Turnover: EUR ()

Country: France

The Port of Concarneau is privately managed, with SEMCAR (Société d'Exploitation de Moyens de Carénage) in charge of infrastructure operations. This means that SEMCAR operates the port as it sees fit, under the control of the local authority that owns the port (Région Bretagne and CCI Métropolitaine Bretagne Ouest) since 2018. Each year, SEMCAR pays the city a fee for operating the infrastructure.

SEMCAR carries out several tasks:

  • - vessel handling

  • - dry docking using a boat elevator

  • - grounding of ships

Studies mentioning this company

The ship repair market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Port de la Rochelle
  • Port de Concarneau
  • Normandie Refit
  • Atlantic Refit Center
  • Damen Shipyard
  • MB92
  • Navtis Groupe
  • Chantier naval de Marseille
  • Piriou
  • Chantier naval de Socoa
  • Vertica
  • Nautilia Groupe
The marina operation market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Port de la Rochelle
  • Port de Concarneau
  • Loire Atlantique Pêche et Plaisance
  • Compagnie des ports du Morbihan
  • Brest’aim
  • Cercle nautique et touristique du Lacydon
  • Port Adhoc
  • Marinov
  • CCI Var
  • Alizée Soft
  • Solutions Plaisance
  • InSilio
  • Association des Usagers des Ports de Pornic
  • Boat Club de France
  • Port de Lorient - Sellor
  • Izysea
  • Port Camargue
  • Sodeports
  • Port Cergy
  • Société Publique Exploitations Ports de la Manche