
- Saint-Gobain Groupe
- Carrier Global
- Giordano Riello Group (Aermec)
- Chappée (BDR Therma)
- Intuis (Muller Groupe)
- Airton
- Beretta clima (Carrier)
- Bosch Thermotechnology
- BSB Europe (Broad group)
- Weishaupt
- Warmpac
- Warmpool
- Viessmann (France)
- Toshiba Climate
- Toshiba Corporation
- Thermocold (Ingersoll Rand)
- Nibe Energy System (Technibel)
- Stiebel Eltron
- Panasonic
- Saunier Duval (Groupe Vaillant)
- Samsung Electronics France
- BAXI Boilers
- Chaffoteaux (Ariston)
- Ariston Thermo
- CIAT (Carrier)
- Riello (Carrier)
- Erset
- Frisquet
- Heliopac
- Johnson Controls
- Kuthe
- LG Electronics France
- Mitsubishi Electric
- MTA Cooling Conditionning
- Nextherm
- Lennox International
- Airwell (Systemair Groupe)
- Alpha Innotec (Nibe Group)
- Bosch
- Systemair Groupe
- Rexel
- Arkteos (Actidis Groupe)
- Aldes Aerolique
- Idex
- Arkeon Energy Systems
- Xterma Energies