Turnover: 17.07 million EUR (2021)
Country: France
- Alma Learning Group recently acquired Forma-dis to become number 1 in e-learning, and has become the leader in private face-to-face and distance learning by bringing together several excellent establishments, including Cours Hattemer, Groupe Legendre, Cours Saint-Anne and Forma-Dis.
- The new group represents 450 training courses in 28 countries for 65,000 students, following e-learning courses
Financial Data
DUNS: 429309354
Number of employees: Entre 50 et 99 salariés (2021)
Capital: 2 267 084 EUR
Financial Data:
Year | 2021 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |
Turnover | 15 067 300 | 27 677 983 | 25 145 189 | - |
Gross margin (€) | 11 272 256 | 29 618 400 | 26 896 538 | - |
EBITDA (€) | 3 563 319 | 2 593 942 | 3 229 625 | - |
Operating profit (€) | 3 527 071 | 3 309 194 | 3 119 874 | - |
Net profit (€) | 2 789 060 | 1 921 345 | 1 891 189 | - |
Turnover growth rate (%) | -41,5 | 10,1 | - | - |
Ebitda margin rate (%) | 23,6 | 9,4 | 12,8 | - |
Operating margin rate (%) | 23,4 | 12 | 12,4 | - |
Working Capital (turnover days) | 24,6 | 1,6 | 25,1 | - |
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) | 68,7 | 35,3 | 50,4 | - |
Net margin (%) | 18,5 | 6,9 | 7,5 | - |
Added value / Turnover (%) | 54,2 | 32,9 | 39,6 | - |
Wages and social charges (€) | 4 768 507 | 5 530 119 | 5 755 511 | - |
Salaries / Turnover (%) | 31,6 | 20 | 22,9 | - |
Company Managers:
Position | First Name | Last Name | Age | |
Président | Jean-cyrille | Boutmy | 58 |
Studies mentioning this company

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- Fédération Universitaire de l’Enseignement à Distance (FIED)
- Demos
- Docendi
- Dale Carnegie
- Callimedia
- KOAN Partners
- Edu-Performance
- Netopen
- CSP (Lebfevre Sarrut Groupe)
- Cegos
- Krauthammer
- Comundi
- OpenClassrooms
- Digischool
- Edflex
- Opensesame
- Crossknowledge (Wiley Group)
- GO 1
- 360 Learning
- Sator
- Cours Legendre (Alma learning group)
- Alma Learning Group

Other companies mentioned:
- Cegos
- ID Formation
- Afortech
- Actesur
- Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie
- Chambres de Métiers et de l'Artisanat
- Lefebvre Dalloz Compétences
- Crossknowledge (Wiley Group)
- Eduservices Groupe
- Eureka Education
- Ecole Terrade (Eureka Education Groupe)
- Abskill (Samsic)
- Cours Legendre (Alma learning group)
- Alma Learning Group

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- La maison des enfants
- International School of Nantes
- Diagonale
- Ma Kindy
- Institution Saint-Dominique (Association)
- Galileo Global Éducation System
- Le Permis Libre
- Ornikar
- Ecole Saint Pie X
- Hattemer
- Hautefeuille
- Les Pinsons
- Mère Teresa
- Open Sky International
- Globeducate
- Cours Legendre (Alma learning group)
- Alma Learning Group

Other companies mentioned:
- Domia Group (Acadomia)
- Superprof
- Clevermate
- Anacours
- OpenClassrooms
- Complétude Groupe
- Pythagore Education
- Knowunity
- EvidenceB
- Sherpas
- Octonum
- Trouvtonprof
- Study Success
- Soft Kids
- AlphaAcadémie
- Holy Owly (Albert group)
- Stewdy
- MyMentor
- KeepSchool
- ClassGap
- Domicours
- Cours Legendre (Alma learning group)
- Alma Learning Group
- Profadom
- Cours Ado